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    posted a message on Dyes Are Useless - Poll
    Quote from aSneakyMagician »
    You could always color code railway paths or above ground paths to guide your way using dyes.

    There's a lot of organization methods that have the potential to implement dyes as well, saving on wood to make signs in both regards.

    Having a color that stands out blatantly is also useful for finding your way around if you ever decide to venture out into the wilderness.
    stands out much better than just
    on the ground.

    Yes, but no one uses the cloth for things like this. Its usually used for pixel art and the like. I wouldn't mind if people actually used them for functions such as this, but they unfortionately do not.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Dyes Are Useless - Poll
    Im going to go ahead and state that I agree with the OP. Dyes are useless. This is SURVIVAL mode, dyes do not serve any significant purpose in the sense of survival. Along with a few other blocks, all they do is look pretty. What people need to realize is that this is not a creative building mode, its a survival mode that some people actually prefer to play with the intent of SURVIVING and making a shelter.
    The addition of dyed cloth in this mode was really a terrible one, as it encourages the creation of terrible pixel art in multiplayer survival servers. Theres such thing as the creative mode guys. Being able to see Mega-man and Charizard from my above-ground shelter was alright the first time, but its gotten old.
    Now everyone has the right to play the game their way, and thats fine and all, but when theres modes such as 'creative' and 'survival', don't you think that everyone should atleast play them like the name suggests? Dyes need to follow the route gold has taken. Gold was given a use, and now dyes need to be given a true use. And for everyone saying that they are meant for "builders and more creative players", shouldn't they be playing creative mode?

    In this thread I see alot of people giving the OP a hard time for no reason. Someone brings a reasonable idea to the table, and they in turn are ridiculed? Everyone complains about 'trolls' being the problem in this community, its actually the regular members who are the true problem. /myopinion
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on CAMLand - Closed! Go to tinyurl.com/camlandreborn
    Quote from deathmaul51 »
    why wouldn't the New Spawn be kept? I wouldn't really care either way but we just got it done like 2 weeks ago and I don't see why we wouldn't keep it. Also I know there are no concrete plans but I assume if the map gets reset so would the players stats as far as builders and factions and such... seems like it would make sense.... but maybe not.

    I would agree that if the map gets reset, it would only make sense to reset all stats as well. Everyone would not be on even footing if factions and builders did not have to pay again. I believe a map reset would be a good idea, losing what I have done so far is worth it. I vote yes on complete reset, but thats just my opinion.

    Maybe current factions and towns could get discounts when repaying, but nothing that would give them too much advantage. I dont think everyone would mind starting over, some people might though.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on CAMLand - Closed! Go to tinyurl.com/camlandreborn
    Faction Application:
    Name: BWRB

    Leader: LaytonLoztew

    Members: LaytonLoztew, TKsGirl1201

    Description: Small-knit group that is ready for some PVP. Remember, nothing is sacred.

    Do you have the iron required? Sure do.

    Do you want a Ventrilo channel? No thanks.

    Other details? TKsGirl1201 can confirm that im leader and that hes part of the faction in-game. We plan to bring more people here, but not right away.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [REQ] ClayCraft / Lapis Tools
    I came across this thread and made these textures out of boredom. Looks like you already have them done, but ill just leave these here anyway.
    I made two sets of tools, but they look almost identical. Lapis is there for comparision, I made ingots because im better at recoloring than making things from scratch. I also like the look of ingots anyway.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on CAMLand - Closed! Go to tinyurl.com/camlandreborn
    A friend of mine cannot make a forum account, since they do not receive an activation email. Ill be posting their application for them if thats alright (They filled it in, im just copy-pasting it.

    In-game Name: TKsGirl1201

    First name: Deavon

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Country: United States of America

    Why do you want to join the server? The experience the interesting concepts the server provides.

    What interests you most about the server? The interesting concepts and construction of the community.

    What do you expect from this server? A great community with mature members.

    Where did you hear about us? From LaytonLoztew.

    Who referred you to the server? (If nobody, leave blank.) LaytonLoztew

    Do you have Ventrilo or plan on getting it? (Optional) I have it installed.

    Did you read the rules? Are they fair? Yes, and they are fair.

    Do you have any suggestions for the server? Not really.

    Name your last 3 servers: MountainWatch, few public servers, Sorcero.us

    Have you ever been banned? If so, why? Not at all.

    Other details? Nothing really.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on CAMLand - Closed! Go to tinyurl.com/camlandreborn
    In-game Name: LaytonLoztew

    First name: Chris (I prefer to be referred to as Layton, dont want to cause confusion with my common name.)

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Country: United States of America (Maryland)

    Why do you want to join the server? I attempted this faction idea with a few friends on another server, it didn't work out because people we're afraid of being greifed so they didn't want to be affiliated with us at all. This server interests me, and I would like to see how this works in comparison to going on a server to simply build. I plan to create a faction with a few friends who I will bring.

    What interests you most about the server? The Factions/Town aspect, ofcourse! And the Ventrillo, its been a long time since I have been in a ventrillo server.

    What do you expect from this server? I dont really know what to expect, I see myself stumbling upon a faction war the minute I walk in though, but maybe thats just me.

    Where did you hear about us? Searching on the forums here, stumbled upon this thread.

    Who referred you to the server? (If nobody, leave blank.) -

    Do you have Ventrilo or plan on getting it? (Optional) I can reinstall if its required, im not exactly much of a talker though.

    Did you read the rules? Are they fair? I read the rules, and they are completely fair.

    Do you have any suggestions for the server? Can't really suggest anything as I havn't been in the server to experience it yet, but I suppose it could be simpler to make a faction? Looks a tad bit difficult to me, but I suppose you just have to have enough people in order to be able to create one.

    Name your last 3 servers: MountainWatch, and a few random servers that I have attempted to have a good time on.

    Have you ever been banned? If so, why? No, I do not recall ever being banned from a Minecraft server.

    Other details? Not much else, simply just want to look and see how this server works, and if it interests me then I'll try to bring a few friends over to participate. Already looks great, im just sort of scouting out for servers now. :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on MountainWatch - (old thread)
    No problem Alt, we were just concerned because this is the only good server we have found in quite awhile. Good to hear about the soon-to-be whitelisted servers. I'll be checking back every so often to see when those forums will be up.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on MountainWatch - (old thread)
    Quote from LuciferIsGod »
    Can we get an recent update of whats going on? Servers are down, website is down, so i don't know whats presently going on.

    Me and a few others also want to know whats currently going on. Theres no other place to see, as the blog, forums, and servers are down.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [WIP][MOD] In-game Inventory Editor
    Quote from opticness »
    Quote from Assassians4hire »
    Development of this mod has been paused until I can get everything in my life sorted out.

    I don't have much time to work on this mod during the days, and the weekends I'm stuck doing work again.
    If anyone would like to help me with the development of this mod, please, pm me.
    Art, coding, general ideas, beta-testing and such.

    I'll try to get on some scripting through the time I have free (which is very little right now) and maybe release the script before it's fully finished (for bug testing) to a small group of people (2-3 people)

    People who have to use inventory editors to play Minecraft are just sad... They don't deserve to play Minecraft in my opinion.

    Im sorry that not everyone plays up to your 'standards'. There are some people who like to test mods and play differently, and some people who just want to build with more blocks and features than creative can offer at the moment. People who have to criticize how other people play are much more sad than people trying to have fun at no one else's expense. Respect Assassians work, or leave the thread.

    Cant wait to see this done, ill certainly be waiting.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on 502 Bad Gateway, have cleared cookies
    Alright, I have tried deleting my cookies again, and its working so far. But i dont know if this will be like last time where it worked for a few minutes and then suddenly stopped again, so could you keep this thread open for a day just incase I run into this problem again, so I dont have to make a new thread? Thank you.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on 502 Bad Gateway, have cleared cookies
    I can see everything except for threads (I can see the list of threads, just not any posts inside threads. Gives me the 502 Bad Gateway error). I only get the error on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome lets me see threads without the error. However, I prefer IE, and would like to know how to fix this. I have tried clearing my cookies, it helped for a few minutes, but then it started giving me the error again. I have not experienced this with other sites before. Sorry if this has been solved, I tried the search function and thats how I figured out that I should try clearing my cookies, but that didn't work.
    And no "Just use Google chrome!" please. IE is much better for me.

    Edit: This has been happening for quite awhile now, but it didnt happen when I first started visiting the forums. Also, I use Windows 7. Dont know if that helps, but im just going to throw that out there incase it helps.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Elmegaard's Server (No Whitelist)(No lag)(Anti-Grief)
    If I could just make a suggestion, I think that we should keep the new map. Everyone seems to be having a great time, would suck to have to go back to an older map. I havn't been on this server much (still new to it), but im just hoping for this new map to stay. A new start for this new update would be pretty reasonable.
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on The OFFICIAL official thread, all about 'Pigmen'
    This is just plain pathetic.

    Not to flame you or anything, but:
    1. This isn't an official thread. And official thread would be a thread made by a moderator or administrator of the forums. Besides, this thread serves no purpose whatsoever. There are already threads that are discussing Pigmen.
    2. We really dont care that you made the idea for pigmen. The whole thing isn't implemented yet (Your idea is villages or pigmen, only zombie pigmen have been added. Notch may have said that he would include villages of them in the future, but we all know how often Notch changes his mind. And im pretty sure he only put them in because he liked the skin...)
    3. Dont expect donations, dont even put a donation link in your sig just because you thought of an idea. Thats like me putting "If you liked my post, you can donate to me at..." into my signature. No one is going to donate, and it makes me look like an idiot.
    4. You dont deserve any special titles or privilages for making an idea that Notch used. No one does, Notch has probably gotten ideas from alot of people. Someone probably suggested something similar to the Ghast, and Notch changed it a bit to fit with the game, who knows? Getting part of your idea in the game doesn't make you special.

    You've lost all respect from me, and probably a few other forum members. Good day.

    Mod edit: On topic, please.
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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