** Disclaimer: CurseForge.com and forgecdn.net are the current official locations to obtain this mod. Files obtained elsewhere were uploaded without permission from iPixeli. It is possible that files and mod packs obtained from other locations or means are not genuine and have been altered or tampered with. **
About - This mod has been around since April of 2011!
This mod adds player ages and genders that have their own hurt sounds, models and textures. Zombies also have genders and textures based on the zombie's age and gender combination. Use this on your server to synchronize all the settings for each player across all connected clients!
Player Genders - Males: Just like normal Minecraft, but with the old hurt sounds!
Player Genders - Females: Are slightly smaller than males, have their own default texture and have their own hurt sound.
Player Genders - Other:
Can be used as more gender-less or non-binary option. Like other
genders, this has a default texture unique to this option. Players can
choose their model.
Player Ages - Children: Are smaller, have their own default texture based on gender and age, and have a higher pitched hurt sound.
Player Textures: When player doesn't have a set skin, a default texture is used. Textures are based on the age and gender combination.
Zombie Genders: There are occasional female zombies.
Zombie Textures: Textures are based on the zombie's age and gender combination.
Gender uses core modding to directly modify Minecraft code before the game runs
Download from CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gender
** Disclaimer: CurseForge.com and forgecdn.net are the current official locations to obtain this mod. Files obtained elsewhere were uploaded without permission from iPixeli. It is possible that files and mod packs obtained from other locations or means are not genuine and have been altered or tampered with. **
1) Install MinecraftForge
2) Put a the .jar file into the mods folder (see locations below).
3) If you have a .zip file, extract file into the mods folder
Minecraft Folder Locations:
• Windows: /AppData/Roaming/.minecraft
• Mac: Home -> Library -> Application Support -> Minecraft
• Linux: ~/.minecraft
How to use: Press G for the mod main menu
How to set Hotkey: While in game, press Esc, Click Options, Click Controls
• Can I use this mod in a video?
Yes. Please link back to this page: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gender/
• Can I put this mod in a ModPack?
Yes. Please see the README file included inside the download file.
• Can I host the mod file on my website / server / online so others can download it?
• Will other users of the mod see the mod features even though the server does not have it installed?
In order to see the effects this mod adds, you only need the client installed. When installed on a server, profile settings of all clients will be send to connected players.
• Does this mod require special skins?
The skin you set on your Minecraft Profile is not removed by this mod. If a user has a skin, their skin will show. If a user does not have a skin or the skin cannot be loaded, the default player textures will show based on the player's age and gender.
• Where did you get the idea for this mod?
This is the original mod that adds females/genders children/age into Minecraft. I originally created this mod because I was annoyed at being a male caveman back in April of 2011. You can find more information here.
• Discord?
Since that's a thing people ask
• How can I contact you?
(CurseForge) Private Message
Help & Troubleshooting
• I don't see the model or texture changes
Another mod you have installed may conflict with Gender's core modding. This should not happen. Gender uses core modding to inject it's hooks into Mojang code before Minecraft starts. If another mod has replaced or removed specific things in the code, there may be issues. Should this occur, it's likely that Gender isn't the only incompatibility that the other mod has. All modders should use it sparingly and inject code instead of replace code to maintain mod compatibility.
• Helpful Info
Please press 'G' (default key) to open the Gender menu. Then click on the button that looks like a book with a question mark. This will bring you to a screen that has information helpful for troubleshooting. When sending me a message, you may also want to list the other mods you have installed as one of them could be causing the problem.
• Report Issue:
(CurseForge) Private Message or (CurseForge) Issue Tracker
Information for Texture Pack & Mod Pack Creators
Mod Files Directory:
• minecraft\config\gender
Sound Locations:
• gender:malehurt
• gender:femalehurt
Texture Locations:
• minecraft:textures/entity/steve.png
• minecraft:textures/entity/alex.png
• gender:textures/entity/charmalechild.png
• gender:textures/entity/charfemale.png
• gender:textures/entity/charfemalechild.png
• minecraft:textures/entity/zombie/zombie.png
• gender:textures/entity/zombiemalechild.png
• gender:textures/entity/zombiefemale.png
• gender:textures/entity/zombiefemalechild.png
jjw123FTB (twitter.com) - the only one with my permission to continue this mod should I ever stop
Proloe (minecraftforum.net) - for the female adult texture
WednesdayLaw (minecraftforum.net) - for the female sound file
thecheeseman (freesound.org) - for the male sound file
The MCP team (modcoderpack.com) - for the Minecraft Coder Pack
The Minecraft Forge team (minecraftforge.net) - for Minecraft Forge
There is no support for server files.
You can only install this client side with quick guide.
Server does not have any files for it at all.
Any attempt to will resault in a crash.
However I just made a SMP version
You can not craft this in multiplayer.
There is no SMP version.
However! There is "QuickGuide" in the topic.
You can get that to just press a button and see the recipes
That works in multiplayer!
Please address your complaints to the creator of the mod.
We dont know what you are talking about.
And we dont care :smile.gif:
The modder however. He cares. But he doesnt know to check here.
You need to tell him this where he can see it :biggrin.gif:
When you load a world with cubic chunks there is another mod that also generates ore veins.
The deeper you go, The rarer the ore is and the bigger the veins get.
Mods can be built with support for cubic chunks to handle the ore generation, So rare ores in this mod,
Can only be found below the -300 mark, Among the random speckles of bedrock and obsidian and lakes of lava
Basically a kind of "addon" for Cubic Chunks to make mining deep more of a challange and more exciting.
For the full experience follow these steps.
1. Play this in 1.1
2. Somehow get to -40, 340 on top of the mountain.
3. Find the crop circle..
4. Find the secret entrance (no really. Its not clear to the eye)
5. Wander down it. Be careful!
6. Come across a ravine like hole. Climb down it.
7. Look towards the light/water and gasp in envy
8. Click the green + button
And for the unbelievers.
A few quick pics
You just won the award for worst bug report ever!
You better post here about this mod.
Something along the lines of "pleasepleaseplease come work for us Eloraam" would be nice :biggrin.gif:
Then eloraam would go "Sorry no. I want to complete my studies"
Then you go "a million a year!!"
Edit :
Yere :\
You left without seeing this
More then half the userbase of 100 players are now using craftguide in the server I play on.
We use RP + IC + BC so yes..
"Whats the recipe for this?" "Get craftguide" "What is craftguide?" "Look it up" "Installed. But I cant make it" "Get quickguide too" "Wheres quickguide?" "On the same page as craftguide" "Ok installed. OMG THIS IS EPIC"
Wheres the damn paypal button!