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    posted a message on I learned what a creeper is...
    Anyone know why it's called a Creeper?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My indev at night
    That's really amazing. I built one building in Survival and quickly became impatient because of how many resources I was using.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Respawning after death
    Survival Mode. The aim is to survive. When you die, you lose the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Splendor of Minecraft (Images)
    Holy cheese. Meren's last one is very impressive.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on A little help please [Edit: placing water/lava]
    I finally found where my video had been posted!

    Yes, it's the Archives custom server. People place blue blocks to make a water block, and red blocks to make a lava block. The video's of an old, fun glitch we found one day which was soon going to be fixed, so I made a video out of it while I could. timeshifter either saw my video and was curious as to how people were placing the blocks and made a topic here, taking a screenshot of my video and unnecessarily making up a story to go along with the question, or, is just messing with us.

    The video's supposed to be showing off the glitch, not the water and lava placement! My video is hardly even related to timeshifter's question.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Strange gaming quirks?
    There have been times where I've been playing a Nintendo racing game where you hold down a button like "A" to accellerate, and you never release hold of the button.

    I notice I'm holding down the button after hours of playing, and I think "Wait, what does 'A' even do? Do I even need to keep holding it down?" so I take my thumb off of "A" and I look up at the screen to see if there's any difference.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Survival Griefers
    Good point. People entering your Survival server shouldn't get tools right away, so assuming you had made all your tools by this point, you could just murder them. That, or knock them out and drag them into said cage or trap. :biggrin.gif:

    (Haha: Pixel Pickaxe of Pwnage™)
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Yet another way to keep mobs out of your base/camp
    In Notch's to-do list:
    Quote from Toodledo »
    Land-claim flags
    Note: Planting a flag (costs gold in survival?) claims an area of land. No monsters can spawn or die from age in that area, and only selected players can build in that area.

    I do like the fire idea, though. It could repel monsters for as long as it's burning, in addition to the Land-Claim Flags, but that doesn't mean that it needs to have a longer life than initially intended.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on malibar1's skins: mw2 ghost
    Looks pretty good, even though I have no idea who the guy is.

    (Now I don't know whether we're to post skin packs in the Skin Thread or in separate topics.)
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on NAME THE NEXT PERSON TO POST HERE
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Cave Story
    Oh, thank goodness for that. If that was the only music I'd be hearing, I wouldn't have wanted to buy it anymore.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on PaperMinecraft!
    Well, nobody made my skin, so I guess I should just make it myself. I bought a camera recently, too. :biggrin.gif: Doesn't look too hard...
    Posted in: Other Fan Art
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    posted a message on Cave Story
    Quote from name=Eat box »
    Also, they bastardized the egg corridor music.

    OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE THEY DONE!?!? Why would anybody want to listen to that!? They upgrade the graphics, but they downgrade the music! It's ear-piercingly LOUD and they turned down the tempo. It's supposed to be fast-paced! Doesn't that composer have any idea what they're doing!?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Effects of BEING UNDERWATER or in water.
    Quote from ShadowDusk »
    just want to post this
    when it goes multiplayer what if a greafer floods your base then you would be trapped and die
    this is why we need to dig underwater

    But that would only happen if everyone built their bases underwater/underground.

    With the digging-out-an-air-pocket scenario, it came to me that, in reality, air wouldn't spawn in the place you dug out, and would just be more water. But that goes into water pressure and everything... Water physics shouldn't really get involved until after there's finite water!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Scariest, Annoying, Funny, or Awesome Survival moments.
    Scariest: Every time I'd get attacked from behind by a mob of Zombies and Creepers in a cave.
    Annoying: When monsters see you through walls.
    Funny: When monsters go aggro on each other. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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