How long have you been on the server: Not yet as you have only just started.
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph): I want to be in this position because i have the experience to moderate both in-game and the website and with the experience i got, i will be pretty useful in this team. I am also really dedicated and i can promise you that i will help out at this server the best i can.
Experience (details): I was an Admin at my friends server and also a Mod at another server.
Contact info: Skype: MageCraft146
Dedicated time: 4-6 hours or more on weekends.
What you can bring: I can make this server a friendly, fair and a BIG community and since i will always be online, i will moderate the server very carefully looking out for rule breakers. By doing this new players can ensure that they will have a fun time in this server thus, they will invite their friends to join this server and then making this community bigger.
You can apply again, but if you apply again you need to add more detail.
Not until they directly say so, which will then lead me to believe that they are completely sexist jerks. I wrote that to clarify that I do not want gender to be an issue or to change one's thought of how well they can be as a staff member, but to actually read my application and see if I am fit for the job. I hope that did not give any sort of misunderstanding.
Hello yes we I mean me and Jess_C74 are wondering who got the Head-Moderator position because I applied first and was accepted but then Matriks guy went and said another guy got it later on so we are wondering who got it?
Well, I am trying to see if Dark_Swag will let their be two Head-Mods. But if there can't be then BroDoesMinecrat you get it. Sorry for the miss understanding. I said it in a reply but I guess you didn't get a chance to read it. Sorry
IGN: Skillkill950
Age: 16
How long have you been on the server: i havent really, i just found this on the minecraft forum.
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph): I really like building, ever since a friend of mine introduced me to it i really just kind of got addicted. i used to be a designer (designer being builder) on a different server, but the server closed down sadly. so after about a year i just started trailing the internet for servers that hired builders and this seemed like a good i really like building medieva too and i just tought that i could build for someone and it would not go to waste that i could actually help someone.
Experience (details): as stated previously i was a designer on another server
Contact info: Skype: asassincab, Email: [email protected]
Dedicated time: i work every other sunday from 4-9 and i go to school every weekday until about three after that i'm free as long as i'm not otherwise busy. oh and i'm on the GMT +2 central europen time
What you can bring:i can bring buildings like town and spawn to your server and also i can bring little things like help to new players on your server like for example the tip that you should let the roof overhang on your building so that it looks a lot prettier.
Proof of work: http://imgur.com/a/VcaF3#0
thanks for taking the time, i did post one earlier but i think it got deleted... if not ignore this one
Im sorry for ranting, but this thread has really been bugging me. The whole point of posting in forum section is to look for new staff members and to accept / deny them. Instead of doing so, it seems that you have been using this thread for team communication lately. Please use skype or another method other than spamming this thread.
we have been trying to get the owner on skype but he wont respong :'(
So how's the sever
I just chose something to Quot. I am on vacation so sorry for no. Responding all. My skype is. MATRIKS_GUY
good luck with the server dark_swag
I just chose something to Quot. I am on vacation so sorry for no. Responding all. My skype is. MATRIKS_GUY
good luck with the server dark_swag
You can apply again, but if you apply again you need to add more detail.
You can count on me not being a "sexist jerk"
Hes fixing the server right now
Well, I am trying to see if Dark_Swag will let their be two Head-Mods. But if there can't be then BroDoesMinecrat you get it. Sorry for the miss understanding. I said it in a reply but I guess you didn't get a chance to read it. Sorry
Nice builds
we have been trying to get the owner on skype but he wont respong :'(