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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from BloodyRain2k

    Wat? Are we talking about the same game?... I never had a boat at my spawn. Is that a part of somnia I never heard about yet?

    I'm talking about Mystcraft. What are you talking about? :)

    The boat is in the main dimension. It's not a Minecraft boat but a large wooden structure shaped like a sailboat in the water.

    If I'd have disabled Somnia I wouldn't wonder, right?
    Also as I said, it works fine on all other worlds I have, it just doesn't work in Mystcraft Ages.

    Though I guess I should mention I'm not installing mods like most do: I install ALL mods with MC Patcher into the jar, simple reason is that if I should start switching between versions of MC is that MCP keeps all mods of the version together and I don't have to mess with the /Mods folder.

    I don't know if that could be the reason that Somnia seems to be weird, though I never noticed anything being wrong, aside the mentioned sudden vanilla behavior inside of Mystcraft Ages.

    Also to clarify it, ALL beds I lay down in Ages behave the vanilla way ("You can only sleep at night") but ALL beds in the overworld (main dimension) are Somnia beds, the ones in the nether explode like they should, so do the ones in the End, I guess, haven't tested that yet.

    So it's not that using a bed in an Age breaks Somnia, it's that Somnia doesn't even kick in inside of an Age, but outside it works fine.

    Thanks for clarifying. I was only testing in the main dimension. I wasn't sure what you meant by Ages, but now I understand. I'll do some more testing.

    Edit: Okay, I just took a bed into the Mechanical Age, and it worked there too. I don't know what to tell you. Can you provide more detail?
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from BloodyRain2k

    Yep I'm using forge, and what docks are you talking about?
    Do you mean the things that hold the books?

    I mean the wooden structure next to the boat where you spawn at the very beginning.

    Anyways I just took the bed item from NEI and placed it, actually two, I placed one in the overworld next to the books and this one worked fine and another inside of the age (mystcraft world) and this one told me "You can only sleep at night".

    It sounds like you disabled Somnia or installed it incorrectly. Does Somnia work in other maps?
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from tarun1998

    Hey i'm co-creator of the Thirst Mod and would like to know if the onTickInGame still runs when the player is sleeping with this mod. Somewhere on the last page and on our mod page someone asked to make this compatible with our mod. I know our mod adds exhaustion when the player is doing nothing but it is really low. If onTickInGame works then there should be no problem with our mod running alongside your mod. Thanks

    Yes. Somnia calls ModLoader.onTick(float, Minecraft) during each tick of the simulation, which calls onTickInGame(float, Minecraft) for every registered mod. That's why it's so confusing to me that it's not working.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from BloodyRain2k

    I think at one point it was even possible to lose hunger by standing still for some days, if it wasn't below a certain point.

    Anyways, do you really think I'd bug you about MystCraft dimensions, worlds, whatthehellevertheyarecodingwise if it'd work?

    It's not that somnia breaks anything, beds are in MystCraft ages just normal beds, that's all. Maybe they are a hybrid of a dimension and a world or what do I know.

    Point is they refuse to run the somnia part and I suspect the dimension based check to be the reason for that, see below about that.

    I hate this feeling of being completely misunderstood...

    To me it feels like atm the code for beds is
    if (dimension != overworld) {boom()} else {sleep()}
    and I'm talking about replacing dimension with a biome check that would be
    if (biome == nether || biome == end) {boom()} else {sleep()}
    . Maybe also
    if (!hasSky && (biome == nether || biome == end)) {boom()} else {sleep()}
    as I was told nether and end don't have hasSky whereas ages do, even in caveworlds.

    If I'm talking codewise crap cause it's not doable that way then say it, but clear enough that I get that I'm far off from how it works instead of making me feel like I'm writing mirrored kanji ._.

    I'd still like a setting to disable the boom btw.

    PS: sorry if I sound aggressive now, feeling misunderstood multiple times just ticks me off a lot.

    Sorry you're frustrated. Let's see if we can figure this out.

    First, I want to clarify the logic that controls when Somnia presents its UI, when beds explode, and when the normal behavior comes up.

    if (!canRespawn()) { //this is a World setting
    } else {
        if (somniaIsHappy()) { //more on this below
        } else {

    For Somnia to be happy, it requires the following conditions to be true:
    • The Somnia mod is loaded into ModLoader.
    • It is a single player game.
    • The world type is for the "Normal" dimension (i.e. world type is 0 -- not sure if a map can change this).
    • The player is alive.
    • The player is not asleep.
    I just downloaded MystCraft, so I'm going to try to figure this out with you. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

    Disabling the boom will come one day. It's on my to-do list.

    Edit: Quick question. Are you using Minecraft Forge or not?

    Edit 2: Okay, I just tried it both with and without Minecraft Forge, and the bed near the dock worked in both cases. Can you explain more about what happened? Which bed did you use? It sounds like there is a Nether Portal in a stone tower near the dock. Even if it doesn't look like the Nether when you go through, that would be a separate world that may have beds exploding instead of allowing you to sleep.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from Keybounce

    I'm going to call "Cite code" on you. As far as I know, vanilla -- since 1.1 -- has had *zero* chance of a monster spawning if you go to sleep, offset by "You can't sleep if a monster is nearby".

    Equally, taking hunger for standing still -- as far as I know, that is zero in vanilla, current system.

    If you know this to be different, please tell me where to look at the MCP decompile to see where.

    Sorry, you're right. Monster spawning while sleeping was removed in the first non-beta release, 1.0.0. The condition is still present, but the actual spawning call is gone (probably commented out in their original code).

    You're also right about standing still. I recalled that you lost food very slowly, but that is not the case.

    That should not be an easter egg -- that should be clearly stated. That's one of the reasons I don't use Somnia under normal circumstances -- I am normally NOT hurt, and do not sleep to heal. I disable that heal/hunger tradeoff in the config file for normal and hard.

    It's an easter egg in the same sense that saturation is an easter egg. Nowhere does the game UI make it clear, but it's something people discovered through experimentation and looking through the decompiled code. It's really not that big of a change. It adjusts the rates down by 1/3.

    So what settings do you use? Barring a complete redesign of the entire damage system, which I'm not going to do, what settings do you suggest?

    Right -- you are getting into the whole thing that Somnia is a major change to the healing / damaging system, and starting to do a rebalance of the whole thing.

    Far from saying "That is feature creep, and belongs in a different mod", you've started doing that in Somnia already.

    Yes, some people prefer it. Some people don't. That's why it's configurable. I'm not going to rob others of a feature they like (and has been in Somnia since before Notch added hunger) just because one person doesn't like how it's implemented. You're trying to point out some kind of gross inconsistency that I've already admitted to. If you don't like it, you can disable it or reconfigure it, as you've already done. It's a non-issue. Let's move on.

    I apologize if I've come off as terse. I'm just really not interested in arguing about it when you've already tailored your own experience as was intended by my design.
    Quote from BloodyRain2k

    This is what I was actually meaning, should have mentioned it...
    MystCraft ages are mostly like normal worlds (they even have independent NEI settings...), where as nether and end are single special biome dimensions. (Hell can happen in MystCraft too but it's not even closely hellish)

    So the idea was to restrict bed usage by biome (and maybe hasSky) rather than limit it to only the main dimension as I think it's done atm.
    Because there won't be a plains or jungle biome in the nether nor the end, right?

    That's what I meant, though I only know from that hasSky thing from wiz.

    Oh, MystCraft is just a map. In that case, Somnia will probably work. Have you tried it? You can back up the map.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from BloodyRain2k

    Would making it biome based (maybe in combination with hasSky) be a cheap fix for now?
    Or maybe just an option to enable beds everywhere (or both)? I don't like how I can't speed up time in the nether : /

    Cause somnia is nice for long taking experiments, for example my nether draining experiment: (ok the setup was horrible but whatever) it took me around one week of nearly constant MC running to get it done, with somnia it would have been maybe half a day. (though the better setup I thought of after being nearly done would have been the same speed without somnia XD)

    No, that wouldn't work. Biomes and Worlds (a.k.a. dimensions) are completely different.
    Quote from Inofficially

    Well in the latest snapshot, using the command /publish makes the singleplayer world a LAN server. Maybe modify Somnia to be enabled only when it's not published and disabled when it is

    What I mean is I'll have to see how they do it in the code. The UI for it isn't enough information. I probably will have to disable it for published maps until I get a multiplayer version working.
    Quote from Pokeblink

    Could you colaborate with the man who makes the thirst mod so thirst goes down when you sleep as well using somnia if posible?

    It looks like it should work. What part isn't working?
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from kerak007

    i found a problem with mystcraft demesions because the mod disables itself

    Somnia currently only works in the normal world. It doesn't work in other dimensions, including Nether, The End, and any new dimensions added by other mods. I plan to fix this one day, but it's rather complicated.
    Quote from Keybounce

    I don't think you understood.

    I agree that the current "full=heal" system isn't realistic.
    I like the idea of "sleep anytime to heal", and I think it is both more realistic, and a better game design.

    * But the game is currently balanced around "full=heal, staying full is hard" system. *.

    Monsters do large amounts of damage based on the assumption that you will heal. Most people, in most situations, have no trouble getting out of combat long enough to heal; the saturation and "full" mechanic makes it hard to consume food (you heal and cannot eat at food level 20; at food level 17 you are no longer healing but just about anything you eat will fill you up and prevent more food; if you eat cheap food you will burn through your saturation quickly in combat and be hurting again, and the two "filling" foods -- pork and steak -- are relatively expensive to make compared to other foods.)

    Remember, vanilla minecraft doesn't let you sleep in the day, and you don't even always have what it takes to make a bed.


    What is needed is not just an *addition* to the healing system, but a full *replacement* for the healing system, and a corresponding rebalancing.

    Have mobs do less damage (not the pigmen who have swords, nor the skeletons who have arrows, but most zombies that give you a weak punch, or spiders that just give you a bite), so you can last longer in combat; start a bed in every bonus chest; permit daylight sleeping to recover; etc.

    That's not somnia; that's feature creep. (Creature feep?). But it implies that a new mod to change the healing/hurting behavior would need to be able to know about and interact with Somnia.

    Which would mean (this is creep :-) an API for two mods to interact, and the "sleep = heal+hunger" moves out of somnia into something else.


    As I understand it, right now when tick() happens, if you've got food, you heal. So if I just sit around and do nothing, I heal, but do not get hungry. Unless I'm hungry.

    Somnia means that I can heal even if I'm less than full. It also means that I will get hungry even if I'm not hurt.

    Now, it's easy enough to disable that, and I adjust my config so that somnia's healing only happens on easy.

    But ... for the future, consider the two-mod system I mentioned above. On tick(), if you are sleeping, heal; that's a simple thing to put into the combat/healing rebalancing mod, and it wouldn't even require any sort of somnia API. But ... well, that test will never be true under normal vanilla -- so such a mod would become somnia only.

    So consider a goal of saying "Here's a rebalancing mod; you no longer heal from being full, but can sleep anytime of day; most monsters do less damage, unless they have a sword or arrow; we know when you are sleeping, we know when you're awake, we know if you get healed or not, so sleep well if you want to play". Now (you know this part far better than I do) figure out how such a mod could work with both vanilla (sleep = instant) and somnia (sleep = many calls to tick()).

    Then give people the choice:
    1. Normal combat behavior, but the world progesses while I sleep to pass time quickly,
    2. Altered combat behavior, and the world progresses while I sleep to heal.

    That is definitely feature creep. I'm not planning to take on any new mods, but if someone makes that mod, I'll make Somnia work with it.

    Actually, you do get hungry for standing still, albeit very slowly. In Somnia, if you're already at full health, the hunger rate while sleeping is reduced. It's one of those easter eggs that I tried to use to bridge the gap between Somnia's healing/hunger system and the vanilla one.

    The ability to heal by sleeping is sort of necessary to offset the fact that you can be damaged while sleeping. In vanilla, there's a random chance a monster will spawn nearby and that wakes you up without damaging you. In Somnia, monsters spawn normally, and what wakes you up is the monster actually hitting you (or exploding if it's a Creeper). At that point, you've already taken damage (or died), so I feel like the benefit of healing is necessary to compensate for the risk you take every time you sleep. I'm fine if that runs counter to Minecraft's vanilla healing because I feel it's a better mechanic.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from Keybounce

    I will say this: I'm looking forward to you working in multiplayer after 1.3.

    PLEASE, have some kind of hook/API for other people to say "Wake up!". Imagine, for example, the ground underneath your bed falling in a cave in, and that triggering a "wake up" notice.

    EDIT: Oh yea -- The whole "Trade hunger for heart healing" mechanic is ... not how minecraft normally works. It's something that I'd normally want to disable, but going into multiplayer, I can see it being on/off for different players individually, just like gamemode is per-player in SMP (instead of per-world in singleplayer).

    No clue if you can implement that or not.

    If/when I get it working in multiplayer, everyone will have to sleep at the same time, as it is for vanilla sleep. If any one person wakes up, everyone wakes up. This is because time is stored server-side and thus is the same for everyone. That being said, if your bed is destroyed or something moves you while you're sleeping, you wake up automatically. That's already implemented.

    I realize the whole "trade hunger for heart healing" is not how Minecraft works normally. The healing aspect has been in Somnia since very early on, before Minecraft even had a hunger bar. I personally don't like the vanilla behavior where being full of food causes you to regenerate life. It's not very realistic. However, getting rest when you're injured and becoming hungry while you sleep are both pretty realistic. I think most people agree, but fortunately, there are options to configure those rates or disable them entirely.

    I'm not sure how I'll handle those settings in a multiplayer environment. Certainly they'll be server-side settings. I like your idea of applying different settings to different groups of players, so I'll see if that's possible when the time comes.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from shilohturtle

    I know you have probably been asked this before, but what will you do after the next update when single player worlds will become multiplayer?

    I'll have to wait and see how they did it and see how the ModLoader and Forge developers choose to handle it.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from omfgatch

    Hey you should try making different versions off somnia, such as one that only allows crops and smelting to simulate,or just options in the config to choose what to simulate. I am not wasting minutes of my time for mobs to spawn on peaceful difficulty. I like the suggestion of just being able to toggle the mod ingame. I got this mod for the crops, not for the other stuffs. Great idea though, its very good.

    Glad you're enjoying the mod.

    Adding options for what to simulate would wreak havoc on compatibility. One of the things that makes this work is that I can just call Minecraft's "tick" code that simulates a tick of the whole world. If you're playing on Peaceful difficulty, it already skips the monster spawning because Minecraft's "tick" code does, so there would be no performance gains there.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from drdoom30

    Is there a way to turn off this mod?

    Yeah, you can disable it in .minecraft/config/ModLoader.cfg by setting mod_Somnia=off
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from I am yor sister!

    this mod really should be more popualer i dont see why its not is there currently something wrong with it?

    It doesn't work in multiplayer.
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from Sourful

    Gotta say that this is an amazing mod. Makes beds the exact way they should be.
    Made this little for the mod.

    This is great! Mind if I include it in the Videos section?
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from RaustBlackDragon

    Quote from AKJgames

    is there a version out for minecraft 1.1.0... for tekkit -_-

    1: Please do not quote the entire OP like that, especially when no part of the OP is directly being referred to
    2: Tekkit is a Modpack, nothing extra is necessary to get it to work specifically with a modpack.
    3: That said, Tekkit is multiplayer, somnia is not, so most likely the answer is no.

    Quite right.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Somnia [SSP|ML] (1.4.x WIP)
    Quote from ChrizC
    Info: Minecraft 1.2.5 Somnia's latest version. Other mods: Millenaire, ModLoader, Zombe's modpack (safe and fly enabled), Single Player Commands, OptiFine MT B2, InvTweaks, Rei's Minimap, Macros. Happens about 25% way through sleep.

    Can you narrow down the mod list a bit? Chances are it's one specific mod, maybe OptiFine or Millenaire. Can you try removing one at a time (except ModLoader) until it works?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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