Fishing fish alive. Yeah. You see, it would be cool to be able to catch a fish and have it sort of like a companion in a fish tank.
So make a jar like this:
[] []
And tie it to a fishing rod with string to get... a fishing rod with a glass jar at the end.
When reeling the rod back, it will return you a fishing rod and instead of dropping a fish, it will drop a jar of water which you can use like a bucket. The string you tied the two items with is destroyed. EVEN if you reel in a fish.
If you reel in when the red thing bobs, you get a jar with a fish in it. Emptying the contents will kill the fish.
You can make a water tank:
Right click it with a fish in a jar in your hand will put a fish mob in the aquarium!
Placing an aquarium next to another extends the aquariums. Aquariums do not stack. Breaking an aquarium empties out any water in the attached aquariums that are above the broken aquarium, yields only 4 iron and no glass (wasting 2 iron and 3 glass in the process) and replaces the destroyed aquarium with a source water block.
If you do not feed fish for 7 Minecraft days, it dies :sad.gif:
You can feed them but this will only satisfy their hunger for 1 day (IE if the fish hasn't eaten for 4 days, feeding this will made them survive for another 4 days instead of 3).
You can feed them fish food by crafting this (not sure if this is a good recipe):
[] []
[] []
It makes 8 (4?) fish food.
It MUST be raw porkchop; not .
This will completely satisfy their hunger. Yipee!
If multiple aquariums are attached, a single pinch of food will feed them all :biggrin.gif:
There exists 5 types of natural fish: Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, White.
Blue is most common, Red and Yellow are 2nd in commonness, White is fairly rare and Black only spawns like 5% of the time. Very rare, ya.
If you put in a maximum 4 sized aquarium (4 aquarium blocks linked) and minimum 2, place 2 fish in there and feed them fish food EVERY day, they will eventually breed and make an egg! Let them take care of it for a bit more time and it will hatch into another fish!
Fish can breed max 4 times, then they die :sad.gif:
The generation tree of breeding fish is very long. It can breed up to 4 generations.
For example:
+ =
+ =
+ = Orange spotted Purple ( )
+ = / / / /
When it has been bred too much, it reverts to a random 1st generation fish ('rareness' not tooken in account)
EDIT: Forgot to say, you can pick up fish in a tank by right clicking on them with a jar in your hand.