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    posted a message on Skyrim's DLCs..
    The Xbox community will have the superior game for maybe a matter of days before the modding community starts pumping out ways to change Skyrim. Enjoy it while it lasts. :iapprove:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What game has netted you the most playing time?
    Couldn't say how many total hours I've played, but I would say World of Warcraft. I've played the game for around 5 years, missing maybe a grand total of 6 months during various hiatuses. I'd be shocked if my hours weren't clocked at well over a thousand.

    Man, I cannot call myself a true gamer anymore. My second closest is Left 4 Dead 2, at 260 hours. Although in fairness, I have that hard-to-find, extremely rare thing known as a life outside the computer room... :rolleyes:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Your "derp" moment
    Quote from Stealth_Nachos

    I once had a dream that, that I umm, I had, I'd, I would, I could, I'd do I with, I wants, I, I could do so, I'd do, I can, I want, I want him, to do I want so much I would do anything.

    Have you ever been as far as decided to even want to do go look more like?

    My biggest derp moment was when I backhand tossed an empty water bottle into my trash, which sits about 6 inches away from all my computer's cords. Bottle bounced off the rim of the trash can, ricocheted off the wall, and landed directly on the on/off switch for my power cord. Turning off the computer.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Serious Sam 3?!
    I'm looking forward to Serious Sam 3: BFE. I became a huge fan after Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (and the Second Encounter) came to Steam. Sam's wisecracking attitude (which is far less over-the-top than Duke's) along with the fast-and-furious gameplay made the game a true gem.

    What's really going to determine whether BFE is good or not is dependent on whether or not the game drifts away from the Serious Sam style - carrying every gun in the game without need to worry about whether you can actually hold them all at once, and never needing cover because the entire point is to dodge enemy shots while blasting the bad guys away. And from the looks of it, Croteam is sticking to the old formula.

    And to be honest, I'd disagree that Sam's been away for too long. I'm sure that a lot of Duke Nukem fans became jaded after 15 years passed between the last Duke Nukem game and Forever. Serious Sam came out in 2001, a sequel (the Second Encounter) came out in 2002, and the game was ultimately remade 7 years later in high definition for Steam. So while it may have lost fans during the 7 year period, it certainly gained plenty with Serious Sam HD, and that's what (I believe) will make BFE a success, assuming they stick to their old formula.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on When did First-Person Shooters for the PC die?
    Quote from TheSandMan

    Wait...I thought people didn't like carrying a lot of weapons. I thought they liked it realistic..

    Yes...realistic, where if you don't get shot for a few seconds, your massive gaping wounds automatically heal in seconds. :tongue.gif:

    I miss old-style FPS games like Serious Sam. I really hope that BFE doesn't go the path of Duke Nukem Forever and change itself to the modern style of FPS.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Who else is boycotting Bethesda now?
    Boycotting a company over something like this? Really?

    Honestly, I have far too much prior respect for Fallout 3 and the Elder Scrolls games (I have spent many, many hours screwing around in Oblivion). And besides, as has been pointed out, it's more of a matter of the lawyers getting pissy about the name, likely not any bigwigs of Bethesda.

    That said, the lawsuit is silly. I haven't read the details of it, but from what I've read (that it's the title that's the problem), Bethesda doesn't own the damn word. Reminds me of that case a while back when Edge Games tried to sue EA Games because they used the word "edge" in a game title (Mirror's Edge). It was silly, mocked by the gaming community, and nothing ever came of it.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Whats the weirdest thing you've ever said?
    "Santa! I thought you were story, not science!"
    "Renegade comes from the Spanish word renegados, which means a Muslim-turned Christian."

    Kudos to anyone who gets the references.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Galactic Federation of Star Whores
    Favorite Star Trek series is The Original Series, close second is Deep Space 9 for the brilliant storytelling.

    Favorite other sci-fi shows include Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica, mainly. Though I haven't actually watched all of BSG (just the first season), I loved the fact that it had such a dark story. And I adore Doctor Who, and have watched every episode of the new series.

    Could never really get into Firefly/Serenity. The show just never grabbed my attention, I guess. Same goes for Stargate, though in fairness I only really saw the movie.

    Favorite sci-fi movies include the Star Wars movies (yes, even Episodes I-III), the Matrix series (yes, even Reloaded and Revolutions) and the Chronicles of Riddick movies. I greatly enjoyed the Star Trek reboot movie, and despite the flak it gets, Avatar remains one of my favorite movies ever.

    As for books, I read a lot of the Warhammer 40,000 novels (and play the tabletop, as well as some of the PC games). I'm also actually in the process of writing a sci-fi novel of my own (Shameless plug go). I'd also say that I'm surprised Asimov hasn't been mentioned yet - I've read all seven Foundation books (and even enjoyed Edge, Earth, Prelude and Forward) as well as his five Robot books, and am planning on working my way through the Empire novels shortly.

    Science fiction is probably my favorite time period to read/watch/play with. I just find it so very, very intriguing.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on CIV 5
    I play it constantly. I've currently (as of this post) racked up about 80 hours of playtime on Civ 5, compared to around 130 on Civ 4. I've had some really great moments playing Civ 5...

    Playing as Montezuma, I conquered three different civs in the course of the game as I built an empire on one of the two continents.

    Playing a Duel game (Mainly to try easing into higher difficulties) I completely cock-blocked my opponent to settling the second continent, and was able to hold both continents the entire game while he had two cities.

    And the crowning jewel of my Civ 5 achievements, playing as Darius I (Persia) and winning a Space Race victory.

    In 1909.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Dream Game
    A sequel/trilogy to Advent Rising.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Catherine the game.
    Looks interesting, and quite eerie. I may look into it at some point.

    I'll say this though, if the little animations I saw during the "story" section of that site are anything like the real game, the dream sequences are going to be freaking creepy.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Games that you thought would suck
    I think I have low standards for games from my list.

    Minecraft - thought it looked silly, didn't think it was a great concept, then spent the better part of 5 hours building a castle

    Plants vs. Zombies - to be honest, I thought from the name that it was just another stupid game concept. And now I have 77 hours logged on the Steam version, with maybe a quarter that on the DS version

    Magicka - again, thought it looked kinda silly and, well, frankly, I always hated Diablo (which it claimed to be reminiscent of). A friend convinced me to buy it on sale, and I'm just going nuts trying to figure out every nerdy reference the game has.

    Left 4 Dead/2 - from all the various "scary" games that sucked, I assumed it was going to follow the pattern and also be a terrible game. A few years later, and I've gotten 130 hours on Left 4 Dead, and 260 on Left 4 Dead 2.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on PS3 Controller on TF2!
    Quote from Waldo1337

    Why wuld you want a controller for a PC? one of the reasons I prefer PC gaming is that the mouse and keyboard setup is much faster and more responsive than the analog joystick.

    For me it's partly nostalgia, partly comfort. It's just more natural to hold a controller than try to press buttons on a keyboard. It's also much easier to use a joystick for fine controls - I don't know if you play a lot of platformer or action (not FPS) games, but having a full range of movement and rotation makes them a lot easier. (That is, opposed to having 8 movement directions and a mouse)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Favorite Number?
    3 and 9.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What song are you listening to right now?
    Quote from king_coco

    Hey! Another Ayreon fan (I presume). I love Arjen's music.

    At the moment, I'm listening to my collection of Benny Hill songs. Sadly most of them aren't on YouTube, but a few favorites show up:

    Ernie, the Fastest Milkman in the West

    My Garden of Love

    I miss that show.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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