Hmm, Very interesting if I say so myself, so how about we start with a little bit of this.
Within the vast reaches of space lay a single spherical object of interesting importance, red and violet in color, with quite the wispy green objects in the atmosphere of the air, and pale orange patches around the various parts of the planet, had I forget to tell you that an atmosphere exists? either ways, This planet's details have yet to be cleared to the viewers mind, but it shall be soon, soon.
Ahalais shall attempt to get their attention by swinging into the leftermost bandit, and attempting to bounce off of the deflection and into another bandit, not unlike a game of pinball.
And if someone can't make an account? Even if the username hasn't been taken? I tried to make an account, but it simply won't allow me so. So honestly, could be my few last posts on this site that I spent YEARS on, and that's saying something.
Plus,I can always speak on discord and read other forms of entertainment, such as SCP articles.
The Creeper may sense an odd presence behind them.
filled with what be?
Yes, I like this job
so, since the forums aren't commiting ded, what do here?
Oh boy, well i guess that gives me an excuse to join em
Ah if it isn't the flying Dorito himself, well back to dancing!
To pay respects
Hmm, Very interesting if I say so myself, so how about we start with a little bit of this.
Within the vast reaches of space lay a single spherical object of interesting importance, red and violet in color, with quite the wispy green objects in the atmosphere of the air, and pale orange patches around the various parts of the planet, had I forget to tell you that an atmosphere exists? either ways, This planet's details have yet to be cleared to the viewers mind, but it shall be soon, soon.
Would this work?
Ahalais shall attempt to get their attention by swinging into the leftermost bandit, and attempting to bounce off of the deflection and into another bandit, not unlike a game of pinball.
Ahalais tosses the Crimtane scythe like a boomerang at the Ratkin, trying to tear through the Highland Ratkin
Killing time, perhaps these morals have something after all.
Ahalais attempts to downward-slash the Rockadillo.
Ahalais attempts to bait the attack of Makk by taunting his looks and fighting skills, and will attempt to dodge said charged attack.