What you like to do in Minecraft: I like to build functional structures, interact with other players, and explore the region.
A few sentences about why we should allow you on the server: I'm an interesting person, and I would like to have fun on the server. I briefly quit minecraft, so this would be one of the first servers I would like to join in a while. Hopefully, it is a good experience.
I feel like warp portals should be established, this could lead to faster traveling and make trade between far away cities possible... to balance this you could make buying a warp portal pretty expensive
How old are you?:15
Why do you want to come?: Because I find the hunger game intresting after seeing the movie.
Will you follow all the rules applied to this server?: Off course I will
Ign: coolfish
Your IGN: ImpDeftsu[/b]
Where did you hear about the server: Was looking on the forums[/b]
Do you understand and accept the rules: yes
What's our policy on raging: Dont rage, even if bad things occur [/b]
yeeeee we did it
i can make a convoluted quest line if you want, about the long gone premier
interesting name you got there though
can i have a book to guide me
Not sure if the Aesir tactic is good in the long run, but who knows
In Game Name: ImpDeftsu
Country of Origin:USA
What you like to do in Minecraft: I like to build functional structures, interact with other players, and explore the region.
A few sentences about why we should allow you on the server: I'm an interesting person, and I would like to have fun on the server. I briefly quit minecraft, so this would be one of the first servers I would like to join in a while. Hopefully, it is a good experience.
will any other magic plugin be added?
he has indeed, magic might be fun tho, not sure how it would though
so many thieves on this server, soon everyone will have hidden towns
lol polar, causing chaos wherever he goes...
the true outlaw in our server
I think a redstone challenge would be a good idea, or the best designed fort in terms of defense
I feel like warp portals should be established, this could lead to faster traveling and make trade between far away cities possible... to balance this you could make buying a warp portal pretty expensive
Why do you want to come?: Because I find the hunger game intresting after seeing the movie.
Will you follow all the rules applied to this server?: Off course I will
Ign: coolfish