@snaggles: I said throats! You can't consume something unless it is swallowed!
Quote from Rotten194 »
Quote from Levinous »
Ehh, I really don't like this idea. Besides, that would make arrows useless and it would replace "Oh god, I'd better save my arrows for more dangerous situations" with "Oh, more enemies. I'll just dig a chunk out of the ground again!"
A block is/has/takes:
1. Much less accurate than an arrow
2. Much less range than an arrow (maybe 1 block in front, and down)
3. Much harder than shooting an arrow
4. MUCH longer than shooting an arrow. Arrow: Press tab. Block: Mine block (could take a while), go to block in inventory, mine block again (to break into fragments (could be optional, a whole block would deal more damage but be more wasteful), throw (which would be tiring, if stamina ever shows up)
Thus making it a viable weapon only in a siege situation. If you are attacked on the same level you are on, this would be useless, as the block would go straight down, and if the enemy is close enough to be hit (rigt next to you), you would be dead before you could throw (and you should be using melee anyways)
And the chances of precisely throwing a mushroom down an undead monster's throat, successfully poisoning it, are so slim that I won't even begin to describe the odds.
It sounded cool at the time D:
1. As accurate as the skeletons' arrows? :tongue.gif:
2. Wait, only one block ahead? Wouldn't melee just be more convenient here!?
3. I don't really know how it would be hard; it would need to be explained a little farther.
4. I'm assuming it would be grass/sand or something, you could just press the number, and you could break it up into fragments in advance. I do think that hauling a block right over your head to throw it would be good since it would take longer.
I still don't like the idea, though. It's the same as arrows! It would be better if you could, in future, craft a heavy stone or something to throw onto monsters in a similar way.
Actually, I could use more info on what songs I've to make. "Action" could be ANYTHING! I should put a more important question (for me) out first: Is this series serious or comedic?
Ehh, I really don't like this idea. Besides, that would make arrows useless and it would replace "Oh god, I'd better save my arrows for more dangerous situations" with "Oh, more enemies. I'll just dig a chunk out of the ground again!"
And the chances of precisely throwing a mushroom down an undead monster's throat, successfully poisoning it, are so slim that I won't even begin to describe the odds.
Well, the topic could just use more updated info. Most of us are in the dark here.
[email protected] - I check my emails very often, so I usually see new messages quickly.
As for the organisation, I fell like I'm organised. I make many videos so I'm familiar with this all. Everybody should have designated tasks to carry out and should complete them by a set master time. Any questions/comments/updates should be posted here.
Or we could just do the email thing. Emails keep things personal, anyway.
Okay, I have no idea what I'm doing with this skin, but I am trying. I expect that my skin won't make the cut if I make it alone. I'll share what I have done with the skin and then we can all edit it a bit so that it looks perfect.
So far I've recoloured the trousers dark red, recoloured the eyes so that they're monochrome and dark, and I've made him bald. I've really bad with pixel shading so I will need a reference of a bald guy! Off to Google Image Search I go.
I'm at my Gran's house right now so there's nothing to do, really. I'll try making the evil mob skin.
Also, where's the server link? I was thinking of joining but this PC is like "GNNNNN" with Minecraft (AND has a slow internet connection) so I might not be able to be of any use (that is, if it can load the server).
Edit: "Evil" is such a vague adjective. Can you elaborate what this evil guy is supposed to be like?
I liked the Adam & Eve skins I saw Trolljack and Fishlips using once (with the cliché leaf censoring the crotch) better. That nude skin is just creepy because the skin has no face. If it had the normal ¦] expression then it would have been funnier.
Yeah, muppe's right. The one shown in the character skin topic is on the skin website and it's not working right now. Everything is breaking!
(Not to mention that you'd have to be updating this list all the time.)
1. As accurate as the skeletons' arrows? :tongue.gif:
2. Wait, only one block ahead? Wouldn't melee just be more convenient here!?
3. I don't really know how it would be hard; it would need to be explained a little farther.
4. I'm assuming it would be grass/sand or something, you could just press the number, and you could break it up into fragments in advance. I do think that hauling a block right over your head to throw it would be good since it would take longer.
I still don't like the idea, though. It's the same as arrows! It would be better if you could, in future, craft a heavy stone or something to throw onto monsters in a similar way.
And the chances of precisely throwing a mushroom down an undead monster's throat, successfully poisoning it, are so slim that I won't even begin to describe the odds.
[email protected] - I check my emails very often, so I usually see new messages quickly.
As for the organisation, I fell like I'm organised. I make many videos so I'm familiar with this all. Everybody should have designated tasks to carry out and should complete them by a set master time. Any questions/comments/updates should be posted here.
Or we could just do the email thing. Emails keep things personal, anyway.
Edit: Nevermind. I reopened Firefox and it fixed it.
So far I've recoloured the trousers dark red, recoloured the eyes so that they're monochrome and dark, and I've made him bald. I've really bad with pixel shading so I will need a reference of a bald guy! Off to Google Image Search I go.
Also, where's the server link? I was thinking of joining but this PC is like "GNNNNN" with Minecraft (AND has a slow internet connection) so I might not be able to be of any use (that is, if it can load the server).
Edit: "Evil" is such a vague adjective. Can you elaborate what this evil guy is supposed to be like?
And all of the stat stuff would really add some complex strategies to the game, but I honestly like Survival as simplistic as it is right now.