I remember when we discussed mobs. I had ideas for skeleton turrets and surprise creeper trapdoors. The problem is, to get mobs where you want and to do want you want takes a lot of time and careful effort. Mobs are fun to implement, but there are more efficient methods of deterrence.
Not liking the flight mod, and I'm hesitant about the weapons mod, the musket can oneshot someone in Tekkit Nano Armor which is at *least* twice the strength of diamond, not to mention the mod's deployable cannons would have me out of a job
Obviously you all don't understand that battle runs another server full time and he has been having problems (i.e. DDoS attack, Corrupted Worlds, RAM problems.) So don't go talking about things you don't know about. But I would agree we could send the PM's out I'll convince Liam to send them next time I see him. Though to be honest he doesn't want to send them out because people will get mad if they don't get accepted and I feel the same way, but enough is enough. So yeah that's my small rant for now.
Actually, I'll be disappointed if I do get accepted, since I won't be able to do it.
Since I don't know if I'm in or not, I'll assume I am, and say that if this doesn't happen in the next day or so, I won't be able to even watch. I think at this point I should just give up hope.
The Pyramid traps are designed, much like my landmine snares, to cause multiple explosions. The only way the victims gear would survive is if they were well armored and managed to die by the very last explosion.
Couldn't you modify them so they only explode once?
heh, that organization clan thing sounds exactly what we used to do on the IRS, except we had less members, but they did surgical strikes. We knocked out clans in a couple days time. We didn't play mindgames but we were only found if we wanted to be found. You guys seem to have a big problem on your hands, and there is basically no way to stop it, unless you find their base and destroy it, but as it stands, you guys are just too busy with your own base to go out and find theirs (given they have a base). An obsidian base is hard to make, but all in all, its just annoying to open. if there is no cuboid or cube protection, its as good as using stone. If anybody wanted to break into it they would, all they needed is just a little bit of time, a little under like 5 minutes. You should start building underground. But they have a familiar organization structure and its just basically hard as hell to to beat, because each leader works independently so you can't know when they're gonna strike.
I think you could have a weekly highlight of subcommunities. For instance, one week highlight the people who build landscapes and cities like Middle Earth or the new Lord of the Craft map, and another week showcase the Clan PvP community.
There'll always be a place for you in the Nether.
Actually, I'll be disappointed if I do get accepted, since I won't be able to do it.
Couldn't you modify them so they only explode once?