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    posted a message on Minecraft... Or Maplestory?
    In my opinion, MapleStory could have been great. It has just been executed in a terrible way. I love the sprites, the environments, the music, the clothing and weapons. I hate the gameplay, the NPCs, and quests and the community. I quit around level 50 because of what I hated, but the things I loved where what got me hooked when I started playing.

    ...Oh, anyway:
    Quote from Eztuzt »
    The new Indev adds the floating island option. Combine that with the gigantic heads, the pigs, and the mushrooms.

    Those things are not and have never been unique to MapleStory. Try again.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Mining Light - Alternative to random torches?
    It doesn't matter if the light movement is choppy, as long as it works. It's like refusing food you don't like, while you're starving to death. The torch-on-the-hat idea sounds good to me.

    Though, still, I can still see fine in the complete darkness. I'd like it to be totally black when in deep caves, definitely.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Effects of BEING UNDERWATER or in water.
    I agree with the digging-air-pocket-underwater prevention part. Digging out an air pocket is far too easy to do, and it eliminates the intended danger of going underwater.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Splendor of Minecraft (Images)
    As a matter of fact, I did take a picture recently.

    The rest are old pictures.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Live - Screened TV
    Then a devious griefer tip-toes along and stuffs a dirt block in the camera lens, ruining everyone's TV show!

    I think it's a fun idea, even though it probably wouldn't ever be accepted. It's the sort of thing you'd want to use in a video, but the illusion of a TV could easily be done with some easy video editing.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Seventh post gets Xmas gift game!
    DID I WIN ?? :smile.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif:((( :@:@::@@@

    (I missed my chance to give away a free game... :x)
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Shadows are just too dark
    When I'm deep, deep inside of a cave, I'd want it to be pitch black. It would make the torches more than just a mere accessory. But, I agree that the darkest areas should be farther from a light source than they already are. I would like more shades of shadow to make the darkness even more gradual.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on arrows in creative mode?
    I must say, shooting people with arrows doesn't strike me as creative. In other words, deathmatches would most likely have their own mode altogether. I wouldn't be able to bear Creation Mode if people kept impaling me with arrows for whatever reason while I'm trying to build stuff.

    And, in many servers, you'd just get sent straight back to the spawn prison. That's annoying enough as it is when you disconnect.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on A good, anti-grief suggestion!
    Type "/ban ", then hold tab and click the griefer's name from the window.

    A /stop command would probably **** a lot of other players off if they're building and suddenly they're halted for however long it takes for the op to ban the guy. And good ops don't instantly ban someone when someone accuses them of griefing, they sneakily teleport to them and catch them griefing in the act. "/stop" would throw away the evidence, since you would never be able to tell if the guy was griefing or not.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Poll time: If Notch adds one block to the game
    Anything that isn't, in any way, an apparent "fix" to griefer problems. Something like bricks, yeah.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on NAME THE NEXT PERSON TO POST HERE

    GeneralGuy, because he WILL come back!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on HUGE spawn rate!
    Hahaha, this is really fun! I've walked past zombie hordes and when I turn around after I walk past a good few hordes all I can see is, like, 30 zombies all chasing after me. XD

    Good find!
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A General Mob
    Line of sight would work for me!

    But monsters know where you are in terms of how close you are to them, even though you're not visible. (I hope this changes.)
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on NAME THE NEXT PERSON TO POST HERE
    *buzzer noise*

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Post your CTRL-V
    http://www.keiththompsonart.com/images/ ... tbeast.jpg

    lol, I just copy + pasted that same link to one of my friends. What a let-down!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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