Noah at least had the decency of waiting until Sienna left before saying "So how long do you guys think we'll be able to survive on half baked ideas and luck? I bet about 5 minutes before we have to actually make a plan." He said before walking towards the door. "Oh wait Sienna's dad is coming." He said before looking around the room until stopping at a small hole in the building "Hmmm that could work' Noah says while activating his power, his eyes casting a blue light inside the room. "Alright I have a 78% chance of this working out, you guys can find your own way out if this works." He says before grabbing hold of the edges, his enhanced strength allowing him enough room to squeeze his way through. "Okay now I have to get home and grab some supplies before I come to my senses and realize that this is crazy." He said as he started to jog back to his house.
Noah sighs and stands up from his seat "Hey look Aiden you know that we'll always be there for you, but this is insane even for us. We lose one or two warriors every single time we go out for food. Do you really think that the three of us have any chance?" He says before sighing and putting a hand on Aidens shoulder "But if you're sure about this......then count me in." He says before grinning "And besides where am I supposed to find another guy as gullible as you?"
"Ahh what's the matter Sienna did you lose your sense of adventure?" Noah said with a small chuckle before sighing. "But as much as I hate to admit it, Sienna is right." He said while leaning back in his chair, getting serious. "If there was a world outside of the ruins then wouldn't you think one of the elders would have tried to get us to claim it? Oh and lets not forget that there are carnivorous beasts that prey on us every time we go out for food." Noah lightly touches blackjack while saying his words. "And even if we could get past them we aren't even supposed to know about that 'map' or whatever it is, let alone what it was used for.
Description: Noah is a small 5'2, the a runt of a litter, if you would. His small frame, small shoulders and his light weight made him a pushover with other kids. He may not be able to wrestle one of his brothers to the ground, but he could hit him fast, hide in the shadows or places where no one else could fit, and strike again over and over until they too worn out to raise a finger. He somehow keeps his hair in a permanent state of bed head, hair jutting out in every direction. His amber eyes compliment his vaguely muscular face and jawline. He has a slightly tanned complexion which he hides under a black long sleeve t-shirt that sloppily stick out of a pair of worn jeans. He wears a pair of black boots which look like they've survived the cleansing themselves and a pair of fingerless black leather gloves with the words "Ante up" imprinted onto the backs.
Weapons: A solid one piece black lead pipe that has the name "Blackjack" scratched into it. (Think of the lead pipe from Fallout NV)
Equipment: A water canteen used to store water (Duh), a small cloth pouch used to store food and a medium sized knapsack to store things.
Personality: Noah is a kind soul who only cares abo- ahh who am I kidding? Noah may put on the whole nice charade when in public, but any of his closest friends knows that he's already thinking about his chances of winning a bet with you from the moment he sees you. He is mischievous in nature, but deep down he has a good heart and tries to help out where he can. He also believes in helping someone in danger, but only if the odds are in their favor.
Powers: Ace in the hole- Noah is able to use his powers to enhance his strength and intellect to the point where he can calculate what his chances are when performing an action. His strength is also increased to deliver more punishing blows that have a small chance to stun a target.
Backstory: Noah was born into one of the most liked warriors in the town. When he wasn't out on a food hunt or training he was always making bets with the other warriors. Although he loved betting with his children the most, they were just so easy to fool. Well except for Noah, that kid had the heart of a gambler. He taught him everything he knew, and that made it so much harder when he was killed on Noah's first hunt. After his death Noah really started to take his fathers lessons to heart, gambling like there's no tomorrow. In the four years that followed Noah had learned too use his size to his advantage during a food hunt, being the only one able to fit in spaces too small for the other warriors to get through. He also had gambled so much that it's become second nature to him, becoming as proficient as his dad was.
Other: Noah can never say no to a bet as long as you make it sound like the odds are in his favor.
Dang my most painful injury was also one of my stupidest moments.
I was 12 when it all went down. Me and my friends had the "Great" Idea of seeing who could set up a bear trap the fastest. Now keep in mind we were 12 and really really stupid. So I went to my dads shed where he kept all of his hunting supplies and unlocked it with the key that he kept under a fake patch of grass. After bringing them back one of my friends timed us individually to see who was the fastest. I ended up winning by 2 seconds over my friend and after a round of high fives we were faced with the problem of how to disarm the bear traps. My friends suggested that we used a stick or something to spring them but I told them that I had a better idea. My idea was that If I was fast enough I could step on the pressure plates and get my foot out of there before it closed. As soon as I set my foot down on the plate the thing snapped close and I fell on my arm.....that just happened to land on another pressure plate. So now I had two of my limbs trapped in bear traps and I was bleeding all over the place. I don't remember much after that but I do remember my brief consciousness in the ambulance ride to the EU.
Whenever someone is eating something in class me and my friends would say "We hope you didn't bring enough for everyone"
Explanation: One day in our class one kid brought in a huge bag of Haribo gummy bears into class and he got caught. Now no one except me knew anything about how they gave you almost instant gastrointestinal problems and farts that sound like a walrus. After that liquid diarrhea that causes you to live in the bathroom for a while. So My teacher took the huge bag and had everyone take 2 huge handfuls. Now knowing the burning fire that it can result in I declined and said "Let everyone else have my share. So now everyone had ingested about 5 pounds each of these seemingly harmless bears, but then it began.
2 minutes later the class smelled like bile mixed with year old diapers and sounded like a land whale blowing 10 tubas at once. Everyone was experiencing extreme pain and only 2 people were able to be in the lav at the same time so they were the lucky ones. I had smartly picked up my desk and moved to the furthest corner I could before it went down. Liquid diarrhea was all over the floor and everyone was crying. In the end The whole class was sent home after I told the principal what happened and why they didn't need to go to the hospital. So now anytime someone brings in food no one accepts any of it if it gets confiscated.
Hey guys if you were in a band what instrument do you think you'd play? I've always seen myself as a drummer since I'm double jointed in my arms and have a overwhelming need to bash on things from time to time.
The power to negate 50% of armor makes this weapon way overpowered. Plus like the others said it would kill too fast that you can't react to it before it's too late.
So for me No support
Hmmmmm what to do what to do? *Looks out of window to a beautiful day, then looks at the laptop, then back outside.* Well I guess I can watch every season of Full Metal Alchemist.
Hey guys taking BlackAbsences advice I'm putting my idea out there. You know how in 1.8 villagers have classes to make them more lively? Well I propose that a few villagers can be warriors (completely unrelated to iron golems except for the fact that they defend the village) that can actually fight back against mobs and can be seen in hunting parties. These warriors would be equipped with a full set of leather armor and stone swords. On hunting parties there will usually be around 3-4 warriors to a group. My next idea is that a group of warriors will act as "guards" escorting a villager who acts like a mobile trader. The caravans would only travel above ground and use boats to travel along rivers. These traders would have an actual selection to chose from and special items that are only available to that caravan. This would require for the guys at Mojang to implement new items into the game so it would require some more work for them. You can chose to attack these caravans to get some of the traders inventory without having to trade, but that may be cause problems down the road. My final idea is for village relationships. This would decide how a village and its villagers react to you. If you act negatively towards them, attacking their caravans, killing their hunting parties, stealing crops or attacking the village itself, would cause them to make you pay more for trades, refuse to trade with you all the way up to having any villagers attack you on sight. On the other hand if you act positively towards them, helping their hunting parties, protecting their caravans, defending their village and trading often, this will cause them to give you better deals in trade, nearby hunting parties will lend a hand if you're fighting mobs, and caravans will be more likely to stock better items. So hate it, love it, toast it, eat it tell me what you think.
That sounds like a good idea, but what if they added something like a warrior tribe that can actually defend themselves against mobs and can be seen in hunting parties. Or maybe a caravan of some sorts that consists of a mix of warriors or "guards" escorting a villager who acts like a mobile trader. The caravans would only travel above ground and use boats to travel along rivers. The trader would have an actual selection to chose from and special items that you could trade. Also what if they added something like village relations. If you attack a caravan belonging to a village that village would react negatively to you to the point where if your relation was low enough that any villager or warrior who sees you will attack on sight.. But on the other hand being a help to the village, defending its caravans, the village and trading would reap certain benefits like better deals on trades, caravans being more likely to stock better items when traveling and hunting parties going out of their way to help you.. What do you think?
I was 12 when it all went down. Me and my friends had the "Great" Idea of seeing who could set up a bear trap the fastest. Now keep in mind we were 12 and really really stupid. So I went to my dads shed where he kept all of his hunting supplies and unlocked it with the key that he kept under a fake patch of grass. After bringing them back one of my friends timed us individually to see who was the fastest. I ended up winning by 2 seconds over my friend and after a round of high fives we were faced with the problem of how to disarm the bear traps. My friends suggested that we used a stick or something to spring them but I told them that I had a better idea. My idea was that If I was fast enough I could step on the pressure plates and get my foot out of there before it closed. As soon as I set my foot down on the plate the thing snapped close and I fell on my arm.....that just happened to land on another pressure plate. So now I had two of my limbs trapped in bear traps and I was bleeding all over the place. I don't remember much after that but I do remember my brief consciousness in the ambulance ride to the EU.
Explanation: One day in our class one kid brought in a huge bag of Haribo gummy bears into class and he got caught. Now no one except me knew anything about how they gave you almost instant gastrointestinal problems and farts that sound like a walrus. After that liquid diarrhea that causes you to live in the bathroom for a while. So My teacher took the huge bag and had everyone take 2 huge handfuls. Now knowing the burning fire that it can result in I declined and said "Let everyone else have my share. So now everyone had ingested about 5 pounds each of these seemingly harmless bears, but then it began.
2 minutes later the class smelled like bile mixed with year old diapers and sounded like a land whale blowing 10 tubas at once. Everyone was experiencing extreme pain and only 2 people were able to be in the lav at the same time so they were the lucky ones. I had smartly picked up my desk and moved to the furthest corner I could before it went down. Liquid diarrhea was all over the floor and everyone was crying. In the end The whole class was sent home after I told the principal what happened and why they didn't need to go to the hospital. So now anytime someone brings in food no one accepts any of it if it gets confiscated.
So for me No support