Platform you play on (PC/XBox/Etc.): Down to play whatever, whenever (If time is allotted)
Age: 22
Gender: Frail Pale Male Snail
Country/Timezone: U.S. West-coast
How someone should contact you: Through any of the things listed over there <<<<<<<<<<
How long you've been playing Minecraft: Since the Alpha yo.
Some things that you like to do on the game: Have fun, feed bones to wolfs, smite those who dare meddle in our affairs, punch wood, and have fun.
Any additional things you want to say: I'm a pretty fun guy to talk to.I love dorking out so def lookin' for some dorks. I may be at a mature age, but I can assure you, I am not. <3 :3
Do you agree to the rules?
I agree with whatever rules you want me to agree with. But in all seriousness. OF COURSE!
Are you mature?
In age, yes. Though I am just myself. And being myself I believe is the most mature thing I can be. Thank you.
Do you want any special items on join?
That completely takes the fun away. To answer the question, no.
Have friend(s)? If so what are their IGN(s)?
Of course I have friends pfftt... Who doesn't have friends I mean come on... Ha ha... Their IGN's are rocketspaceman and EmeraldScout. They are not my friends, but are really close friends.
Do you agree to the rules?
I agree with whatever rules you want me to agree with. But in all seriousness. OF COURSE!
Are you mature?
In age, yes. Though I am just myself. And being myself I believe is the most mature thing I can be. Thank you.
Do you want any special items on join?
That completely takes the fun away. To answer the question, no.
Have friend(s)? If so what are their IGN(s)?
Of course I have friends pfftt... Who doesn't have friends I mean come on... Ha ha... Their IGN's are rocketspaceman and EmeraldScout. They are not my friends, but are really close friends.
Seems legit.