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    posted a message on Gotham

    Hi, I'm a Owner from Gotham and for those who are interested here are the requirements and information to become a staff in our network!
    For those who want to fill out the staff application form, go to discord and look for the "Server related" category where you should find the channel (in case of help or difficulty, contact a staffer or open a ticket)

    Open roles to apply:
    》Graphics (role for those who are good at creating a logo, image, screenshot costume...)
    》Age: 14+, We do not accept people under 14 except exceptions (for example if someone turns 14 in a month or 2)
    》Must be active every day for a maximum of 7 hours and a minimum of 4/2 (if there are kids who have school we can understand the difficulties in being active )
    》At least 24 hours of total play time on the realm you are applying for.

    Punishment Requirements:
    》No Warns in the first 7 days
    》No bans or mutes in the first 30 days
    》No bad behavior, even if unpunished.

    Staff Requirements:
    》You must be a Java player if possible
    You cannot be staff on other Minecraft servers if it is possible
    》You must be able to make good quality screen recordings to acquire evidence. (this in case of hackers or particular occasions)
    》You do not have to use a shared account to play.

    Application Requirements:
    》You must be honest when answering the questions
    》Do not ask the staff for help in answering the Questions
    》Make sure you put in a lot of effort
    》Forbidden to use chatgpt to answer the Questions

    Requirements to Return to the staff in case of depex:
    You can reapply after 30 days from depex
    》If you have been depexed due to inactivity you must be more active
    Of course this is your last chance to be a staff member, if it is not accepted again you will no longer be able to be a staff member!
    To find the link to our Discord, contact me on Discord (my account helven0567 , that of the Founders devin271 and manugio . That of the Manager thegost8, that of the SrDev pencil12 ) (contact the others mentioned because I am very busy in certain projects)
    Important!! : Our network is multilingual, there are mostly English people so you need to know a minimum of English, even the staff are English except those mentioned above)

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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