- LordOfEpicness
- Registered Member
Member for 12 years, 3 months, and 7 days
Last active Sun, Feb, 3 2019 19:51:19
- 183 Total Posts
- 3 Thanks
epicSplashBattle posted a message on Pixelmon 8.1.2 (12th Nov 2020)Posted in: Minecraft Mods
PixelmonThe Pokemon mod for Minecraft!
To find out more about this mod you can check out the Pixelmon website!
Submit bugs here on out issue tracker - Click me!
Pokemon is the intellectual property of GameFreak and is trademarked by Nintendo GameFreak and Creatures Inc. -
PyloDEV posted a message on MCreator Minecraft Mod Maker, Add-On Maker, and Data Pack MakerPosted in: Minecraft ToolsMCreator is open source software used to make Minecraft Java Edition mods, Minecraft Bedrock Edition Add-Ons, and data packs using an intuitive easy-to-learn interface or with an integrated code editor. It is used worldwide by Minecraft players, aspiring mod developers, for education, online classes, and STEM workshops.
Official website: https://mcreator.net
NOTE: MCreator is a very active project and has a lot of support but on its website: mcreator.net. This forum thread is not actively maintained anymore.
NOTE: MCreator is a very active project and has a lot of support but on its website: mcreator.net. This forum thread is not actively maintained anymore.
MrCompost posted a message on The Betweenlands ~ A dark, hostile environment...Posted in: Minecraft Mods
The Betweenlands is a mod developed by the Angry Pixel modding group. This large and expansive mod adds a whole new dimension with a plethora of exciting new content that offers an exciting and challenging survival experience.
The Betweenlands dimension is a dark and mysterious realm where strange, monstrous creatures roam amongst the remnants of a long lost civilisation. Do you dare to explore?
Features include -- A complete independent survival experience with hours of gameplay
- A whole new dimension to survive in
- Many new creatures and monsters to fight
- Bosses to defeat
- Plenty of unique biomes and structures to explore and loot, from towering fortresses to scattered underground ruins
- An extensive herblore system that allows you to create over 30 unique infusions from 14 different aspects found in plants
- A unique farming system with several new crop types
- Over 300 new blocks to build with, including various machine blocks and a whole lot of plant life
- Over 350 new items, including lots of unique weapons and loot, complete tool and armour sets, plenty of food items, new raw materials, scraps of lore and more
- Over 250 new sounds, including 7 immersive ambient tracks and 33 music tracks
- Lots of new mechanics, including food sickness, corrosion of tools, decay of the player, and a combat circle revolving around 3 new gem items
- Randomly occurring events, including changes in the weather as well as sometimes more supernatural occurrences
- Special built-in custom shader effects to make the worlds look even prettier
- Multiplayer compatibility so you can survive with your friends
- ...and much, much more!
More information can be found on the mod's CurseForge page and on the official wiki.
The Betweenlands download
The Betweenlands on CurseForge
The Betweenlands repository on Github
For frequent news and updates, follow @BetweenlandsDev on Twitter
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the new stuff? The official wiki for the mod can be found here!
We now also have an official Discord server for The Betweenlands where you can hang out and maybe chat with the developers (we're usually around).Come drop by and say hi!
obsidianCore posted a message on [WIP] ~Warrior Cultures~ Updated!Posted in: WIP ModsWe are back at it ! Warrior Cultures Mod is being developed, I have joined forces with TEAM DEV to get this done.
No estimate as to wen the first release will be available yet, but we are doing our best to bring it to you as fast as possible.
W e are moving ahead with the first of the Mediterranean/ grecko - roman cultures (Spartan, Classical Greek, and Roman) for the first release.
Images and previews on this page might be outdated and subject to change.
Thank you all for being so patient!
We do still need modelers for armor and objects, model texture artists and builders
So please do not hesitate to PM me or contact me via this OP or on DISCORD if you'd like to help.
Discord for WC: https://discord.gg/gwN48t
Hello all, this mod will introduce different warrior cultures from history, along with their myths, weapons and techniques.
Some weapons will remove an enemies shields, and other weapons can disarm your opponents, some weapons out range others, and some are simply stronger than others.
Some weapons, items, and artifacts will not be craft-able. and can only be obtained by looting, raiding and pillaging. go on treasure hunts and venture into dangerous territory to find the rare and precious artifacts.
Create alliances with clans and orders or form your own.
Decorate your walls with weapon mounts/trophies or place then strategically for easy access like above your bed, above your fireplace or in the hall ways.
If u like the what we have planned, a +1 or feedback cant hurt.
If you would like to help in any way please post what u would like to do.
New Forge and artisan table will be used to craft most WC weapons armor and shields:
Crafting GUI:
New inventory GUI:
Say hi to Kratos:
Careful , when you run into him in your MC world he will have armor and weapons
New planned features:
- New diverse weapons and weapon behavior.
- Dual wielding.
- New 3D armor
- New items with special features and behavior.
- New mobs and NPCs with interaction and new behavior.
- New sounds.
- New challenges.
- New blocks.
- New ore.
- New GUI.
- New animations.
- Throwable weapons and other items
- Bonus/secret and un-craft-able items.
New Blocks:
Bamboo is the first preview of a building block we are willing to show.New GUI:
Old preview of GUI has been removed and changed, will upload preview soon.New Items and blocks:
Main blocking items:
- shields,
- gauntlets,
- wrist bands.
- pavises.
- iron rings.
- buckles.
- helms,
- chest plates,
- leggings,
- robes,
- capes,
- wraps.
- hats.
- masks.
- headbands.
- shoes.
- sandals.
- boots.
- chin guards.
- long swords.
- short swords.
- knives.
- spears.
- pikes.
- canes.(staff)
- sickles.(scythes)
- spikes.
- batons.
- chain weapons.
- bows.
- arrows.
- bolts.
- crossbows.
- javelins.
- throwing knives.
- darts.
- other throwables.
- possible primitive muskets
- mobile beds
- opium pipes
- walking canes
- jug of wine.
- battle standards. (carry-able/place-able banners)
- chopping board.
- mounting blocks.
- wok. (frying pan)
- rosaries.
- stoked forge.
- anvil.
- hammer.
- umbrella.
- fan.
- safe keeping box.
- various musical instruments.
- grinding stone
humans, gods, heroes:
- Athenian
- Spartan (bronze, crimson ghost of sparta)
- Roman (centurian, legionare, ceaser, praetorian guard)
- Thespian
- Trojan
- Arcadian
- Alexander the great
- Hephaestus
- Hurcules
- Amazons (Guard, queen and princess)
- Maximus
- Gladiators (Bestiarii, crupellarus, hoplomachus, mirmillo, peagniarus, retiarius, scissor, thraex)
- Berserker
- Celts (tribesman, merlin)
- Concuestedor
- Crusader
- Dark knight
- Dark Templar
- Dracula / Vlad the impaler
- Dragon slayer
- English guard
- Germanic tribesman
- Golden paladin
- Gothic Tribesman
- Highlander
- Hun
- King arthur
- Lowlander
- Renaissance assassin
- Robin hood
- Vikings (chiefton, hordesman, thor, loki)
- Hussar (cavelry, footman)
- Bamboo ronin
- Bishamon
- Dark ninja
- Dragon samurai
- Dynastic guard
- Emperial giurd
- Geisha
- Guilded samurai
- Kamuso
- Kung lao
- Lighting samurai
- Mongol
- Ninja master
- Turtle warrior
- Okinawan master
- Panda warrior
- Rattan ronin
- Scorpion ninja
- Shaolin monk
- Shinobi assassin
- Snake samurai
- Sushi chef
- Taiwanese fish warrior
- Taoist monk
- Thai warrior
- Baluba warrior
- Basotho (warrior, herdsman)
- Crocodile warrior
- Egyptians (soldier, pharoah, anubis risen, horus risen, scarab mummy, scorpion king)
- Ethiopian warrior
- Ivory warrior
- Masai warrior
- Zulu (warrior, shaka zulu)
- Zande warrior
- Apache
- Aborigine
- Aztec (eagle warrior, priest warrior, jade warrior, jaguar warrior)
- Buffalo warrior
- Grizzly bear warrior
- Hawaiian warrior
- Hopi
- Inca (general, soldier)
- Inuit (polar bear warrior, hunter warrior)
- Kiribati warrior
- Mauri warrior
- Mayan (pheonix warrior, shell warrior, warrior of the dead)
- New gunea warrior
- Rapu nui warrior
- Tlingit warrior
- Wolf warrior
- Arab fighter
- Filipino fighter
- Ganesh
- Gurkha
- Hashashin
- Indian guardian
- Indonesian head hunder
- Abir fighter
- Persians (prince, immortal)
- Rajput fighter
- Shiva
- Sikh fighter
- Nemean lion
- Lion
- Elephant (indian, african)
- Horse
- Snake
- Jaguar
- Leopard
- Cheetah
- Ostrich
- Eagle
- Fish (shark, empurau, puffer, salmon, marlin/swordfish whale, narwal)
- Buffalo
- Goat
- Kudu
- Bear (grizzly, black, polar, panda)
- Silk worm
- Parot
- Rhino
- Hippo
- Crocodile
- Seal
- Walrus
- Wild bore
- Turtle (red sea turtle, aligator snapping turtle, green sea turtle)
- Tortoise(american tortoise, african tortoise, ivory tortoise)
- Horn-bill bird
- Tiger
- Camel
- Golden lamb
- Elk
New materials:
- tin.
- copper
- bronze.
- steel.
- silver.
- turtle shell.
- bamboo.
- rattan.
- cloth.
- skin/hide.
- new wood.
Greko-Roman cultures:
Armor Preview:
Coming Soon
All gladiator armor and weapons can only be acquired by fighting in the arena against gladiators once u have acquired a specific type of gladiator armor then only can you craft that armor set.
Acquiring a full bestiarii armor set will stop normally hostile wild animals from attaching you without provoking them. this armour and weapon is the weakest of the gladiator sets, more details to come later.
This is the heaviest and strongest of the gladiotor sets wearing full set will gain u respect from the other crupellarus fighters. more details to come later.
Wearing this full set will gain u respect from other hoplomachus fighters. more details later.
wearing the full set will gain u the respect of the other mirmillo fighters more details to come later.
wearing this full set weill earn you respect with other peagniarus fighters ,ore detals to come later.
wearing this full set will earn u respect from other retarius fighters, more details to come later.
wearing this full set will earn you respect from other scissor fighters. more details to come later.
Wearing this full set will earn you respect from other thraex fighters, more details to come later.
The rest:
warrior princess (yes based on xena):
amazon queen:
amazonian guard:
arcadian murcenary:
alexander the great:
bronze spartan:
crimson spartan:
ghost of sparta (yes based on kratos):
praetorian guard:
maximus (yes based on the movie gladiator):
Primary weapons:
roman legionarys gladius: can be thrown. cannot be dual wield.
roman centurians gladius: can be thrown. can dual wield. can stab.
thracian mercenarys falcata: can be thrown. can dual wield, cannot stab. can slash.
achiles sword : can be thrown. can be dual wield. can stab, can slash up
athenian gladius: can be thrown, cannot be dual wield. can stab.
thespian gladius: cannot be thrown, can dual wield. can stab, can slash up.
gladiator xiphos: cannot be thrown, can dual wield can stab can slash up
bronze spartan falcata: can be thrown, can be dual wield.
spartan king falcata: can be thrown, can dual wield, can stab
crimson spartan kopis: cannot be thrown, can dual wield, cannot stab, can slash.
praetorian guards xiphos: cannot be thrown, cant be dual wield, can stab. can slash up.
Secondary weapons:
roman whip: long melee range, can disarm enemy. crack'a whip!
athenian bow: long range. (not so accurate) short range. (accurate) long draw back. (slow firing)
spartan lakonia knife: can dual wield. can be thrown accurately at medium range. no draw back. craft in 2x2 grid. stack up to 3. can stab.
crimson spear: can only dual wield with shield. long melee range. can stab. can swing horizontally. (hit surrounding mobs) rear thrust. (hits mob behind you automatically wen attacking)
crimson javelin: throw long range (accurately) long draw back, cannot dual wield. can stack up to 3. can be placed on ground (home defense)
gladiators trident: can be thrown at medium range (accurate) short draw back. cannot stack, can only dual wield with shields. long melee range. can disarm mobs. (certain weapons only) can stab. rear thrust. (hits mob behind you automatically wen attacking) horizontal swing. (hit surrounding mobs)
praetorian guards pike: cannot be thrown. long melee range. can stab (penetrate 3-4 mobs)
rear thrust. (hits mob behind you automatically wen attacking) horizontal swing. (hit surrounding mobs)
roman bow: long range (accurate) short range (not so accurate) quick draw back. (rapid fire)
can penetrate 2-3 mobs.
roman spear: long melee range. can stab. cannot throw. can horizontal swing.
spartan king spear: long melee range. can stab (over penetrate 3-4 mobs) can horizontal swing. can throw at medium range (accurate) (over penetrate 2 mobs) rear thrust.
spartan kings javelyn: throw long range (accurately) (over penetrate 3-4 mobs) short draw back, cannot dual wield. can stack up to 3. can be placed on ground (home defense)
thespian bow: long range (not so accurate) short range (accurate) (over penetrate 2-3 mobs)
multi-shot at long range (4-6 arrows at once) short draw back
thracian spiked axe: medium melee range. can dual wield. can horizontal swing. can remove shields from mobs. can be thrown at long range (accurate) short draw back. can stack up to 2. can chop whole trees (at high cost of durability)
trojan pike: long melee range. can stab. can remove shields from mobs. can horizontal swing. can rear thrust. can only dual wield with shield. can throw at medium range. can be placed on ground (home defense)
athenian shield: light weight. low durability. can be thrown
bronze spartan shield: heavy weight, medium durability. can rush(charge)
spartan king shield: heavy weight, high durability. can rush(charge)
crimson (dark) spartan: medium weight, high durability. can rush(charge) can block while attacking.
gladiator shield: medium weight, medium durability. can be thrown
praetorian guard: heavy weight, high durability.
roman centurion shield: medium weight, medium durability
roman legionary shield: heavy weight, high durability. place on ground (acts as a pavise)
thespian shield: medium weight, low durability. can block while attacking.
thracian shield: heavy weight medium durability. can block while attacking.
trojan shield: medium weight. medium durability. can be thrown.
East Asian:
taoist monk:
bamboo warrior:
dragon samurai:
dynastic guard:
emperial guard:
guilded samurai:
kung lao:
lightning samurai:
mongolian warrior:
ninja clan lord:
turtle warrior:
okinawan master:
rattan warrior:
shaolin monk:
shinobi assasin:
snake samurai:
sushi chef:
taiwanese warrior:
thai warrior:
South Asian:
sikh warrior:
filipino warrior:
ghurka warrior:
indian guard:
indonisian warrior:
persian immortal
persian prince:
rajput warrior:
arab fighter:
Knights/Barbarian-Europian cultures:
viking horde:
viking berserker:
viking chiefton:
thor (yes based on the movie and myth combined):
germanic warrior:
warrior celt:
highlander (yes based off braveheart and history):
crusader templar:
dark templar:
outlaw archer (yes based off robin hood):
the kings guard:
thel ion heart king:
renaissance assasin (yes based of assasins creed and history combined):
dark knight:
golden knight:
dracula the impaler (yes based off dracula and vlad the impaller):
dragon slayer:
shaka zulu:
zulu warrior:
baluba warrior:
crocodile warrior:
etheopian warrior:
masai warrior:
zande warrior:
egyptian armie:
scorpion king:
horus risen:
anubis risen:
Mesoamerican and Island Cultures:
wolf warrior:
apache warrior:
australian aboriginy:
eagle warrior:
guilded priest warior:
jade undead warrior:
jaguar warrior:
buffelo warrior:
hawaian warrior:
apache chief:
inuit eskimo warrior:
kiribati warrior:
mauri warrior:
pheonix warrior:
sea shell warrior:
new gunea warrior:
inuit tlingit warrior:
progress from scoped:
Scoped has dissapeared and no one can contact him, BUT the mod will continue with a new team.
This art is Copyright (2011-2021) and is the intellectual property of the author. (obsidianCore) It may not be reproduced under any circumstances. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this art on any other website or mod is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Support Signatures:
Nuchaz posted a message on BiblioCraft [v2.4.5]-Bookcases, armor stands, shelves, printing presses, seats, clocks, the Atlas and more! Updated 06/21/2018Posted in: Minecraft ModsMay 23rd: Updated with fixes for a number of crashes and added a feature to allow fancy signs to retain their data when broken and placed.
June 21st: Updated with fixes for more crashes that have been effecting people. Also fixed some issues with the reading enchantment and reading glasses.
Now supports Minecraft v1.12.2!
If I can get enough support on patreon, I will post the BiblioCraft source code on GitHub with some sort of limited or open use licence.
My second update spotlight where I explain the changes in v1.11.0
My first update spotlight I've done myself that explains the changes in v1.10.0:
Thanks to my good friend ShabbyQ who made this video that shows off the new features in 1.9.0! Check it out!
Thanks to my good friend ShabbyQ who made this video that shows off the new features in 1.8.0! Check it out!
Includes translations for 22 different languages! See my Github link on my website for more information on translations and opportunities to help translate to new languages.
BiblioCraft takes a lot of my time and if you would like to show your support, donations are more than appreciated. Thanks!!Feel free to use my signature banner! Use this code to post it on the forum or in your own signature:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1680480-15x-147forgesmp-bibliocraft-v115-v112-bookcases-armor-stands-shelves-and-more-updated-03212013/#entry20796422"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/2JhG4D4.jpg' /></a>
Also check out my Redstone I/O peripheral mod for ComputerCraft! It adds a peripheral that is meant to connect to lan networks with a lan modem and can easily output or read redstone signals of any strength. Works great for reading the redstone output values of the bookcases with redstone books.
Mythra posted a message on DrZhark's Mo' Creatures (mod suggestion thread)Posted in: Mods Discussion*DrZhark, on 20 March 2012 - 6:18 AM, said:
I think the best way to go about this list, so it's easy to access is to make a thread with it, I'll link it in the OP, and perhaps you could do a poll to see which mob you guys want done next, and I'll do it.
If you want to take the time to make and maintain that thread, I'll appreciate it
Q.: Can you do xxxx mob for me?
A.: You're welcome to post your ideas/suggestions, I have a list of mobs to do...
(...from his Opening Post on the Mo' Creatures official thread:)
Mo' Creatures by DrZhark
I'm Mythra13 and I maintain this thread when I have time and am able. It is official because it has been authorized by Dr Zhark himself. It is UNofficial because it is maintained by myself and there is no guarantee that if you post something here it will make it into his awesome mod. These lists shouldn't be confused with a "To-Do-List" and merely reflect the wishes of those who enjoy the mod and would like to see even more added to it. So without further ado I present the:
NATURAL MOBS:Ants: Made and implemented
Centipedes: Small but long insects, which can bite the player, sometimes venomous.
Butterflies: Made and implemented
Moth: Made and implemented
Fireflies: Made and implemented
Owls: Made but not yet implemented
Eagles & Hawks: (Forest, Jungle, Taiga, Mountain) Hunt small animals like bunnies or other birds.
Falcons: [Domesticated] Fly when ordered, find drops, bring them back for you, kill small animals for drops.
Vultures: Tries to eat pork, beef, chicken, fish and rotten flesh when dropped on the ground.
Flamingo: (Beach) Pink bird, avoids players and eats raw fish.
Seagulls: (Beach) Can be attracted by throwing fish, cooked or raw, drops feathers.
Pigeons: Tamable bird, eats seeds or bread.
Geese & Swans: Large birds which prefer to be swimming on water where they can find it.
Crabs: (Ocean & Beach) Made and implemented
Lobsters: (Ocean) Spawn on ocean floor, can be caught and cooked as a food.
Shrimp: (Ocean) Passive mob, very small, drops shrimp meat when killed.
Seahorses: (Ocean) Mostly decorative sea creature, avoids being near players.
Sea Turtles: (Ocean) Passive turtle living in ocean, can be ridden.
Electric Eels: (Ocean) Active at night, can shock player do defend itself.
Baracudas: (Ocean) Aggressive fish, also attacks smaller water creatures.
Swordfish: (Ocean) Swims very fast, feeds on squid, sometimes jump above water.
Hammerhead Sharks: (Ocean) Aggressive, eats rays and avoids larger sharks.
Tiger Sharks: (Ocean) Aggressive, reacts to movement much like Ocelot but attacks instead of fleeing.
Killer Whales: (Ocean) Attacks everything but dolphins can even reach shore just out of water to attack.
Whales: (Ocean) Very large, passive animal.
Giant squids: (Ocean) Large, aggressive animal. Spawns in very deep water and is rare.
Narwhal: (Ocean) Lives near snow biomes in ocean, very rare, drops it's horn when killed.
Manatees & Dugongs: (Ocean & River) Passive animals, avoid player.
Hippos: (River) Become aggressive when approached or player is in the water.
Otters: (River) Passive, eats fish, on death it drops 0 - 2 leather and 1 fish.
Platypus: (River) Rare, passive mob, avoids player and is venomous.
Frogs: (Swamp, Jungle) Passive amphibian to improve atmosphere.
Toucans & Peacocks: (Jungle) Colorful birds for improve atmosphere
Geckos: (Jungle) Small, passive lizard to improve atmosphere.
Chameleon: (Jungle) Lizard which uses camouflage and can't attack.
Komodo Dragon: Made and implemented.
Gorillas: (Jungle) Neutral mob, will attack if provoked.
Orangutans: (Jungle) Rare mob.
Chimpanzees: (Jungle) Made but not yet implemented.
Baboon: (Jungle) Neutral mob, whole pack will attack if provoked. Can spawn in groups of 1-5.
Monkeys & Lemurs: (Jungle) Spawn in groups, climb and swing from trees, usually avoid player.
Jaguar: (Jungle) Rare mob, aggressive, can climb trees.
Pandas: Made and implemented.
Sloths: (Jungle) Rare, passive mammal, slow moving
Koala: (Forest) Rare, small, passive mammal, tamable with leaves.
Okapi: (Jungle, Forest) Rare, passive mammal. Like deer and zebra combined.
Tapir: (Jungle, Forest) Rare, passive mammal. Like deer and pig combined.
Anteaters: Rare, neutral mammal. Eats ants and has large, curved foreclaws.
Beaver: (Forest & River) Builds home in river.
Ferrets, Weasels: (Forest) Neutral mobs, avoid player, tamable with raw chicken.
Mongooses: (Forest) Hunt snakes, chickens, mice and rats.
Badgers: (Forest) Small and aggressive mammal.
Moles: (Forest) Made and implemented
Squirrels: (Forest) Live in trees, flying & normal types; flying falls slowly to the ground.
Raccoons: (Forest) Made and implemented
Red Pandas: (Forest) Behave like ocelots, can be tamed with sugar cane.
Hummingbirds: (Forest) Made but not yet implemented.
Porcupines: (Forest) Neutral mob, half heart lost by touching it.
Skunks: (Forest, Plain) Warns player away, then gives the dirty litter effect including nausea.
Lemmings: (Mountain) Small mammals, jumps of cliffs to escape the player.
Bobcats: (Mountain) Smaller sized BigCat that avoids player and hunts birds.
Bighorn Sheep: (Mountain) Neutral, avoids player, attacks with horns if provoked.
Alpacas: (Mountain) Rideable, shearable creature, eats grass like sheep.
Llamas: (Forest, Mountain) Passive mob, eats tall grass, tameable?
Elk & Reindeer: (Forest, Taiga, Tundra)
Moose: (Forest, Taiga)
Giraffes: (Forest, Plain) Eat leaves off trees, are docile creatures.
Gazelles, Impalas, Springboks: (Plain)
Buffalos, Bison: (Plain)
Bulls, Oxen: (Plain) Basically cows with horns, protect cows from players.
Zebras: Made and implemented.
Rhinos: (Plain) Poor eyesight, attacks anything that gets too close.
Elephants: Made and implemented.
Armadillo: (Plain) Passive creature, tough skin.
Kangaroos: (Plain) Neutral, jumping mammal, avoids player.
Hyenas: (Plain, Desert) Aggressive, wolf like carnivore.
Meerkats: (Plain) Found in Savannah/deserts.....Found in large groups..... Make burrows under ground
Bearded Dragons: (Desert) Passive, docile creatures, can be picked up and carried.
Tarantula: (Desert) Aggressive spider, very quick when charging player.
Hedgehogs: (Desert) When attacked rolls up into a ball, you will take damage if you step on it.
Camels: (Desert) Can be ridden like horse but is slower.
Coyotes & Jackals: (Desert) Hunt bunnies, mice and rats, avoids player.
Arctic Foxes: (Tundra) Hunts mice and rabbits.
Tundra Wolves: (Tundra) Hunt slightly larger animals.
Yak: (Taiga) Large woolly oxen, passive and have lots of health.
Walruses: (Tundra) Lives on ice, and it eats fish, and is rarely eaten by polar bears.
Seals & Sea Lions: (Tundra) Hunt penguins, are hunted by polar bears.
Penguins: (Tundra) Passive, found in large groups, can be lured with fish.
Lynx: (Tundra, Taiga) Smaller sized BigCat, hunts mice and rabbits.
Snow Leopard: Made and implementedFICTIONAL MOBS:
Giant Snake: Rare, aggressive serpent, based on smaller snake models.
Giant Bats: Dangerous flying enemy. Spawns only at night above ground.
Giant Bees: (Forest, Plain) Aggressive, flying insect. Oversized version of natural creature.
Giant Mantis: (Forest) Oversized version of natural creature, very deadly. Attacks smaller creatures.
Giant Termites: (Forest, Underground) Spawns in darkness, avoids light.
Giant Worms: (Desert) Sand Worms like in Dune, rare spawn, long and about a block in thickness.
Slivers: Small, slug-like parasite. Doesn't attack directly, infects other mobs making them hostile. Infected creatures have the AI and attack of style of a zombie, periodically releasing a new sliver.
Sirens: Very rare, spawns only on small islands, swims very fast, can paralyze player making them deadly.
Sea Horses: Oversized version of the natural creature. Rideable?
Kelpie (Water horse): A horse that lives in rivers and ponds, but walks on water, is sluggish on land.
Sea Serpents: Can crash boats, and can not survive in too cold of water.
Amamemasu: Lives under ice in cold biomes, smashes up to attack, throwing the player up too.
Kraken: Extremely rare, very large sea monster, found only in deepest ocean, has lots of health.
Leviathan: Spawns once per world, huge creature with many tentacles found very deep in ocean.
Hydra: Very rare, multi-headed creature, lives at the bottom of the ocean, comes up only to pursue player.
Water Elemental: Looks like a waterspout. It's fireproof, and when killed drops a water block that fills the area with water.
Living Pumpkin: Seems harmless until within 2 blocks, then attacks player.
Hostile Melon: Looks like ordinary melon until within two blocks, then attacks.
Stalking flower: Lives in grassy areas, follows you, until jumping onto your face, making you lose health.
Triffid: Tall, mobile, aggressive and venomous man-eating-plant.
Tree Monster: Spawns in the jungle, waits for player to be within 2 blocks then attacks.
Ent: Made and implemented
Dryads, Wood Nymphs: Appear a beautiful women but attack when players back is turned.
Swamp-monster: Somewhat human in appearance but plant like and lives in and near bodies of water in swamps.
Orcs: Aggressive green creatures, occupy ruins and stronholds, wield axes and wear armor.
Kappas: Neutral monkey-turtles that can rarely be found in river areas.
Chupacabra: Aggressive at night, only attacks goats during the day.
Leprechaun: A one block high mischevious creature, drops gold when killed.
Gnomes: Small, irritating creatures, break into houses and move around items in chests.
Gremlin: Small, mischevious creatures. Tampers with redstone powered contraptions.
Hobgoblins: Slightly smaller than the player, throw stones to attack.
Cornish Mining Spirits: Small, dwarf-like creatures, found below y-30, often near abandoned mines.
Forest Sprites: Spawns in areas with trees, peaceful, like to plant saplings.
Brownies: Small, brown humanoids, found in any type of forest.
Good Fairies: Little people with wings that fly around.
Bad Fairies: Like good fairies, but they come out at night and are hostile.
Will-O-Wisp: Peaceful mob, has a chance of guiding a player to a dungeon or stronghold.
Bigfoot, Sasquatch: Large, humanoid, avoids the player but beomes hostile if followed.
Elemental Bats: Fire bats burn player, ice bats can freeze water and drop snow on ground.
Air Elemental: Large, cloud like being. Can use lightning as weapon.
Alkonost: A creature with the body of a bird but the head of a beautiful woman.
Harpy: Neutral bird women that are a rare spawn in Mountains, can be befriended.
Angel: Human looking creature with large white wings on it's back.
Flying Tiger: A tiger with wings, aggressive and dangerous.
Thunderbird: Can only be found flying through the air, not on land, can create lightning to attack.
Phoenix: Rare spawn, immune to fire, attacks if attacked, drops fire related items on death.
Fire Elemental: Neutral, if attacked will burn the player. At death drops a lava block filling area with lava.
Lava Beast: Shoots flaming arrows and lives in Nether
Lava Snake: Spawns in lava pools in the nether.
Fire Hydra: Spawn in the Nether in lava, up to five heads, spit fireballs.
Fire Devil: Spawns near lava, can throw fireballs and is immune to fire.
Shapeshifter: Disguises itself as the block below itself, and if hit with anything, it'll attack you.
Chest Mimic: Appears as a regular chest until activated, then attacks relentlessly.
Wood Golem: Can be crafted with wood blocks and pumpkin, attacks hostile mobs, weakness to fire.
Clay Golem: Created from clay blocks and pumpkin, has low health.
Gold Golem: Created from gold blocks and pumpkin, low health but strong attack.
Diamond Golem: Created from diamond blocks and pumpkin, high attack, lots of health.
Stone Golem: Spawns in caves and ravines, camouflaged as stone.
Nether Golem: Spawns in nether around zombie pigmen, hostile to players.
Centaurs: Live in settlements in Plains biome, intelligent creatures can be aggressive, has a horse's body with a human's upper body.
Gnolls: Live in settlements in Desert biome, very aggressive, hyena-like humanoids, always found in groups making them very difficult to deal with.
Dwarves: Live in settlements in Mountains, short and stocky people, often create mines and prefer to use axes when fighting.
Neanderthal: Live in settlements in Tundra biome, very cunning humanoids, strong and adapted to life in cold regions, ferocious in combat.
Yeti: Live in settlements in Taiga, tall and hairy humanoids, usually avoid players and tend to hide amongst trees, but can become aggressive if not left alone.
Elves: Live in settlements in Forests, tall pointy eared people, protect passive creatures around them, tend to use bows and arrows in combat.
Trolls: Live in settlements in Jungle biomes, very aggressive and dangerous humanoids, hunt animals and have a primitive way of life.
Goblins: Live in settlements in Swamp biomes, short green creatures, very resourceful and use different weapons and equipment in combat.
Merfolk: Live in underwater settlements in Ocean biomes, peaceful and hard to find humanoids due to their living deep underwater. The females are known as mermaids, the males as mermen.
Mushfolk: Live in settlements in Mushroom biomes, humanoids that wear mushroom shaped caps and have a very strange culture revolving around the worship of mushrooms.
7 Sin Themed Enemies: All very rare.
4 Horsemen Themed Enemies: All very rare.
EnderRats: Spawn in the End, more health than Hellrats, but less attack damage.
EnderWraith: Spawn in the End, cause blindness effect when attacking.
EnderOgre: Most powerful ogres in the game, hostile toward the Ender Dragon.
Pyramid Head: Very rare, very aggressive. Powerful enemy, does heavy damage with attacks.
Necromancer: Rare, has weak ranged attack but can summon skeletons and zombies.
Wizard: Avoids player, if pursued becomes hostile and uses spells to attack.
Haunted Old Man: Transforms into skeleton at night if you approach him. (Terraria)
Mummies: Spawns in desert biomes, looks like the zombie but covered in bandages, it burns with sunlight.
Vampire: Spawns at night, burns in sunlight. Can fly but only does in order to avoid sunlight.
Succubus: Only found at night, form of a beautiful woman, attacks by draining player's health.
Banshee: Shreiks loudly to attack players, flies around much like wraith, can also teleport.
Reaper: A stronger version of wraith, carries a scythe, very difficult to defeat.
Lich: Only spawns at night during a new moon, very deadly spell-casting undead being.
Dark Elemental: Vaguely humanoid cloud of darkness can cause every status effect in the game.
Gargoyle: Flying grey creature that turns to stone during the day. The stone form is hard as bedrock, if surrounded by snow blocks it becomes breakable. The block drops itself, and the resulting statue can be used for ornamental purposes in base construction.
Lesser Imp: Flying nuisance enemy.
Greater Imp: Flying nuisance enemy.
Beholders: Classic D&D enemy - Suggestion denied, copyright issues - possible under different name.
Hellhound: Nether creature, immune to fire, only damaged by swords, attacks if player goes too near.
Demons: Rare mob, only found in nether fortresses, powerful enemy.
Jersey Devil: Found rarely in the nether, strong attacks, not much health.
Wyverns: Made and implemented (Tamable, ridable, flying Wyvern).
Drakes: Smaller, less powerful dragons, drakes/spawn only during night time, although, drakes can survive in any dark area.
Dragons: Rare, very large reptile. Lots of HP, and do great damage. Different types depending on biome.
-Red: Lives in or near lava, fireproof, breathes fire. In the Nether hides in lava and eats Ghasts.
-Black: Spawn at night or in the Nether, very aggressive, has area of effect attack.
-Brown: Lives in mountain biomes, avoids being in sight of player, but attacks if player comes close.
-Blue: Lives in water, usually ocean biomes. Has water jet breath attack. Can grab player and attempt to drown them.
-Green: Smaller than most dragons, lives in forests, does not attack unless provoked. Uses biome colors to change its appearance.
-White: Lives in Tundra, freezes water, causes snow storms, lots of health.
-Gray: The smallest of Dragons, lives in caves, very aggressive in protecting its territory. Can dig through stone.
-Gold: Rarest, Largest and toughest of all Dragons, lives primarily in desert.
-Pink: Friendly, flies, only attacks if provoked.
Dinosaurs: Tyranosaurus, Anklyosaurus, Baryonyx, Pterosaur
Arachnoraptor: A combination of a spider and a velociraptor.
Mushroom Dinosaur: Rare and found only in mushroom biome, Shroomasaurus.
Mushroom Minotaur: Minotaur living only in mushroom biome, Mushtaur.
Extinct Creatures: Magalodon, Wolly Mammoth, Saber Tooth Cat, Moa.
Drider: Rare spawn, spider with a human/elven upper body.
Kirin: Very rare, head of a Dragon, antlers, scales, hooves of an ox and tail of a lion.
Cockatrice: Very rare, head of rooster, dragonian wings, aggressive, poisonous creature.
Chimera: Very rare, head and body of a lion, a goat and a dragons heads to the sides, breathes fire.
Manticore: Very rare, body of a lion, head of a man, scorpions tail, its poisonous.
Cerebus: Very rare, three headed hell-hound, spawns only in the nether.
Behemoth: Very rare, very large, four legged creature of monstrous size and power.
Frost Giant: Very rare, spawns in tundra biome, very difficult enemy, lots of health.
Colossus: Very rare, giant statue like creature, powerful attacks and lots of health.
Titans: Very rare, human looking giant. Powerful and intelligent.
Cyclops: Very rare, as strong as cave ogre, carries a large wooden club.
Minotaur: Very rare, bulls head on a mans body, tall and aggressive. Weilds an axe.
Satyr: Very rare, upper body of a man, lower of a goat, avoids player.
Gorgon: Very rare, can cause paralysis if the player looks directly at it.
Golden Sheep: Very rare, can be sheared to get gold or golden fleece.
Nemean Lion: Very rare, claws sharper than swords, golden fur, resistant to weapon damage.
Sphinx: Very rare, spawns in desert temples. Part lion with a human head.
Griffin: Very rare, lion body and eagles head, can fly. Rideable?
Hippogriff: Very rare, horse body and eagles head, can fly. Rideable?
Hippocampus: Very rare, horse's upper body and fish tail. Rideable?
Roc: Very rare, very large, aggressive bird, picks up prey and either drops them, or takes them to the mountain to eat them. Rideable?Do to the many suggestion for this mod that aren't suggesting a new creature, but instead ask for a change to an existing one or an existing feature, I've now added the following list.
OTHER SUGGESTIONS:Separate the creatures into different biomes more.
Thematic Configuration, separate mods for realistic and fictional creatures.
Make creative mode spawn eggs for all creatures.
Have option to make all animals not despawn.
Add more achievements.
Support for dynmap markers API.
Have all armors work with Armor Stand Mod.
Have Ogres not spawn in Millenaire villages.
Improve models for following creatures: Sharks, Rays, Dolphins, Turtles, Crocodiles, Ghosts, BigCats, Cats, Rats & Mice, Bunnies, Birds, Ducks, Foxes, Goats and Deer
When a panther spawns it should have a 0.001% chance of being a Pink Panther.
Werewolves can attack villagers which creates new werewolves.
Piranhas to spawn only in Jungle biomes.
Make foxes tameable, give them "breeds".
Make crocodiles tameable.
Rats tameable with cheese.
Rabbits tameable with carrots.
Nets and glass jars to catch bugs in.
A buildable scarecrow that will keep away magical (fictional) creatures.
Press a key to have your flying horse fold it's wings to descend quicker.
Allow horses to fit through fence gates.
Make horse-drawn carts, chariots or carriages.
Make dog sleds, and have dogs to pull them.
Advanced wolf breeding to let you get different breeds (Collie, Husky, Labrador, Poodle, Great Dane, Golden Retriever, Shih Tzu, etc.)
DO NOT be confused, I have merely taken the many, many suggestions of others here on this topic and sorted through them and tried to present them in an organized manner. So, I take no credit for the original ideas, just for the sorting and re-posting.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Mythra13 -
Marglyph posted a message on TooManyItems, the inventory editor and more (1.8 Forge is here!)Marglyph's TooManyItemsPosted in: Minecraft Mods
Create & customize items, including those not available even in creative mode. Save and load entire inventories. Switch game modes and control time, weather, and more.
Download TMI for Minecraft 1.8 (Forge mod) (2/14 bugfix update)
Download TMI for Minecraft 1.8 (jar mod)
Installing: Put the Forge version of TMI into your Forge mods folder. The non-Forge version may be used with a custom launcher or by installing as a jar mod.
TMI for 1.8 new features:
- The new 1.8 items
- Enhanced enchantment, potion, and firework panels
- All-new custom items: colored leather, player heads, signs with text, filled flower pots, preselected note blocks
- New fuzzy search! You don't have to type all the letters (e.g. rcmp for redstone comparator)
- Press enter in the search box to spawn the top item! Get items quicker than ever
- Everything now fits in a sidebar; no more overlap with potion effects etc.
- Easier My Items (favorites) editing with helpful tooltips
- Rename save states
- Unlimited stacks is now a global setting, along with keep items on death, prevent rain and more
- Unlimited stacks refresh without ModLoader/Forge as long as you've opened the inventory
- Switch to spectator mode
- Improved multiplayer custom item spawning (still only if within chat length limit)
- Fixed some bugs, possibly added new ones
- Removed Herobrine spawner
More download versions
Download links have ads on them to provide some support for modding Minecraft. You are not required to click on the ads to download TMI; there is a skip button in the top right corner. You do not need to download any installers or download managers.
For 1.7.10 non-Forge version
For 1.7.10 Forge version
For 1.7.9 non-Forge version
For 1.7.2 Forge version
(Note: 1.6.4 version has a problem with the newest Forge that did not exist with the original 1.6.4 Forge release. Unless I have time to go back and fix this, only use 1.6.4F with an older Forge release.)
Older: 1.7.6, 1.7.5, 1.7.4, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.4F, 13w48b, 13w47e, 13w42b, 13w41b, 13w39b, 13w38c, 1.6.3 NF, 1.6.2NF, 1.6.2F, 13w38a, 13w37b, 1.6.1 NF, 1.6.1 F
Pre-1.6 release: 1.5.2, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4.7, 1.4.6, 1.4.5 or 1.4.4, 1.4.2, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.2/1.2.3, 1.1, 1.0.0
Minecraft Beta: RC2, 1.8.1 / 1.8, 1.9pre6, 1.9pre5, 1.9pre4, 1.9pre3, 1.9pre2,1.9pre1, 1.7.3/1.7.2/1.7_01, 1.6.6 and 1.6.5, 1.6.4, 1.5_01
Documentation for old (pre-1.8) TMI
Better documentation for 1.8+ will be up shortly.
Turn On/Off: Press the "o" key while in the inventory screen. You can change this key by editing the configuration file.
Add items: Left-click on items in the right sidebar to add full stacks, or right-click to add one at a time.
Configuration file: Find the directory in which your minecraft saves folder and options.txt are, and once you have used TMI at least once you will also find TooManyItems.txt there. This contains options that you can change, not all of which are documented yet.
Spawners: In some previous versions, to create different kinds of spawners, edit the "spawner" line in the configuration file. Use at your own risk; in some (older) versions of Minecraft, spawners of non-mob entities such as boats can crash the game and wreck your save.
Unlimited stacks/tools (single-player only): Shift-left-click on items in the right sidebar to add unlimited stacks OR unlimited-use tools or flint and steel. ModLoader is required for "true" unlimited stacks. Without ModLoader the quantity of >64 stacks will refresh when you open your inventory.
Tabs: Use the chest, star, and book icons to change between the item, favorites, and enchant tabs.
Favorites: This allows you to save commonly used items. ADD to the favorites panel by: (1) clicking an item on the favorites panel, (2) alt-clicking an item in the items panel, or (3) clicking the Favorite button in the enchant panel. REMOVE an item from the favorites panel by alt-clicking it.
Enchanting: (in SP, or may work on some Bukkit servers) Click an item on the enchanting panel to switch to that type of item. Use the + and - buttons to change the levels of individual enchantments. Click the Create button to make the enchanted item once, or the Favorite button to add it to the favorites panel.
Trash (single-player only): Drop an item stack on the item sidebar or the trash icon to delete it. Click the trash icon to turn "delete mode" on and off (in "delete mode" you will delete any item you click on -- useful for selectively deleting a lot of items). Shift-click thee trash icon to wipe out your inventory.
Game mode: Click the "S", "C", and "A" icons on the toolbar for survival, creative, and adventure mode, respectively.
Time: Click the sun and moon icons to set the time to sunrise, noon, sunset, or midnight.
Difficulty: Click the creeper icon to toggle the difficulty without having to go into game preferences.
Health/hunger: Click the heart icon to set health and hunger to max.
Save states (single-player only): Several slots are available for you to save your entire inventory and restore it later. (The "x" button next to a saved state will remove it.) This can be used to save your "real" inventory before editing, save a blank inventory to clear out everything you're holding, save a full inventory of materials, share inventories between characters, etc.
Multiplayer: You need to be a server op. Also, every non-vanilla server works a little differently. The command issued to the server to give you items is configured in TooManyItems.txt as "give-command". In this command, you should put {0} for the player's username, {1} for the item ID, {2} for the quantity, and {3} for the damage value. If {3} isn't in the command, items with damage values other than 0 won't show up.
Vanilla server command: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
* Since the vanilla server used to not support item damage with the give command, TMI may still have /give {0} {1} {2} by default. You can now add {3} to the end. The default will be updated in a future TMI version.
Bukkit with the Essentials mod command: /item {1}:{3} {2}
Fast crafting: Right-click on the output square when crafting to craft the maximum possible amount. (Works while the inventory overlay is disabled).
Crashes show an error report on a purple and white screen, and you can copy and paste the report into a post. With the latest version of TMI, most errors that would have crashed should instead show a chat message that says a report has been saved to a file in your minecraft folder, and you can copy and paste from that file into a post.
Black screens are caused primarily by: not deleting META-INF from your minecraft.jar, mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, and improperly installing mods. Please check these things and, if necessary, start fresh from a new minecraft.jar as an old installation problem may still be causing errors.
"TMI doesn't show up": Press the "o" key in your inventory screen to turn TMI on and off. (Unless you have already changed this in your config file.) Your preference about whether TMI should be displayed is separate in single- and multi-player. If this still doesn't work, you probably did not install TMI correctly.
Notes: TMI's code does not run until you open your inventory. Problems creating games are something else. TMI does not change any crafting recipes. You are not forced to use fast crafting: just left click like normal instead of right clicking. Yes, TMI does work in multiplayer, but read the instructions. No, it is not a server mod. Finally, the number of pages of items depends on your Minecraft window size, so, you are not missing items because it doesn't have the same pages as in the screenshot.
Uninstalling: If you manually installed a mod, the only way to uninstall is to either restore your backup copy of minecraft.jar (you did make a backup, right?) or delete minecraft.jar and run the game launcher so it downloads a new minecraft.jar. If you used a mod manager, refer to its instructions.
Lunatrius posted a message on Lunatrius' mods
The following is small compilation of mods that I recommend using. They are not mandatory, but they may make things easier for you.
- OpenEye Automatic crash reporting, the crash reports can be found here. It's an awesome mod that helps mod developers fix crashes way faster.
- Dynious' Version Checker LunatriusCore's update notifications will be replaced with an entry in Version Checker if the mod is installed.
Help, Crash Reports
Bug reports without log files will most likely be ignored.- Make sure you use the latest version of the mod. Bugs are usually fixed within a few days of reporting the bug.
- Upload (copy&paste) .minecraft/logs/fml-client-latest.log to https://gist.github.com/ and add the link to it to the post. Note: if the crash is on the server upload fml-server-latest.log instead.
- Describe what you were doing when the mod crashed. The more details, the easier for me to fix it as soon as possible. If something doesn't look right, add screenshots or optionally a video if you can.
Quote from EXAMPLE BUG REPORT »https://gist.github.com/7cba87c875454174ffcc
The client crashed as soon as I clicked the "Mod Options..." button.
ATTENTION! This is a REQUIRED mod in order for any of the other mods to work in 1.7.2 or later. It contains the core shared classes used by all mods I release. If you don't install it along with any of the other mods here, Minecraft will crash. You have been warned!
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Forge/Mirror] Mirror (curse.com)
- [Source] github.com
InGame Info XML (+Text +JSON)
Display various information directly on your ingame screen.
This mod is a "fork" of bspkrs' version which he kept updated for all Minecraft versions from 1.0 to 1.6.4 (the original author of the mod is DaftPVF).
Notes- ~ added support for bspkrs' text format with minor modifications: Color codes (&f, &a, &r) have to use the $ symbol instead of the & symbol (&f => $f, &a => $r, ...).
- ~ you can open a list of all tags by using /igi taglist (functions coming soon, hopefully)
- ~ the config is no longer be automatically extracted from the jar file. If you want to tweak it you can use one of the following commands to extract the config:
The syntax for boolean tags (slimes, daytime, raining, ...; check the download page for a list of all tags) has changed a bit.
Example: The slime tag has to be changed from <slimes[yes/no]> to <if[slimes[yes/no]]>.
/igi save InGameInfo.xml /igi save InGameInfo.json /igi save InGameInfo.txt
DaftPVF (latest update for 1.0 - click!)
bspkrs (latest update for 1.6.4, simple text syntax - click!)
Special thanks to BioMasterZap for the mod spotlight!
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Forge/Mirror] Mirror (curse.com)
- [Source] github.com
- [Community Contributed Configs] github.com
Optional tools
Laser Level
Add laser markers to make building (repetitive) structures easier! Open the GUI with F12 (configurable).
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
Allows you to track entity movement (excluding players). Can be used to debug various contraptions (TNT cannons, falling sand entities, etc).
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
Monster Spawn Highlighter (discontinued, read this)
The name basically says it all. The mod will highlight any blocks where monsters can spawn.
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
Incompatibilities- CustomMobSpawner ~ CMS empties the vanilla spawn registry and uses it's own, effectively "disabling" MSH; tried to reach out to the dev for a possible integration but never got a response
Groups all items of the same type and experience orbs into stacks of a maximum of2048127 items. For example: 6 towers, 64 high of sand will give you38410~20 entities. With this mod I ended up with 3 entities. Cool, eh?
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Forge/Mirror] Mirror (curse.com)
- [Source] github.com
This mod allows the user to send custom IMC messages to mods. This is particularly useful when trying to add support for mod A to mod B (for example, adding axes/shears from Redstone Arsenal to Treecapitator).
Note: this mod requires you to know whether a mod has an IMC API and what it looks like. You can find examples for Treecapitator and Thermal Expansion 3 on the wiki. I will try to keep that list up to date as people notify me of IMC APIs.
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
This mod allows the user to set up multiple sets of settings, allowing to quickly switch between them (example: "afk" and "normal", where "afk" has graphic settings turned to the bare minimum). It adds a single command, "/profile". Help is provided in the game.
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
Config patcher
This mod will apply config "patches" (regular, stripped down config files) from "config-override" to your "config" directory. Directories inside "config-override" are different patch sets (ie: aa-test, modpack, zz-my-client-settings etc).
Downloads- [Forge] Download (mods.io)
- [Forge/Mirror] Download (mc.lunatri.us)
- [Source] github.com
Installation, Configuration- Wiki
- Install MinecraftForge
- Drop the mod files into .minecraft/mods and start minecraft
- To configure the mod use "Mods" on the main screen or "Mod Options..." in-game, then selecting the mod and clicking "Config".
Incompatibilities (last update: 26.01.2014 17:21 CET)- MonsterSpawnHighlighter - Mo' Creatures
Special thanks
In alphabetical order. Make sure to check out their awesome mods!- AbrarSyed (projector, ...)
- bspkrs (treecapitator, crystalwing, statuseffecthud, ...)
- ... and everyone else who contributed, suggested things, reported bugs or helped in any other way. You guys rock!
Other mods
All mods and their sources are released under the terms of the MIT license.
Modpacks: you can freely include any of the mods in your mod pack if the modpack is free or private. Mentioning me as the author is appreciated but not required.
Youtube/Streaming: you can monetize any videos you produce with the mod.
Jamezo97 posted a message on CloneCraft [vB3.0.11] MC 1.7.10 - Adds NPC humans for superior anti-loneliness!Posted in: Minecraft ModsYayCloneCraft is a mod which adds NPC humans to the game using the wonders of science.
CloneCraft is hosted over on GitHub, because GitHub is cool.
The current version for 1.7.10 is in BETA.
That means, it will probably break, especially when used with other mods.
Download v3.0.15-BETA For MC 1.7.10(Now with even fewer bugs!)
Or via
this makes me money! So I can drive my car
It's easy mate:Install Forge Modloader for Minecraft 1.7.10Download this mod using the links above. (Download the jar file attached at the bottom of the github page)Open your Minecraft directory. You probably know how to do this, if you don't; the answer is just a Google away.Drag the jar file you downloaded into the mods folders in your Minecraft directory.Cross your fingers and hope it works.This part is still under construction. There are videos to make and images to take.For now, just open the spoiler below to view the old page, and look at the 'How to use' section. That should cover some of it.
Here's a video: Part 1, The Basics, How to clone things.
And here's another video! Part 2 - Fighting Teams and Options
And here's some pictures of the items and blocks that are introduced in this mod.
Sterilizer Placement (use a bucket of water on the sterilizer, throw dirty items into the water):
Centrifuge (stab mobs with a needle, craft the blood into a test tube, spin it in a centrifuge):
Life Inducer (place antennas on top of this. Wait for lightning, extract dna from separated blood, inject into empty egg, bring to life in this life inducer. Wear leather boots!!)
Schematic Selector
Empty Egg:
You can even build things!
Question:It's broken! What do I do?
Answer:Head over to the issues section of GitHub. Firstly, quickly check to see if your issue is there. If it's not there, then press the shiny green button, and submit a new issue. Put in the crash report (if there was one), and any details that you think might be important.
I'll then try and fix it. Please try and use Github. It's so much easier to track the issue. If you do post it on Github, then please refrain from posting it here too. Otherwise I might duplicate bug fixes, and eventually get lost in a sea of bug reports (Yay!)________________
Question:Can I use this mod in a modpack?
Answer:Yes you can. Just make sure you give credit where it's due.________________
Question:Can I make a video about your mod?
Answer:You're more than welcome. Please just link back to this forum post, not directly to the download page, or through your own download redirection whatevermajig. By linking back here people are able to download the right version and see any important bits of information.________________
Question:Where'd all the cool DNA manipulation stuff go? When is it coming back?
Answer:As cool as it was, being able to inject yourself with DNA mutation things, which granted you special abilities and what-not, it was also very, very buggy.CloneCraft isn't a normal mod, it adds an Entity, which has to interact with the same things you, the player, interact with. And those things are designed specifically to be used by a real life human. In order to get things to work with an artificial human clone, a lot of hackwork was needed. Creating hidden entities, copying massive classes from the Minecraft base code, and then painstakingly transforming them into compatible Clone-friendly versions (which are a pain to update to new MC versions). When you inject yourself with magic DNA-altering goo, I had to replace the Player class object, with one of my own design, then latch into the event network on the server side, and every time a player was spawned, I had to lookup a table elsewhere, see if it's a modified human, and if so, secretly swap out the old class with the new. But then object references referenced the old Player object, not my new one. And then, if another mod modifies the Player class it will conflict with my mod.It's just not designed to be done! haha
So, yep, it's cool. It's also broken, and quite possibly always will be broken. Hence I've decided to leave out DNA mutation stuffs until I can work out a much more robust method of getting the job done.
This document is Copyright ©(2015) James Wyatt and is the intellectual property of the author. Only Minecraftforum.net, mcmodcenter.net or GitHub is able to host any of my material without my() consent. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. If you mirror this mod page or anything I've(James Wyatt) made on any other site, I(James Wyatt) may express my angst at you in the form of a lawsuit.
The Old Page:
Clone Craft (v2.0)
Now on GitHub!
I do realize that this mod is currently many versions behind.Very sorry everyone. I'm not very dedicated or focused on this, especially with University, and working all the time to save for a car. But I do want to do it, it's just finding the time.
I've decided to try and use GitHub again because it now makes sense and stuff. So use the link above if you want to try out the current beta version. Instructions on how to download are on the GitHub page. It should work... Maybe..
IntroductionHello and welcome to the official forum page for CloneCraft (formerly known as the MyPeopleMod).Here you can find all you CloneCrafting needs, from downloads, to pictures, to tutorials and blumbering oafs like me. I hope you enjoy your visit, and have a lovely journey into the fun field of science! (Which, in this mod, is completely technically wrong, but it looks cool, and that's all that matters.)
The DetailsSo, what exactly is this mod you may ask? Well. Basically, it's a big mess.But aside from that, it introduces a whole plethora of new technical gadgets and gizmos into your Minecraft world for you to explore. Create clones of any entity in the game and bring them to life with lightning! Extract and splice genes from DNA samples from and into any entities of your choosing! Even yourself! Create giant friendly mutant creepers, or teleporting sheep! The possibilites are endless! (not really, there are approximately 47,000,000 permutation possible, I think. My math could be wrong)
Oh oh! And this works on Forge Servers! Yay! Finally!!
The Downloads
If you wish to support me, please click the adf.ly link
I have spent many.. many........maaany hours on this (when I really should have been doing homework) juuust for you guys
For All Versions of all my mods, look here:https://www.mediafir.../17kblj0627xkc/
How To Install
This is probably all wrong now.
WindowsYou can either use my Mod Installer here: Jamezo97's Modification Installer, but I don't advise it anymore 'coz I made that ages ago and have no idea if it'll still work.To install:
- Download my mod(below), and Forge from here(Download the 'universal' version of forge).
- Extract forge's zip file. (Should be named 'minecraftforge-universal-something')
- Navigate to your ".minecraft" folder by either pressing WINDOWS+R or typing run in the search bar, and then enter "%appdata%" without the quotation marks. Hit enter (not too hard)
- Go to your bin folder, and using a program like 7-Zip, open up the archive. DELETE THE META-INF FOLDER, and then copy the contents of the forge zip file into the minecraft.jar. This will copy accross a new META-INF folder. Don't delete this one
- Now go back to the .minecraft folder, and copy my mod (this zip file) into the mods folder(if the folder doesn't exist, create it).
- Now close all that down, and boot up minecraft, ENJOY!
MacThanks to gold23 for this tutorial!
You can try to use my Mod Installer here: Jamezo97's Modification Installer (Please note, I have not tested this out with mac, so it may not work)Or you can just copy the Zip file into the "mods" folder in your .minecraft folder.(I'm pretty sure this works)To install:
- Download my mod(below), and Forge from here(Download the 'universal' version of forge).
- Extract forge's zip file.
- Navigate to your "minecraft" folder by opening finder then clicking "Library" -> "Application Support" -> then "minecraft".
- Open the bin folder, then change the extension of the minecraft.jar to minecraft.jar.zip. You can do this be renaming it (click once then press enter). Double clicking "minecraft.jar.zip" should create a folder called "minecraft.jar". Delete the META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar. Copy and paste the contents from the "minecraftforge-universal-etc" folder into the "minecraft.jar" folder. Click replace if prompted to. (This will copy accros a new META-INF folder. Don't delete this one
- Now copy the "My People Mod" zip file and paste it into the "mods" folder in the "minecraft" folder. If one does not exist, create one.
- Now close all that down, and boot up minecraft, ENJOY!
If you wish to use this mod in a modpack, you do not have to ask for permission, go for it, I certainly don't mind. Just make sure you give credit to where it came from or who made it(me!) or this forum topic... Just something so people know where it came from.
Thank you!
How To Use
First of all, begin by crafting a needle like so.
And also some test-tubes:
Then either right click with the needle, or hit an entity, to extract some blood(this will make the entity dizzy and vulnerable for a few seconds):
Then place the needle of blood with a clean empty test tube in the crafting grid, to fill the test tube with the blood:
Then craft a nifty device called a Centrifuge like so:
Plonk it on the ground, right click on it, and place test-tubes of blood (up to 4) around the outside, and some fuel in the middle. Hit spin, step back and watch it go.
Once she's done you'll get some seperated blood:
However to extract the DNA from the bottom of the test tube, we're going to have to cleanse our needle first (or just make a new one, but that's wasteful!)
Craft a Sterilizer like so:
Plop it on the ground, and get a good fire going underneath it.
Right click on it with a bucket of water, and voila!
Now go ahead and chuck your dirty needle in there. Time for a good scrub!
Once that's completed(in about 30 seconds I think) the needle will pop out the top. Pick it up off the ground (oh hey, it's still clean), and let's continue.
Place the seperated blood and clean needle in the crafting grid to get your DNA:
Now suck the guts out of an egg (kinda like magic) like so:
And inject your newfound DNA into this perfect empty-shell/embreyo:
However this won't do! It's not activated yet! It's just some bits of DNA proteins floating around inside a calcium carbonate shell which came from a chickens buttocks.
We need something special
We need,
a life transmogrifier:
And some antennas (which, in hindsight, should have been called lighting rods...):
Place them all like so:
And upon a lightning strike, magic happens!
Place your unactivated egg inside the transmogrifier to produce this beauty:
And now, right click to throw or place the enitity:
Like magic.
But that's boring you say. Been there done that, got the T-Shirt. I want mega sheepsand teleportation!
Craft a DNA Sequencer :
Fill her up with some DNA, paper and coal, and let her go:
Yoink, I'll take that:
Now craft a Gene Extractor:
Place her down and fill her up with her requirements:
A contaminated item in the top left corner. Some DNA in the slot to the right of that, and the DNA data to the right of that one too(the DNA data and DNA must match). Then fill up the middle slot and bottom left slot with some test-tubes, and the middle right slot with some fuel, and watch her do her thing!(That GUI took a lot of effort, you'd better appreciate it)
It even makes cool effects:
Upon completion you get test-tubes of those lovely genes (not the ones you wear):
If you placed a test-tube in the middle slot, then you will also get a test tube of mutating bacteria, which is vitally important for the next part (I forgot to put the test-tubes there, told you I'm a silly oaf!)
Chuck all the genes you want, into the crafting grid with an empty needle and a test-tube of mutating bacteria, to produce a serum:
(The bottom left Item is the test-tube of mutating bacteria)
And then go out and hit an entity (or right click) to modify some DNA!
(You can also mix the genes in test-tubes with some entity DNA in a needle before placing it in a spawn egg, so you don't have to mix it with the bacteria stuff)
And that's it.
Damn that's a lot of pictures.Hope you enjoyed, and have fun out there!
Oh and remember. You can perform these methods on nearly every entity in the game! (Some may spazz out, (cough cough, blaze men))
There's even a spawn egg for primed tnt in the creative inventory. Shoot eggs of tnt to explode upon impact! You can also spawn EnderCrystals, Giant Zombies and all that cool jazz. Check it out! and enjoy
A Quick Note:
This mod is buggy. I had to rush it out because of other commitments. Use at your own risk (as it says below anyway), and be careful when modifying entity genes, as that it the buggiest part, especially when you mutate yourself. Expect wierd errors.Oh, and the Aggressive gene doesn't work... Oops.Ohhhh well, next updateOh, and one last thing, probably not the greatest idea to enable debug mode in your config file, as some words in chat will cause things to happen.I think, 'retard' makes you spazz out for a few seconds "polygon x r" creates a flat shape with x attempts at placing a block, and y radius. 'sphere r' makes a wierd sphere, and strike causing lightning to hit.But yeah, be careful.
Terms and Conditions:TERMS AND CONDITIONS0. USED TERMS:MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.MOJANG - Mojang ABOWNER - James Wyatt, Original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.1. LIABILITY: THIS MOD IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITH NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. THE OWNER OF THIS MOD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THIS MOD. THIS MOD ALTERS FUNDAMENTAL PARTS OF THE MINECRAFT GAME, PARTS OF MINECRAFT MAY NOT WORK WITH THIS MOD INSTALLED. ALL DAMAGES CAUSED FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS MOD FALL ON THE USER.2. USE: Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.3. REDISTRIBUTION: This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.4. DERIVATIVE WORKS/MODIFICATION: This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.The Old MyPeople Thread (It was a bit mucked up):
CloneCraft pre-release:I'm still working on this mod, and it's going to take me ages at my current rate, but a lot of people seem to think that I've stopped completely.. I haven't I'm just taking absolutely ages, and well.. yeah... sorry.Anyway, to kinda hopefully in some way make it up, I've uploaded a kind of 'pre-release' for minecraft 1.6.2. So you can install it, and then play around with it and see what I've been working on. I'm trying to flesh out all the bugs, take no shortcuts, make it multiplayer, and create an amazing semi-realistic experience, and it's a long process.Anyway, get the 2.0 pre-release from eitherAdfly hereorDirect link Link RemovedThe 'gene' items currently do nothing, and the DNASequencer does nothing either. So don't work too hard at themCurrently you can pretty much clone any living thing and create a spawn egg for them:
- Extract blood with needle
- Craft Blood into empty test-tube
- Place test-tube in centrifuge, place coal in middle, click spin.
- Meanwhile, dig two down, place netherrack, light it on fire. Above the fire place Sterilizer. Fill with water (right click with water bucket) throw 'Contaminated Needle' into water.
- Grab seperated blood from centrifuge, wait for sterilizer to clean the needle
- Once the needle spits out, craft the needle with the seperated blood to get DNA. Cleanse the test-tube
- Place egg into crafting grid, create 'empty egg'. Place empty egg and needle of DNA together to create unactivated spawn egg.
- Place 'Life Transmogrifier' on the ground. Build a big antenna above it, 20-50 blocks should be good.
- Wait for it to rain or thunder, and for the lighting to strike the antenna (There must be nothing above it, or to the sides within a certain radius)
- Once lighting strikes antenna, place egg inside transmogrifier, to activate it.
- Take it out, point in the air and right click.
Don't complain. And let me do my thing
Oh, and this should work on forge multiplayer. I hope. tried it out... about two weeks ago and it worked, but haven't tested it since I added the new content so it may screw up, but hopefully not
Also there are some things, which if you say in chat, will cause certain debug features to occur.. 'killdemall' kills all clones within a certain radius(human clones), and 'strike' strikes the block you are looking at (roughly). There are a few more, but they were just for fun while I was learning circular function in maths...Bye.Description:With this mod, you can create human clones, give them names, watch them grow, and have them fight along side you.Using a complicated process(which involves separating blood, and extracting the genomic DNA and injecting it into the embryo of an egg and then introducing an electrical charge to begin the growth process), You can have your own people in no time!Don't you just hate it that you can't craft a monster spawner egg? Well now you can! Just attack a mob with a needle, to obtain some of their blood, and then separate the blood, extract the genomic DNA and inject it into an egg(with bonemeal for quicker growth). Now you can spawn any mob you want!When you name a clone, they will take on that persons skin name from Minecraft's online database. So any registered user's skin will be valid, and allowed on your clone.Check out videos here:Err, yeah, they're all out of date. I hope to make one tomorrow.Edit: Made one!!Official Video By Me Here:
v0.7: Thanks to TheN00bsterv?: Thanks to pop135899v?: Thanks to Dq231v?: Aquí hay una versión en español tambiénAnd here's a Spanish One too!! Thanks to Robertomen96v?: Thanks to x2robbie2xv?: Thanks to Thescorpi0nFull Instructions:
First you must craft a needle:How to install:Note (in case you miss the one belowThen, to make a human clone, right click, and extract some blood. Be warned though. It does do you damage and you are sick for a minute!Or to clone an animal/mob attack them with it(You cannot clone Snowmen or Ender Dragons(Though I could change that...)Then craft a test tube:
And add the
blood covered knifeneedle to the test tube(Sorry about the picture, just pretend it's a needle):
Then, craft a centrifuge:
And place in it up to four test tubes.Then power it with fuel(To spin completely it uses up
84 coal)Then grab your now Separated Blood Sample and add it to the needle to fill the needle with the genomic DNA.
Then inject the needle into an egg with some bonemeal(to make it grow quicker).
Then, if you made a human egg, keep on going, otherwise, well done, you have just made a mob spawner egg! Yay!If you made a human egg, place it on the ground.Now, introduce an electrical(redstone) current into the egg to start the growing process.(When cloning I.R.L., they actually introduce an electical pulse into the sample to begin the growth)
Now after about 2 days of minecraft, the egg should hatch, and a mini clone will pop out! Hip hip hooray!Also, if you wish to know where your clones are, you can craft a Clone Tracker like so:
Then right click to bring up a GUI showing all of your clones:
Then choose a clone you want your Clone Tracker to point to, and click done:
Your Clone Tracker will now point towards the specified clone.(The Clone Tracker will automatically point towards your spawn point if you do not have a clone set(In the nether and End, the Tracker will not work))Most of the Clone's GUI is self explanatory, but some of the confusing ones are:Curious: Make them look around randomly. If you want solemn guards, keep this off...Break Extra Blocks: This wasn't going to be an option, until a clone broke my bed to get to a log next to it... All this does, is tells the clone if they are allowed to break extra blocks, so they can get to the ones which they want. Use this if they are mining with you, or just choping down trees in a forest.
With the teams, the rules are as follow:
They will only attack clones if both of them have the "Fight" option enabled.The Good team, will only fight the evil team. No other teams will fight them.The Evil team, will fight every other team, and also you.The rest of the teams will attack every other team, except for the good team.
): This mod now uses forge.
You can either use my Mod Installer here: Jamezo97's Modification Installer, but I don't advise it anymore 'coz I made that ages ago and have no idea if it'll still work.To install:Mac Thanks to gold23 for this tutorial!
- Download my mod(below), and Forge from here(Download the 'universal' version of forge).
- Extract forge's zip file. (Should be named 'minecraftforge-universal-something')
- Navigate to your ".minecraft" folder by either pressing WINDOWS+R or typing run in the search bar, and then enter "%appdata%" without the quotation marks. Hit enter (not too hard)
- Go to your bin folder, and using a program like 7-Zip, open up the archive. DELETE THE META-INF FOLDER, and then copy the contents of the forge zip file into the minecraft.jar. This will copy accross a new META-INF folder. Don't delete this one
- Now go back to the .minecraft folder, and copy my mod (this zip file) into the mods folder(if the folder doesn't exist, create it).
- Now close all that down, and boot up minecraft, ENJOY!
You can try to use my Mod Installer here: Jamezo97's Modification Installer (Please note, I have not tested this out with mac, so it may not work)Or you can just copy the Zip file into the "mods" folder in your .minecraft folder.(I'm pretty sure this works)To install:
- Download my mod(below), and Forge from here(Download the 'universal' version of forge).
- Extract forge's zip file.
- Navigate to your "minecraft" folder by opening finder then clicking "Library" -> "Application Support" -> then "minecraft".
- Open the bin folder, then change the extension of the minecraft.jar to minecraft.jar.zip. You can do this be renaming it (click once then press enter). Double clicking "minecraft.jar.zip" should create a folder called "minecraft.jar". Delete the META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar. Copy and paste the contents from the "minecraftforge-universal-etc" folder into the "minecraft.jar" folder. Click replace if prompted to. (This will copy accros a new META-INF folder. Don't delete this one
- Now copy the "My People Mod" zip file and paste it into the "mods" folder in the "minecraft" folder. If one does not exist, create one.
- Now close all that down, and boot up minecraft, ENJOY!
This mod also works for Forge. However may be slightly buggier, but it definately works. If you do find any bugs, please post them on here, and I will attempt to remedy them.NOTE:This mod is now designed specifically for Forge. It will not work with risugami's Modloader. Sorry to those of you who still use Risugami, but it seems that more wanted forge than Risgumai.Downloads:Latest Version: v1.1.4! - For Minecraft v 1.5.2!If you wish to support me, then please use the adfly link here:", cursive">Download!If you dislike adfly and can't wait 5 seconds, and don't want to support me (Thanks
) then click here:Link Removed
I'm going to try and use GitHub, so I can upload my source, and have direct links to my files...But it may not work out for me, and I may end up scrapping it, and going back to mediafire.Stuff that! Lol, I'm too dumb to work it out, and they removed their "Downloads" section, so it looks like it's back to Mediafire!View Previous Versions HereChange Log:
- Added a "copy" feature for when in creative mode.
- Includes new content from 1.1.4, new content has been unblocked, but just keep in mind that it's nowhere near complete, probably pretty buggy, they dont do anything, aaand... I'm not responsible for any hideous creatures you create lol.
- Moar bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug, or three. Inclduing the clone tracker bug I thought I fixed, but rather didn't ....
- Improved Centrifuge. Now spins!
- Fixed a few bugs with the HumanEgg, recipes and... something else... O_o
- Oh! That's right. And the clone tracker
- Updated to 1.5.1
- Changed clone tracker colour to aqua, coz it looks cool.
- Updated to new Icon system, updated to forge.
- Added ability to use skins from jar file
- Hey wow, I am funny! I forgot what I'd written in the v BETA one, and when I read it I laughed. Is that bad?
- They now fight, defend, jump, sprint, break blocks, morph into a female and back again, explode, follow you, pick up items, walk to items to pick them up, wander, farm, retaliate and look around curiously.
- Cool huh?
- Once again, completely re-written from the 1.2.5 code. Should work pretty well over multiplayer, as all communication between server and client is done through packs (and boy, did it get messy... :/ )
- Umm, what else?
- They don't build, not yet. I might add that later. But I wanted to stick to my 48 hour promise. Well, I didn't promise, but I said within 24-48 hours, it would be updated. So here we are.
- This mod still uses Modloader, and should be compatible with Forge, I don't know exactly though, as I haven't tested it. I hope it is...
- Well, that was a long wait.
- Completely rewritten EVERYTHING from scratch.
- Released a BETA version so people can test and report bugs, which I'm sure there are plenty.
- I am tired.
- Completely multiplayer compatible.
- However the clones are next to useless. You can dress them up, but you can't take em out.
- Enjoy.
- Finally! The ability to build! Yay!
- Right click on the clone, and go to the Build Options tab. Choose something for them to build, and click start building.
- They will ask for materials, and build accordingly. They place blocks which are dependant upon another one last, so that do not break. They remove water and lava which is not used in the building. They first excavate, build, and then fine tune.(Very smart guys)
- At the moment, you can get them to build something from very far away, and their is no block limit... So dont go too crazy with his guys.
- When you have a building chosen to build, you can go back in-game, and press enter to move the building to where you are.
- Scroll your mousewheel up and down while hovering over the X, Y and Z value in the building option tab, to change their values. You can slo use your keyboard(WASD and Arrow keys)
- Be warned! I have not tested out every single block in every single state, so I do not know how well the clone will build your buildings! Be careful!
- To get your clone to build something, which you have already built in another world, you can create a Schematic Reader(Diamond top left, redstone middle and bottom right... Pictures tomorrow (Lol, pictures never came.) ), and right click on two points, and then read the cuboid into either a schematic file, or my own custom text based schematic.
- What else is there to explain? Wolves should hopefully be fixed... I've never been able to replicate it, so it may not have been fixed... But I can always hope.
- Clone swapping has not been fixed :/ Yeah, sorry bout that
- This version came out now, mainly because I have been so inactive lately, that I thought I'd better give you guys something new, rather than have you wait another month, for me to finish eveything else... I hope it doesn't take that long... Wow, this isn't really a change log, is it? Lol
- Enjoy.
- Added chat and talk. Talk will override chat. When certain key events occur, they will talk(By playing sounds in the specified SoundPack) or chat, depending on what options have been selected and what sound files are avaliable. To acces your Sound Packs, just click on the button opposite texture packs in the main menu. Currently there are no sound packs... However I shall make one soon.
- More ground work for buildings...
- Removed clone mounter, and instead added a button to the clone's GUI called Mount Mode. Just click on that, and you will enter mount mode. The, all you have to do is click on a clone, and then an entity, and they will try to get into it. Press ESCAPE to exit Mount Mode.
- Removed Monkey, added a random wheat thing rendered above their head... Then realized that I'd put it in the full release, and quickly removed it
- Added chest grabbing. Just place a chest within two blocks of an egg, and the clone, when born, will grab items from the chest, which you have specified with the Clone Tracker. Also works with a spawn egg, just spawn them close to a chest.
- Mucked around with Wavefront OBJ file reading, and managed to import Suzanne(Blender's default Monkey) and apply a texture to it. Just for fun, enable the "Be a Monkey" option in the clone's options menu, and turn the clone into a hovering monkey head... I'll probably remove this next version.
- Added chatting. In your .minecraft folder will be two files. One of them ends with Random.txt and the other with Assigned.txt. Add random chats to the Random.txt file. But you probably don't want to touch the Assigned one, because then some of the assigned chat messages wont work. Currently when you right click on them, they will say hello.
- Added mounting. However you cannot mount them properly yet, you must hack in the item. I am currently thinking of a way to create the item. Just right click on the clone, then another entity, and the clone will try to mount it.
- Maybe more...
- Added multiworld support, just push them into a portal, and make sure you have the travel option enabled.
- Added a toggle to disable the info above their heads.
- Hmmm.. I skipped a version? I don't know how I did that...
- Fixed a few bugs, as a result from the switching over to the needle system...
- Fixed team interaction...
- Added teams
- Fixed up a few bugs.
- Added a display picture for the entity which they are attacking, when you are using the finding tool.
- Added farming, so they now harvest pumpkins, melons, reeds and wheat. They also replant!
- Changed how they break blocks and stuff...
- Added a display picture for the clones when using the finding tool.
- Improved the block finding algorithm
- Added respawn feature, just give them a golden apple, and they will use the power of the golden apple, to stay alive, but they will spawn back at where they were first created, and they will drop all of their items, where they died.
- Actually implemented the female option.
- More, maybe, I just either can't remember, or you won't care
- Added auto equip. They will now put on armor when they pick it up.
- Added jump and attack. They will jump before they reach an entity, and as they begin to fall, they attack the entity
- Added Traitor options. A traitor will essentially become a mob, and will attack, and be attacked by others. You can use this to have PVP tournaments, between them, and your self.
- Fixed a few glitches.(Sprinting didn't work, but now it does)
- When you give them a Glistering Melon, they will grow in size. So if you give a newly spawned clone, 10 glitering melons, they will increase their size to their maximum. May be a bit over powered though...
- Added "Set All" button to the Universal options menu
- Forgot to mention in the 0.4_3 notes, you can now TP to a clone and vice versa. Just open up the clone finding gui, and click the button. You or the clone must have redstone in your inventory for this to work.
- Added a little secret
(Hint much around with name...
- Updated to Minecraft 1.2.4
- Changed GUI, to a much neater and cleaner looking one, freeing up the inventory.
- Fixed TMI overlay interfering with gui tools.
- Added ability for clones to hunt animals, and use boats(Though they don't use boats very well... I'm still working on it)
- Changed the sword and bow finding algorithm, so it should now hopefully use custom tools made by others.
- Please note that many of the gui options do not work at this current time.
- Ground work for other things too.
- Fixed the bug where lumbering would sometimes crash minecraft.
- Fixed the clones eating poisinous food over good food.
- Improved AI(Thanks to the AI guy at mojang
- Updated to Minecraft Version 1.2.3
- Ability to use skins from INSIDE your minecraft.jar, just denote a path name with an asteric, eg:"*/mob/zombie.png" would give the clone the zombie's skin name. Just copy any image file into you minecraft.jar, and you may use it on your clones.
- Clones may now chop down trees and mine ores.
- Player/Clone swapping bug should now hopefully be fixed(?!?)
- A few bug fixes
- Human Eggs now randomly throw off particles while incubating
- Added global options for your clones, so now you can rename them all, or tell them to all follow you, or pick up items etc.
- Eggs only take 2 day to hatch.
- Sleeping now has an effect on the growth of an egg.
- You no longer spawn inside a clone when you load the world.
- Clones immediately take on skins, even after you re-name them.
- Knives and needles can be re-used.
- Clones now choose non-poisonous foods before poisonous foods.
- Clones can now sprint after monsters.
- You can now track your clones with a Clone Tracker and see what they are doing.
- Added option Follow to Clone actions.
- Added sprint toggle for clones.
- Added retaliate toggle for clones
- When poisoned clone's food bar will display "sick" chicken bones
- Added a config file(Found in your ".minecraft/config" folder)
- Moved GUI components to the bottom left of the screen.
- Fixed bug where clones de-spawn (derp)
- Initital Release
Upcoming features:
- During their growth state, the clones may get stuck in walls, due to bounding box changes.
- Sometimes, while shooting with a bow, they will accidentally shoot at their own comrade or you.
- Chest use
- Auto-Enchant
- Building capabilities
- Lot's 'o Bug fixes!
- More.
Thanks to Venloren(He's an awesome guyAh shoot, it doesn't work:) for this banner:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1004428-v124-my-people-v05/"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/h6Jyn.jpg' /></a>
... And two more
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1004428-v125-my-people-v06-2/"><IMG src='http://i.imgur.com/zurfA.jpg' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1004428-v125-my-people-v06-2/"><IMG src='http://i.imgur.com/95o7P.jpg' /></a>
As well as this one:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1004428-v124-my-people-v05/"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/a03TN.jpg' /></a>
There may be a few bugs in my game, and instead of putting the answers scattered throughout the topic, I'll put the most common ones here...Number 1:I am quite open to any suggestions you may have. Feel free to make any videos, banners whatever, but just don't redistribute my mod as your own. Always link back to me. Thank you!Donations:
- Problem: The Seperated blood sample does not exist!
- Solution: DELETE the config file. It is found in the config folder in your .minecraft folder. It is called MyPeople.cfg. My mod will then regenerate the config file on its next load.
- Problem: I changed its name to archer,knight etc and it is showing the default skin!
- Solution: It does not work like that. It only uses the real player name and skin. If you want your own skins, put it anywhere in the minecraft.jar which is located in the bin folder in the .minecraft folder. Once you have done that, type in the name of your clone to not be knight but type */NAMEOFIMAGE. Just remember that it must start with */ and then the location of your image. If your image is inside the MyPics folder, then you would type */MyPics/NAMEOFIMAGE. Dont forget to include the extension. E.G */MyPics/MyAwesomeSkin.png.
If you wish to donate to support my hard work (I haven't counted the hours, but it would be at least 70 hours total) then please donate here (through PayPal):Link RemovedOr alternatively, just download my mod through the adf.ly link.Copyright(Boring Stuff):Thankyou!
TERMS AND CONDITIONS0. USED TERMSMOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.MOJANG - Mojang ABOWNER - James Wyatt, Original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.1. LIABILITYTHIS MOD IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITH NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. THE OWNER OF THIS MOD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THIS MOD. THIS MOD ALTERS FUNDAMENTAL PARTS OF THE MINECRAFT GAME, PARTS OF MINECRAFT MAY NOT WORK WITH THIS MOD INSTALLED. ALL DAMAGES CAUSED FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS MOD FALL ON THE USER.2. USEUse of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.3. REDISTRIBUTIONThis MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.4. DERIVATIVE WORKS/MODIFICATIONThis mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.Enjoy -
4f6f3b posted a message on Fossils and Archeology Revival Legacy ThreadPosted in: Minecraft Mods
We have moved! Click below to check out the new home for the Fossils and Archeology Revival Project!
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MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
*Monster hunter does not belong to the author of this mod.
The new Forge for Minecraft 1.6.2 loads coremods in the mods folder with regular mods now.@DrZhark
I think that while your developing the next update, maybe you should add more use to hunting animals, like deer drop venison, rabbits drop their meat, raccoon drops their specific pelt to make a '**** hat, you know stuff like that. Maybe even a bear pelt rug
Days Left!
Tell me if you like the ideas.