IGN: LostDemonEyes88
Age: 17
Time-Zone: Eastern
How long have you played MC: 4-5 years
Anything you would like to say about yourself: Im in high school atm and i have online classes to but I do get on and I'm not inactive, sometimes i like to speak other times I'm multi-tasking. :3
I would love to be a helper because I like helping the staff and just people in general and Im currently a helper in a other realm but thats on hold because the guys away for a while.
I am in school but I will always try to play as much as I can because its fun XD
Have you ever been banned before? If so, why? (Don't lie, we can find out easily!): not that I know of because they generally just shut the realms down and give me a heads up.
Do you agree with the rules? If not, why?: I agree
Do you have any friends who may be interested in joining?: nope
How much can you play per day? (On Average): if i have homework maybe 2-3 hours but generally whenever I can
If you could describe your personality as a World Leader who would you compare yourself to and why? : Justin Trudeau, cause I'm Canadian and have nice hair XD.
What are your plans for the Realm? What will you contribute? : I like to help out whoever I can and maybe learn new things along the way. Also i just love to build in general
IGN: LostDemonEyes88
Age: 17
Time-Zone: Eastern
How long have you played MC: 4-5 years
Anything you would like to say about yourself: Im in high school atm and i have online classes to but I do get on and I'm not inactive, sometimes i like to speak other times I'm multi-tasking. :3
I love building and having fun :3
ING: lostdemoneyes88
Age: 17
I would love to be a helper because I like helping the staff and just people in general and Im currently a helper in a other realm but thats on hold because the guys away for a while.
I am in school but I will always try to play as much as I can because its fun XD
I'd love to help out and I'm a team player
ING LostDemonEyes88
got Skype too
IGN: LostDemonEyes88
Ontario as well,
Love to build and create things :3
IGN: LostDemonEyes88
I'm very creative and I would love to help and play with others :3
IGN: LostDemonEyes88
I'm very mature and I would love to play on a server with others and I'm very friendly and creative
Age: 15
Avg MC hrs per week: 6-12
I would love to help build a city and help others out
like a creative one if you want im in this one
if you dont min its me and my cousin and my brother but were really nice people
1: No griefing
2: 500 blocks
3: No, you have to be nice
4:No hacking allowed
about me
1: LostDemonEyes88
2: About everyday unless I need to be somewhere
3: Builder, Interior worker and farmer
4: A food shop, painting shop, carpet shop
5: Houses (Big ans small), Farm, harbor, Bridges, walk ways
6: 15
7: Snow or sand because I love winter but I also love the beach