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    posted a message on Last one who posts here wins
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Most Overrated Game You Have Ever Played
    Chum Gam 3-D (WARNING: Plays crappy voiceclip when you go to the site.)

    It's old. It's rubbish, too.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Against Custom Servers.
    Custom Servers are only fun when you can build. This is why I stay away from WoM.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Score:1337
    Yeah. Score is always in yellow.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on What's the name of the Minecraft guy? (GameFAQs CB)
    I always called him "Default". I loved how his beard looked like a huge smile. It added to the hilarity of the arm-flailing I love so much.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on average coal vein size?
    On average, for me, 8x8x8.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Time, what is it?
    Quote from Ladon »
    The only reason I am typing this is because I want to. i just decided not to capitalize the first word in this sentence. By doing so, I changed the future. I, by myself, changed the future.

    What's to say you were inevitably going to capitalize that first word? The future bears no rules!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on NAME THE NEXT PERSON TO POST HERE
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Who remembers when...
    Quote from Happyman »
    Also, Sonic was never good. Haters gonna hate.

    Your opinion is fine and all, but all I know is that it was part of the highlight of my childhood (Sonic 2), along with Super Mario Kart, Zelda: Link to the Past, Kirby's Dreamland 3 and Kirby Super Star. I was still enjoying these games when everybody had shiny-new Nintendo 64's and PlayStations.

    I remember the initial Pokémon craze. The games, the anime, the card games, the outburst of plushies, collectable sticker albums... It was the best thing ever.

    I also remember when Toonami had anime shows such as Tenchi and Gundam.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on I'm So Excited For Survival MP!!
    I'm just afraid of instantly being hunted, stalked, stabbed, looted and/or cooked the moment I join a server. I'm not sure if I would join a team in the forum in advance or just starting off independantly in Survival Multiplayer. If I came up to a group and asked if I could join, they might instantly think I'm trying to trick them and sneakily kill them one by one. There would probably be a lot of paranoia amongst players, because there's nobody you can truly trust.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I trade half-life 2 for Minecraft
    For some reason I have those two same game copies on Steam. What about all those other games I had bought twice!? I don't know anyone who would specifically want HL2 + Ep1, even if I did give them them for free.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on It's my birthday!
    Happy Birthday.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on FIXED
    Only about four seconds. I don't understand what you could be doing wrong! Are you holding the left mouse button down the entire time?
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Recount your day without going back to edit what you wrote.
    I slept in again this morning for college and missed my first class (again) but I woke up in time for tclass 2. For some reason it wasn;t on at 1pm LIEK IT SHOULD BE an d nobody told me. It was on at 3pm and there was a test that was supposed to lat for at least 1.5 hours but only went on for 40 minutes. (because it was so easy)

    I came out of the lecture hall and my 'friends' were waiting outside and were general dicks again. Then they all left and I went on the computer in the IT Suite to get some vital files for some project I needed to do for college. Then I went to the bus stop by the college and got the bus home. I got off at the shop to buy some fizzy , delicious juice and some bisbuits and then returned home.
    That's about it. Do you know how dirty I feel for submitting a post with sentences full of embarrassing typos!?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Minecraft Currency (minebux)
    Yeah, I'd be happy just trading smelted diamond/gold/silver for stuff, or any other resource. If I sold resources for coins, I would just have some worthless metal in my inventory until I happened to meet another civilized person somewhere.

    (There had BETTER be Creeper shopkeepers.)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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