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    posted a message on Game Playable, but not seeable.
    nothing is running except; Skype, Weather Channel Desktop, Windows live, and normally Windows Chrome.
    I also tried updating Java. Didn't work. (I might just try to restall it.);
    and its not the browser, it worked BEFORE the connection was updated.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    MinecraftLive is put on hold until I can get minecraft to work again.
    (read my support post)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Game Playable, but not seeable.
    Can some one help me figure out why when I load minecraft, The screen turns black. But; When I click the arrow keys, I move; When I click ESC, it frees my mouse and I can move again, but when I locate and click the RESUME game button, I still can't see what im doing.

    (I recently upgraded to a slower connection (Stabler).
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Release date is nearing Spring 2011.
    School for me is approching real soon, and I'm not sure if I will bealbe to fix it; expessily whats going on
    right now in my life.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Quote from Wharp »
    It should be named Minechat. This is a good idea, but the way i see it, you should only be able to hear people who are near you in-game, and the closer you are to them, the louder they are, that makes it more lifelike.

    I'm not sure that is possible.
    I will try it some time after beta is released.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Interesting feedback.
    Sorry for being AFK; Our internet was down.
    I have gotten voice commands from Soild/ OP/ and DEOP done.
    Voice STILL won't chat with other users.
    and It has a 15 second lag; with 20second playback.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Quote from featherblade »
    Wow. Just wow.

    I've tried ventrillo before, and it seemed like a whole load of menus to me. You need a port! you need a host! you need someone to talk to! error 404: logical input mechanism not found.

    This seems way simpler, and allows for any player to talk to any other player within each server, so you don't talk to someone on a completely different server.

    Question: Does only the host need this for everyone to talk?

    If the normal player doesn't need it, then you already have great advertising opportunities as non-forum player will hear about it (literally). And it seems you already have a prototype!...

    Do you have a prototype release date planned? :3

    Yes! The host is the only one who needs it.
    Release date? Sometime late this year!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    MClive is the most pop name so far!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Quote from Felthat »
    Everything with MC in it sound sounds like a bad rapper or a McDonalds menu item.
    And "pandora" has absolutely nothing to do with either minecraft or voicechat... Why you chose that name is beyond me.
    Go with Project Signal. It's snappy and relevant.

    I've used ventrilo. It's actually very easy to use and quite small. :/

    That said though, good luck with your project. It's good to have a dedicated program for Minecraft. And as Rotten said, command words would be a very good idea. Check out EndWar, a strategy game that uses voice commands - maybe it'll give you some inspiration.

    As long as you say "forward slash" command . It will not spread to the other users, but bring also a message saying the command is activated.
    IF you do not use forward slash "command", it will say that command to other users, regardless!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    It will only mute the voice chat.

    EDIT: I am in favor of "MCPandora".
    What is your vote :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)
    Quote from SteGriff »
    I want a nice clean topic, people.
    If you think the project is fake, stay out of it. If you think the project is crap, stay out of it.
    Haters will be warned/banned temporarily.

    Thank you very much. This is all I ever wanted!
    :biggrin.gif: You are now my favorite moderator.
    Animator will always be my favorite staff member though. :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Signal (What to name it?)

    How was the project founded?
    I once thought to my self, "How cool would it be to voice chat while you play Minecraft? Something that you wouldn't need to download this massive and confusing chat like Ventrillo, and X chat. It would be server integrated with this new server software you can download, like Myne or MC Sharp. With one other Command Prompt running, you can really see whats beyond the player's skin. Their own voice. So I created Project Pandora, January 23rd of 2010. I worked on it privately with a lot of frustrating moment. On May 5th; To many things were going wrong, and I decided to start all over, just with some new friends on my team. Working an Hour a day; we get about one new thing done. Releasing some prototypes when we can make them, you will be able to follow us as we complete Project Pandora. That is until we were attacked by some haters. They have been calling me a liar, and just won't leave my project alone. The thread was locked. But I refuse to go in defeat! I have made a new threat and renamed it Project Signal... The official name of this file we are making? We have no name yet.

    Inside Project Signal:
    You will be able to run a voice chat while your server runner and the voice chat command prompt is running. It will work for any server. I am not sure if voice chat will work for all Operating Systems. I do however, know it will work on any Windows system with Command Prompt. So far; the only way to open up the voice chat is to open up your command prompt and type in where the object is located, open it inside the command prompt and to type run_voicechat
    The voice activated commands at default are set to off.
    When you download the file, edit the notepad for the voice chat, and set "Change Voice Commands" to true.
    Then head into notepad and type Change_Voice_Commands_on ...

    Everyone will need one thing. Owners 2.
    Owners will only need a command prompt open for the voice chat along as everyone will need a microphone! Thats it! No Ventrillo, No X Chat, and No Team Speak! Just a microphone.

    Customization To Your Chat:
    You may mute other members,
    ban members from this service,
    and turn off the chat if you wanted.

    Questions and Answers
    1. Will you be able to mute the voice chat, but not the regular text chat? You can have the voice chat disabled and it will not effect the text chat. Same goes for banning users, you can ban users from the voice chat, but it will not effect the text chat!

    2. I want my comment to be in the Supportive Comments section!!!!111!!!1! You had a supportive comment? I must have missed it. Any supportive comments by default are added. If you would rather your supportive comment not be placed in the supportive comments, just tell me. The supportive comments help me
    when I make the system. If I am having a rough time with making the software, I can look back to cool my anger.

    3. When will the prototype release? Some time late this year. The full version will come out sometime late Spring '11.

    4. Will the host be the only one to need the extra command prompt to speak? Yes! The users of the server "Hopefully" at the end, will not need a command prompt.

    Prototype Pictures:
    Spam Filter Improvement

    And Commands Recog and error of no recog.

    Supportive Comments

    Quote from SteGriff »
    I want a nice clean topic, people.
    If you think the project is fake, stay out of it. If you think the project is crap, stay out of it.
    Haters will be warned/banned temporarily.

    Quote from coolpilot »
    I like this idea. I look forward to hearing more about it when more of it is done.

    Quote from featherblade »
    Wow. Just wow.

    I've tried ventrillo before, and it seemed like a whole load of menus to me. You need a port! you need a host! you need someone to talk to! error 404: logical input mechanism not found.

    This seems way simpler, and allows for any player to talk to any other player within each server, so you don't talk to someone on a completely different server.

    Question: Does only the host need this for everyone to talk?

    If the normal player doesn't need it, then you already have great advertising opportunities as non-forum player will hear about it (literally). And it seems you already have a prototype!...

    Do you have a prototype release date planned? :3
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Pandora (Hate idea? DONT POST. :l)
    Quote from DragoonEnRegalia »
    Ahem...Gentlemen, I haven't had my fill of moderation in quite a while...

    This thread is about to be closed due to douchebaggery, and if you guys don't argue in a civilized manner, then I'll whip out mah locks with short notice. I am ambivalent to this kind of project myself, and I don't want to have the crap in this thread leak out into other forums. Cut the crap.

    Why don't you delete the posts. People keep posting that this isn't real.
    Instead of locking the whole project?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Pandora (Hate idea? DONT POST. :l)
    THAT. IS. MY. 5th. TIME. SAYING. IT.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Project Pandora (Hate idea? DONT POST. :l)
    Quote from thechris »
    humm, its hard to pick a side on this one, because Lucas is making something with no proof, and doesn't want to show proof, so its impossible to proof either case here.
    right now I'm siding with Lucas because it seems like Zuriki is flaming him really bad, but i might be wrong. like i said before, there is no proof either way

    whoops lol, meant to post this sooner, but hit preview instead of submit XD

    Okay. Thank you.
    Posted in: Discussion
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