See changelog.txt in respective jar for up to date informations
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This modification makes 'shining' items (default: Torch, Glowstone, Glowdust, Lit Pumpkin, Redstone, Lava Bucket, powered Minecart) illuminate everything around them if
1) the player has them equipped (in hand/armor)
2) they are dropped on the ground
You may add any Item ID you wish as shiny item, via the settings file. Also supports armor items!
There is no limit to the number of lights you can create, note however they are fairly FPS-costly. You can disable modules to obtain better FPS!
Put downloaded file into mods folder
Config Syntax help:
[DynamicLights_thePlayer, DynamicLights_dropItems and DynamicLights_otherPlayers configs]
* Possible setups:
* X := simple ID X, wildcards metadata
* X-Y := simple ID X and metadata Y
* X-Y-Z := simple ID X, metadata range Y to Z
There is a default value used as "setting", you can specify one by appending "=x" to the ID part
Valid Entry examples:
Torch minecraft id is "torch", will use the default light value (15)
Torch minecraft id is "wool"
Wool, magenta subtype (meta 2), will use a light value of 12
Wool BlockID, accepts metadata range [2..5]
Item ID range [314..317] covering golden armor, wildcarded meta/damage which means any value goes
Also unnecessarily specifying the default light value of 15, you could leave =15 out aswell
There no longer is numeric Block or Item id's. Use the string identifiers, google "Minecraft Data" to get a listing.
Values that cannot be mapped to anything will be logged and ignored
current versions available at curse:
Old Downloads:
To other modders: See sourcecode. Adding your own Dynamic Lights is "easy".
I logged in and began flying around. The owner (Ray) started following me, so after a bit of trolling him he put me in "jail". As I was escaping he decided to release me, and said "get lost". And so get lost I did! I proceeded to turn on flight and nuker, and bulldoze my way through a district of diamond houses before my alias was banned.
Good luck Ray, you will need it.
On July 6th an executive order from Obama was signed allowing the government to control all private communications within America, including the internet.
"A country that gives up a little liberty to gain a little bit of security, deserves neither, and will lose both."
The egg with the first chicken inside hatched, and because of the mutation, the bird has another protein that makes it survive better than its parents. This chicken mates, making more chickens. Over time the new chickens out-compete the predecessor species and it goes extinct.
Its an easy question if thought about scientifically. The first chicken had a mutation at fertilization, and it grew inside of its egg, and then hatched.
Predecessor < Gamete Mutation < Fertilization < Egg of new species < Chicken
It was estimated that 10 million Allied soldiers would die. Nearly 60 million Japanese civilians would have been killed, trying to fight Allied forces.
Compare 500 thousand civilian casualties from the nuclear bombs and the aftermath, to 70 million people who are mostly civilians that would die in an invasion.
It is relevant this time.