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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    Okay...had to find NEI for 1.7 via Google because searching for it here turns up pages and pages of threads complaining that NEI crashes the authors' game. Not a good sign.

    Edit: It does work, though.

    Quote from traso»

    a lot of the mod info is implicity told and yes in NEI so if you are starting I recommend you to watch sentinalHMC tutorials series, he shows all recipes and some basic machine configuration and what you can do with them, it may be outdated but a lot of the info he gives is still relevant

    No, the component recipes I'm after are not "implicitly told", they're just plain not told. And watching through fifty ~10 minute tutorials is not an optimal solution.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Ieldra2»

    I may remember this wrongly, since I never tried to look up recipes in the handbook, but - IIRC, the handbook doesn't have recipes as a rule, but explains what the machines do, their power needs and the details of the power system. Look up the recipes in NEI.

    So... the documentation for this mod is NEI-dependent?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    I'm trying to get started with Rotarycraft, but I've been through the whole handbook and I can't find recipes for any of the machine components besides shafts and gears. That means impellers, combustors, circuit boards and even base panels are off-limits to me. Same for Electricraft and Reactorcraft. Help!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Forge] Highlands 2.2.3 [updated February 19]

    Hmm, if you found a way to edit Highlands, could you release a version that fixes the terrain noise issue?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Growthcraft Community Edition
    Quote from Alatyami»

    Checking in .... development on GC for 1.10.2 + is going ... slow but still going.

    So skipping 1.8 entirely?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    Update Forge.

    I'm already on 1558, which is the recommended version. What version do I need?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    Okay. I have DragonAPI, Legacycraft and Cave Control, all for 1.7.10. I just updated all three from v9b to the latest versions (v17c, v17a and v17b respectively), and now the game crashes during initialization. My launcher is refusing to show me the crash log, but if I click "More Details" it says:

    The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
    Error: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 259

    I didn't change anything other than those three mods. Any idea what's going on?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    For Cave Control, is it possible to differentiate between different cave formations (as opposed to between caves and ravines)? I have very little use for the standard "worm burrow" caves, but I like the round rooms and positively adore the big ballroom caves. I would love it if you gave Cave Control a way to adjust the rates of those components individually.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!

    I've been testing treated wood, and you remember when you made it technically transparent so it wouldn't drip? It doesn't, but now it won't support trapdoors. And treated wood slabs are still opaque and do drip.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!

    What is the block id of sediment? I need to blacklist it in another mod.

    Also, Thaumcraft compatibility bug: guard golems do not recognize lobsters as hostile mobs and won't attack them.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!
    Quote from Azaka7»

    I have been working on a better structure generation method in 1.10, so once I finish that, I'll consider back-porting part of it, i.e. checking the footprint of the structure and making sure no part of it is more than a few blocks off. For now, though, I could probably change it so that stone isn't replaced by shipwreck blocks. This would have the effect of crashed wrecks that were partially destroyed.

    On a similar note, what's your opinion on the loot found in ships and wrecks? (Too much/little, needs more variety, needs less of this item, etc)

    I think the loot in big ships is too generous, given the sheer number of chests it comes in. Six chests just in the cabins, more in the cargo hold, and the five shot lockers also have loot. One big ship I explored had 68 iron ingots and 11 diamonds, and enough books and obsidian to make an entire library complete with enchanting table.

    Also, is it intended that flasks do not stack? I'd never really noticed before because I only made one or two flasks before, but they feature prominently in your loot tables, and that big ship I mentioned wound up entirely filling a single chest with non-stacking flasks.

    On a happier note, I decided to celebrate the update by finding a big shipwreck next to a coast and making it the basis for my house, and it's working really well. Bedroom, library, storage room, spare room, good spot for a mine entrance, and I haven't even done any cutting yet (although it is a bit cramped).
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!
    Quote from Azaka7»

    I see nothing wrong with the screenshots. what exactly are you asking about? (I did decide to l coral gen in wrecks)

    Have you found any intact ships floating on the surface? They are the ones I intended to be reused. I suppose I could surround the wrecks in gravel, I would just have to recreate the structure files, but I kinda like the idea of having to dig out the wrecks

    If you decided to do coral gen then I guess the first one's fine, but the second one is half embedded in the cliff face. Also, both of them have solid stone inside them.

    It's not so much that it's hard to refloat them even (although that would be a fun project) as that a ship that sank gently to the seabed and sat there for no more than the underwater lifespan of wood shouldn't be fused to the rock like a fossil.

    And yes, I did find a couple of floating ships.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!

    Are these screenshots supposed to happen?

    Also, if possible, could you give the outside of ship hulls a coating of gravel, so that they won't be in contact with stone if you decide to refloat them with Archimedes' Ships?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)

    I'm not going to spend 13 minutes looking for what your disappointing at, can you point it out?

    It's the mystery symbol in the lake again. I hit that too.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AlgaeCraft - Ocean mod for Minecraft - Sponges, Seafood, Coral, and More! Uses 1.8 Sponge Functionality!

    Can you add a config option to disable lobster spawning? Now that I have them, I find that my base totally can't handle them, especially with their habit of clipping into the ground and becoming unhittable.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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