IGN: Lugia3
Age: 17
Preferred Playstyle: "Cloak and Dagger". In SMP I have always liked to build structures which are nearly undetectable. Good luck finding me before I find you.
Favorite Aspect of SMP: Stealth
Least Favorite Aspect of SMP: Full Diamond armor/tool set brawls.
Depends on what you're asking, as in humanity or all life will be destroyed, or the entire globe. For the entire globe is probably when the Sun cools down enough and expands bring in us in.
You serious? The sun would just get less dense, and it's mass and gravitational tug would remain the same. Also, in 5 billion years Sol will expand into a red giant, consuming Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth.
Remember, that air has to come from somewhere. By taking air from Earth, compressing it, and shipping it to Mars to be released to pressurize it to earthlike atmospheric presures would thin the atmosphere on earth by a sizable amount.
I believe I can fly... I believe I can touch the sky...
Your avatar...
If the wings were not overly-large for flight, I would probably seek ways to augment for actual flight. Then again, it would probably be more efficient and cost effective to remove them and put in mechanical systems.
Look up the number of people killed by snow, ice, and cold every year, then look at the number killed by hurricanes.
You're crazy.
One inch of snow on the ground in New York = People continue on as normal.
One inch of snow on the ground in Florida = People panic and have an accident every 20 feet.
Age: 17
Preferred Playstyle: "Cloak and Dagger". In SMP I have always liked to build structures which are nearly undetectable. Good luck finding me before I find you.
Favorite Aspect of SMP: Stealth
Least Favorite Aspect of SMP: Full Diamond armor/tool set brawls.
A: Lugia3
A: 16
Q:Will you be donating sometime in the future to the server?
A: Maybe.
Q: What Timezone are you in? Example: EST
A: Eastern Standard Time.
Q: Typical Online Time? Example 1-3 hours daily
A: 1-8 hours a day, depends.
Q: What are your goals to do on the server? Example Best Pvper on server.
A: Dig in and entrench a fortified position, far from anything.
Q: Where'd you hear about us?
A: Minecraft forums.
That is not "touch". Humans have 6 "senses" actually, the 6th is regarded as sensing pain, and the location of attached bodyparts without looking.
I would choose sight.
You serious? The sun would just get less dense, and it's mass and gravitational tug would remain the same. Also, in 5 billion years Sol will expand into a red giant, consuming Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth.
2. "Google is friend" for searching image hosting sites. My personal favorite is the multipurpose tool called "Puush".
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If the wings were not overly-large for flight, I would probably seek ways to augment for actual flight. Then again, it would probably be more efficient and cost effective to remove them and put in mechanical systems.
I don't like pizza.
Age: 15
Skype: I don't have a Skype account.
Mic (y/n): y
How long have you played MC: I bought Minecraft at early beta 1.2.4.
A very cinematic video of stuff being blown up in EVE online, originally planned to be a promotional video.
One inch of snow on the ground in New York = People continue on as normal.
One inch of snow on the ground in Florida = People panic and have an accident every 20 feet.