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    posted a message on Griefing will forever exist.
    The statement in the topic was something I knew well (sort of going along with the saying "Nothing is perfect"), and assumed everyone else knew as well... I had thought in my head "You can't stop them", and no matter what "they" are, "they" will always find ways through to cause inconveniences.

    It's like when I used to play MapleStory, the company decided to start putting in swear filters to keep MapleStory as a family game, which meant that if you said the word, your entire sentence was blocked and you would have to retype. People would find ways through the filter such as putting spaces in between each letter. The company found out about this and started programming the filters so that they would ignore spaces. This went on, expanding so that lots of different words were censored, and it was driving everyone crazy; things like "Smash it" would get blocked and would delay what the players were trying to really say. Even simpler things like "Get it" would be blocked as well. What the company ended up doing was not stopping people from swearing (they would find ways around it by typing "fck" or "sht", which were later blocked, but then they would start typing "fk"...), but stopping people from speaking. If Notch were to try to stop inevitable inconveniences such as griefers, something frustrating just like this would end up happening. There's really no need to try and stop them, because they'll always find ways through, such as spawn prisons which don't work entirely (griefers can act trustworthy and then grief it up when your backs are turned). People just have to learn to accept that bad things occur, just like in real life. Nothing can or will be entirely perfect.
    Posted in: Discussion
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