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    posted a message on Worst teacher you have?
    English, I miss a week due to pneumonia, and instead of getting the homework I get called a slacker and fail the class that quarter. (2 tests that week)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Do you believe in monsters?
    Anything living is considered a monster until proven a hoax or written down as a new species.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Energy Drink / Water question...
    Chug the red bull, as sipping it tears up your teeth. Sip the water, as it helps you live.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Show off your creative side!
    A quick sketch i did in about 90 minutes:

    Posted in: User Creations & Requests
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    posted a message on Little Kids wasting their life on Club Penguin
    So lemme guess. You assume that unless they spend almost all time outside, they have no life? Get a damn clue about the world. Things are becoming more digitalised and people are able to communitate easily through technology. I spend most of my time on some sort of electronic device now. Does that mean i have no life and i'm dumb? Seeing as i do all my school work, talk to friends (that i know in real life, mind you), and work through the internet clearly contradicts that. Unfortunately in my case, I cannot do these things the "standard" way and I'm critisised for it. What the hell, man.

    Now that that's done with, the rest of the post I somewhat agree with. BUT, do people say you're a fat @#$hole ­ for playing minecraft? If not, then what's the point on judging little kids on something that they enjoy? Seeing as Club Penguin has tight security measures, and only a few servers allow full chat options, i see it as WAAY safer than other online games. And before you even complain about the membership fees, google Roblox. That is all.

    P.S: Better start doing those 1000000 pages of homework because I don't see you playing the game.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Not Minecraft, MineTEST
    *Facepalm* Immediately this takes negative response. Since this seems to be an expiriment and he's not selling it online, it can't be a rip-off since it's not a licensed product. This game is completely open source and a community driven product. I don't see why people are whining about this. Not everybody can run minecraft even with optifine, and this is their oppourtunity to experience it. How would you feel after spending months on a free game for everyone only to get sued to hell and lose everything? Jeez people, think for a second.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is the Biggest Lie a Teacher Has Ever Told You?
    "If you do as much as delete on file on this computer you will be paying $4000 for damages and a new computer."


    Apparently the M-6750, a $450 budget computer, is now a custom built alienware. (equally both still suck)

    A week later some asshat tried to DL porn in school and broke the computer. He didn't pay a cent.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on YouTube help needed.
    To be honest you use too much sexual innuendo and sound like you should wait a few years before including your voice in videos. I'd close the channel and wait a few years.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What's would be YOUR animagus?
    A ditto, i can transform into anything! MUHAHAHA!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Have you ever Hated a game without trying it?
    Half life Episode 3, because i know when i will install it, it will cause a nuclear device to blow up earth T_T
    Posted in: General Gaming
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