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    posted a message on Minecraft Challenges?
    Great idea, needs some sort of reward system.
    (Probably points towards unlock-able blocks, colored names, etc)

    Or maybe just a nice spot on the Hall of Win.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Crouching
    I like this idea, and have thought about it every time I play, however, I think it could open up some problems. (Escaping jails, glitching, greifing, animation)

    Hopefully they implement this the right way, im sure this will get into the game soon enough, but the question is when.

    (Sorry if I bumped an old topic, I didnt want to start another)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Skin Helper
    I was looking for something specific to this, thanks!
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Purchased Minecraft
    A few of my peers had posted on their clansite a game called "Minecraft".
    Just a link, nothing more.

    First thoughts:

    *Either an annoying puzzle game or some sort of World of Warcraft RPG.*
    I disreguarded the suggestion, and moved on.

    The next day, that little link was still in the chat box, I was bored, so I clicked it. Meh, might as well register while im at it. Loading a single player map..."hmm....wierd, but lets see what other people have made" Went on a multiplayer map "WOWZERS".

    I soon was drawn in like a moth attracted by a light-bulb.First few sessions were about 5 minutes, now I find myself playing hours at a time on the clan server.

    Then I considered purchasing it. "Well, its 10Euros...should be at least 11USD." I looked at the benefits: custom skins, cheaper to buy now then later, benefits in the long run...Well I found myself hooked, so I knew I may be here for a while. Got out Paypal, got ready for purchase....

    Five extra dollars, ouch. Well, better get this over with

    *Clicks 'Checkout'.

    Well, I got my little custom skin of solid snake, and I believe this will become a great game worth the 15 USD I spent.

    Here's to an investment I believe will be worth it.

    Hello Minecraft community.
    Posted in: Discussion
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