Hey everyone,
The time is finally upon us!
Naruto Anime Mod is now in Beta v0.9
I know you are all aching to start playing, but please take a minute to read what I have to say first ^^
The Aburame clan may not have any jutsu in the mod yet, but they are taking their revenge by infesting the mod with bugs!
Since this is a beta, bugs and crashes are to be expected.
I will go over a way to report these bugs, so we can fix them together on the bottom of this post.
I will post back with crafting recipes in a bit aswell
The mod probably needs some balancing too (certain jutsu might be too weak or too strong ) we'll figure that out as we go and balance things little by little
Some Clans don't have any jutsu yet, if you end up getting one of these, don't worry, these are on top of the to-do list ^^
Now, without further ado, Play to your hearts content!
For questions about the mod, watch the video's on top, they cover most info
Thanks to our amazing Patreon Supporters I have decided to remove the ad.fly links, enjoy your direct downloads guys! ^^
Join the Official Mathioks Discord here: https://discord.gg/EyBqu4E
---------- Changelogs ------------------------
Update 25/05/18
- Added Tsuchigumo Clan jutsu:
-- Added Tsuchigumo Clan Skilllearner, if you are playing on a server as a tsuchigumo member, please ask your server owner to give you the skilllearner, new players should get it upon rolling the clan
-- Tsuchigumo Clan Character Bind Technique
-- Tsuchigumo Style: Forbidden Life Technique Release: Creation of Heaven and Earth
-- Tsuchigumo Style: Fury
Update 11/05/18
- Added Fuma Clan jutsu:
-- Fuma Clan skillLearner works now
-- Fuma Clan Fuma shuriken jutsu
-- Fuma Clan Curse Mandala
-- Fuma Clan Chakra Threads
Update 04/05/18
- Added Tailed Beast Slash, an attack that can be used in the last stage of tailed beast, acts like a long and wide range powerful punch/slash
- Added French Lang
- Fixed Storm Release Black Hunting missing texture problem
- People who have been born in the hidden sound can now gain curse mark from orochimaru
- Fixed Medical jutsu strength of a hundred seal description
- Fixed Flying Thunder God Kunai Kenjutsu Requirements and description
Update 27/04/18
- halved bijuu unlock time
- lowered bijuu tailed beast ball frequency in hopes of lowering lag for people with lower-end computers fighting the tailed beasts
- added 8 different forms for bijuu 2nd stage transformations (Shukaku - Gyuki)
- added 8 different forms for bijuu 3rd stage transformations (Shukaku - Gyuki)
- fixed random bug where tailed beast would talk to player even if he doesn't have one
- added flying capability to Chomei
- in-item textures for a few clothings:
- asura
- boruto
- madara
- obito (young)
- obito (war)
- obito (akatsuki)
- original uchiha
- original senju
- rai jonin
- tsu jonin
- samurai
- sasuke (war)
- sasuke (taka)
- shisui
- kimimaro
- zabuza (season 1)
- zabuza (war)
Update 20/04/18
- Fixed lava mode
- Fixed no JP between lvls 1500-2000
- Fixed crash when fighting witch
- Fixed isobu texture
- Started reworking tailed beasts
Update 13/04/18
- Fixed Taijutsu damage not scaling correctly
- Added Drunken Fist to all members of the Lee clan
- Added Dragon to Taijutsu: Night Guy
- Added Uzumaki: Adamantine Sealing Chains
- Added Uzumaki: Reaper Death Seal
Update 06/04/18
- Fixed Ninjutsu: Unoeuf crashing servers
- Added Easter Token Reward
Update 30/03/18
- First Event try-out, Easter Event!
Update 23/03/18
- in-item armor texture: Hokage
- in-item armor texture: Raikage
- in-item armor texture: Tsuchikage
- in-item armor texture: Kazekage
- in-item armor texture: Mizukage
- in-item armor texture: Leaf Jonin
- in-item armor texture: Sand Jonin
- in-item armor texture: Sound Jonin
- in-item armor texture: Anbu Sleeveless
- in-item armor texture: 14 Anbu Masks
- in-item armor texture: Akatsuki
- in-item armor texture: Old Akatsuki
- in-item armor texture: Sasuke The Last
- in-item weapon texture Update: Hiramekarei
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 1
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 3
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 4
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 5
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 6
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana 7
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana Wood
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana Silver
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana Gold
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana Emerald
- in-item weapon texture Update: Katana Diamond
- in-item weapon texture Update: Kunai
- in-item weapon texture Update: Kunai Bomb
- in-item weapon texture Update: Flying Thunder Kunai
- in-item weapon texture Update: Shuriken
- in-item weapon texture Update: Fuhma Shuriken
- in-item weapon texture Update: Hidan Scythe
- in-item weapon texture Update: Shakujo Madara
- in-item weapon texture Update: Shakujo Obito
- Fixed Wood Release Passive Healing
- Fixed Steel Release Steel Shield not deactivating
- Rebalanced Steel Release Impervious Armor
- Rebalanced Iburi Instant Smoke Form
- Fixed Flash of darkness being named"Dome of darkness"
- Fixed Flash of light being named "Dome of light"
Update 16/03/18
- Fixed Steel Release: Iron Cage griefing
- Fixed Ice Release: Dome griefing
- Fixed Kenjutsu: Slash griefing
- Added some in-game armor texture
- Added some HD ninja headband textures ( Hidden Leaf, Hidden Mist, Boruto's Scarred Headband )
Update 09/03/18
- Added Aburame: Kikaichu Summon
- Added Aburame: Insect Clone
- Added Aburame: Insect Bog
- !! IMPORTANT !! There seems to be something going on with the way Mojang/Microsoft lets us download skins, because of this clones do not work as intended, and will not have the players skin, I'm looking into finding a way to fix this, but haven't found one yet.
Update 02/03/18
- New Ninja Card GUI (thanks to KravendiN)
- Russian Lang (thanks to Dejez)
- 7 swordsmen swords with bunshin crash fixed
- People born in the Hidden Sound can now also unlock Curse mode through Orochimaru
- Lowered Lightning Release: Lightning Mode's damageboost
- Ketsuryugan and Byakugan eye positions fixed (with thanks to InomNum)
- Bijuu should no longer despawn
- Landmine fist should be fixed
- Chakra charge zooming player in and out should be resolved or at least less
- Susano'o is now in process of being added to the skill learners, hence why staging is not possible at the moment
- Added cooldowns to usage of kage bunshin jutsu in order to possibly stop broken chunks in servers
Update 17/02/2018
- Fixed too many mooshroom biomes ( USE WITH CAUTION, BACKUP YOUR WORLD SAVE!! )
- Fixed Gentle Fist still crashing servers when used by bunshin
- Fixed Sealing Bijuu in eachother not working
- Fixed Toad sage mode not working
- Tailed beasts talking to people without one should be fixed ( needs testing so report back )
- Fixed Crystal Dragon missing texture
- Fixed C2 Still crashing servers
- Fixed 3Tails missing texture
- Fixed Shukaku Defeat item missing texture
- Issue with Uchiha letter 1 ( for mangekyou ) should be fixed, if yours was bugged, please spawn in a new version of the letter and let me know if problems still arise,
the issue seems to happen to some, but for some reason I myself cannot recreate it, so I need your feedback on this )
Update 10/02/2018
- Fixed Slug and Snake Sage modes being switched
- Fixed Hiraishin kunai crashing your game when bunshin's use it
- Fixed Kenjutsu techniques being bugged
- Fixed Gentle Fist crashing your game when bunshin's use it
- Tailed beasts won't spawn on cauldron servers!! UPDATE: Fix found by "Shinzo" and "Teddiki" thanks a lot!
1. Inside the file "Cauldron.yml" (open using Notebpad ++)
2. Once its open go to settings and fine the line that says "check-entity-bounding-boxes: true"
3. Change it to "check-entity-bounding-boxes: false"
- Fixed Eight gates crashing servers
- Fixed being unable to hit anything after using Iburi clan Smoke Form 2
- Fixed right clicking Sannin messing up the scroll
- Fixed Explosion Release: Exploding Palm not stopping
- Fixed Eplosion Release C2 Dragon crashing server
- Fixed Shark jutsu saying it's water prison jutsu
- Fixed Ice DNA not giving the Ice Kekkei Genkai
- Fixed Wind Skill Learner saying 010 for Vacuum Serial Waves
- Fixed Vacuum Serial Waves getting stuck
- Occasionally multiple people will have the same clans.. this has to do with how minecraft internally creates randomized numbers, if this affects your world, a way to force an update is doing something ( like opening a chest ) before using the Chakra Nature Paper
- Fixed Kenjutsu stats not correct for Shuriken and Fuhma Shuriken
- Fixed Tailed Beasts only dropping DefeatGyuki Item
- Fixed Tailed Beasts talking to people even when they don't have a tailed beast yet
- Lowered Tailed Beast talking time ( some people were getting spammed, don't worry, this doesn't affect your unlock rate )
Fixed Hidan's Scythe crashing when Bunshin's use it
Fixed Moon Bunshin crashing Server
Fixed Random Speedboosts on Nara Blocks
Fixed bug of Uchiha Letter 2 Not activating
Update 04/02/2018
- fixed kenjutsu workaround
- fixed tools as kenjutsu
- fixed genjutsu crows
- fixed npc's only spawning at night
- added chinese lang ( thanks to moore 5859! )
- fixed sage training height training
- lowered sharingan awakening
- fixed smoke bombs blinding user
- added poison bombs crafting recipe ( smokebomb, but instead of gunpowder spider eye )
- Sage mode only giving snake version should be fixed now (Warning added, you can only get 1 type of sage mode!)
- Susano'o button shouldn't give a message anymore as long as you don't have mangekyou
- cooldowns added to kenjutsu skills
- bijuu spawning fixed
Update 28/01/2018
- Sealed Sage Scroll should be fixed now ( not sure, report back )
- Kaguya clan bone ripping jutsu fixed
---------- I found a bug/I crashed ------------------------
Help! X isn't working!
- Jutsu that you do not have the appropriate jutsu nature for will not work, so spawning them in won't do you any good
- If you have the correctnature for it, and it still doesn't work, check your chakra, you might not have enough to use it, not all jutsu give the "you don't have enough chakra message" yet
- Did you take this jutsu from another player? only players who are the original owner can use that jutsu
- You checked all these things and it still doesn't work? report a bug ^^
I'm charging and my chakra isn't going up!
- Chances are you're sneaking, if you're sneaking while charging, you will charge up your senjutsu instead ( this will be invisible if you don't have any yet )
I'm an Uchiha/Chinoike, but my Sharingan/Ketsuryugan won't activate!
- Other than Hyuuga, Uchiha and Chinoike don't get born with their dojutsu unlocked, play the game, it will unlock eventually!
I'm pushing the susano'o/tailed beast transformation buttons, but nothing happens!
- Even though the buttons are there, you need to have the appropriate powers unlocked in order to actually use them
that's all I can think off atm, the list will probably get longer,
- What do to when you find a bug/crash?
bug : look up and see if any of these situations apply
if not -> try to recreate it a few times until you know when it occurs, then tell me here on the forums.
1) go to your %appdata% -> Roaming -> .minecraft -> crash-reports and grab the newest crash report ( with the current time and date )
2) save it somewhere
3) go back into the game, see if you can re-create it
4.1) if not, report the crash report, tell me what you did while it happened, and continue playing
4.2) if you can re-create it, go into your mods folder and remove all mods except mine
5.2) open the game back up and try to re-create it again
6.2) if it doesn't happen again, it's a mod incompatibility, or might not even have anything to do with my mod, look at the list of compatible mods, put those back in, then put in all the others you have one-by-one and try to re-create it
if it happens after adding mod X, you have found an incompatible mod, report this on the forum.
6.3) if it still happens, give me the newest crash report and tell me exactly how I can re-create it ( this will help so much when trying to find out what went wrong )
---------- List of mods that are tested and compatible ------------------------
- Treecapitator
- Mount and Blade
- Adventure Backpack
- Aqua Culture
- Archimedes Ships
- Custom NPC's
- Exotic Birds
- Extra Utilities
- Fastcraft
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Chest
- Minecraft Comes Alive
- Open Blocks
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Storage Drawers
- Mr. Crawfish Furniture Mod
- Better Foliage
- BiblioCraft
- Damage Indicators
- Not Enough Items
----- You want to help out? -----
- if you have any skills you want to help me out with ( coding, animation or modeling ) send me a PM here, and I will get back to you.
( I'm usually pretty busy, so if it takes a while, don't worry, I'm not ignoring you ^^ )
- if you want to buy me a coffee or an ichiraku ramen, I have set up a patreon so you can support me ^^
(click the link below)
Jonin Patreon Contributors to the mod!:
- ♪♪Nico♪♪
- Joshua Derooi
- YoniThePanda
- Banjo
- Mr. Robotic
- nightfullll
- HeroGamezFTW
I hope you all enjoy my first mod.
Have fun!
That is my ninja way.