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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]
    Quote from nokturnihs»

    Can you please provide an alternative to link bucks that is less likely to result In malicious injection? I understand your desire to monetize the download b ad fly is significantly better. Still am having issues with the download, trying on a completely different platform. Link bucks is the worst ever.

    This, the last two times I tried to download the latest update I got a pop-up for "Anti-Virus".

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby
    Quote from beta00beta

    Clear away the monsters.
    I checked, no monsters in a reasonably close distance to my house.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby
    This message is starting to get on my nerves. I know my bed is in a perfectly safe location, and its still not going to let me sleep.

    EDIT: Well, I think the game is mistaking my two pets for hostiles, how inconvenient.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Clay Soldiers Mod v. 3.0.0-alpha.3 (MC 1.12.x) / 2.0.0-beta.2 (MC 1.7.10)
    I had some ideas while playing with this mod.

    I decided to put down spoilers since this is a lengthy post.

    1. Tanks
    No, not that kind of tank. It simply plays off the idea of a tank, a big armored thing with a gun. So whats big and armored to a clay soldier? An iron helm, what would they use as a gun? Sugarcanes. Unfortunately, thats far too cumbersome for one soldier, so they have to coordinate to use it.

    Crafting Recipe: Clay Soldier = C, Gravel = G, Iron Helmet = I, Sugarcane = S
    [G] [I][G]
    Using colored soldiers will result in a colored tank, dyes will recolor tanks, and waterbuckets will turn them back to grey.

    Once you have the tank, simply right click to release it. The five clay soldiers will work together to operate the not-so-complicated machinery. Four will hold up the helmet, the fifth stands in the center with the sugarcane and gravel and shoots from inside the helmet.

    Asides from having a whopping amount of health, the iron hide has resistance to numerous devious devices. Redstone will glitter harmlessly on it, gravel will bounce off of it, fire can't scorch it, and mushrooms can't poison metal! However, melee will damage the tank, glue and snow will have an easy time bringing it to a stop, supersoldiers can still beat the clay out of it, and it can still become corrupted if it grabs an enderpearl. Plus, since using such coordination is stressful as it is, the soldiers are unable to grab additional equipment.

    If the tank is destroyed, there is no way to reassemble it on the spot! It will break into 5 ingots, meaning that it can either be collected for repair and reuse, or recycled by the survivors as iron skeletons.

    2. Gold Ingots
    Since the gold nuggets have freed up the use of the actual ingots, why not give them a new use? When a clay soldier grabs a gold ingot, he will become greedy. He will prioritize equipment over combat. When he spots something he'd like to have, he immediately abandons his fight and rushes over to upgrade.

    An example over why this might be used, I created an arena with dispensers and pressure plates in it. Thus when in combat, the soldiers could receive potent upgrades or harmful downgrades. But when I initiated the actual battle, the equipment coming out of the dispensers merely piled up, and the soldiers, for the most part ignored the equipment until everyone on the opposite team was dead.

    3. Obsidian
    Give a soldier some obsidian, he becomes fire/lava proof! Blazerods, blaze powder, lava, all become things of the past!

    I did read about the no obsidian thing, to quote, "Obsidian is too overpowered to be included on anything." However, I'm not sure if fire immunity was one possibility considered. And if you think it completely nullifies the fire-based items, well it kinda does. But only on the soldiers with the obsidian. And I presume that most people who use this mod, like me, like to mix-and-match what the soldiers have. Meaning that we won't give every soldier obsidian or blaze powder.

    4. Colored Wool Borders
    If clay soldiers love their color, wouldn't that mean they hate the opposite? Thus, clay soldiers refuse to stand on or walk over wool that is a different color from their own. This could be used in an attack-defend scenario, with the border of the defenders area in the color of the attackers.
    Note: I am referring to placed wool, not dropped wool.

    5. Gravel, Snow, Netherack
    If a clay soldier runs out of gravel to throw at enemies, but he's standing ontop of gravel, what should he do? He should scoop up some gravel and keep throwing!

    A placed gravel block would give soldiers infinite ammo, as long as they were standing directly on the block. Furthermore, they will not use the gravel block unless they've already gotten gravel from the player. So you can still differentiate the melee and range.
    The soldiers are smart enough to realize how much of a strategic position the gravel is, so they will attempt to stay on the gravel in order to keep up the relentless onslaught as long as possible.
    Also, snow and netherack can be used instead for those who use snowballs or fireballs.

    6. High speed collision
    When a minecart comes barreling into the arena, hopefully no soldiers are in the way. Because they already get heavily knocked back from a soldier with an iron core, a minecart is 5x that! Thus they will become too battered for combat.

    7. Sponges
    Allow your clay soldiers to acquire the absorbent powers of sponge! This nasty trick will allow them to take other nasty tricks and use them against their users! For example they could blind an enemy who's using redstone, stick an opponent using slimeballs, or incinerate a hostile using blazepowder!
    Note: This is only if sponges are updated to be legitimately acquired ingame.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on 1.8 Suggestion : Creative to survival conversion
    How would this break the game? If it was disabled in multiplayer it would be completely harmless. It can be used to make adventure maps without the use of outside programs or mods, and if someone cheats with it they ruin their own experience.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Create the ultimate song
    Every post must copy the whole song, then add a line to it. The line added may be from any song. Don't post a line from the same song twice in a row.


    *My line*
    *2nd line*
    *3rd line*
    *so on*

    I'll start it off.

    Another mission, the powers have called me away.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Its a RPG. The weapon used by your avatar (unless you dont have a avatar was a weapon, use the weapon that you last used in a vi
    Welp, I have two hidden blades that can instakill, I have a pistol which can range instakill most targets. I have a sword and armor with max stats. I can call in a group of fellow assassins who can also instakill or have them shoot a bunch of arrows at all enemys in the vicinity instakilling most if not all of them.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Battle of the sexes
    Quote from firehawk729

    19 this one was with my left shoulder

    Edit: we shall be at 10000 in no time. :dry.gif:

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Rate the above username's creativity level.

    I can't even remember why I made this my username. But the horrible spelling is on purpose fyi.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Another Mob Idea
    Meh, I disaprove of having anything that drops diamonds. And before you go justifying it with the 4 hearts damage keep in mind that if this thing is melee only then it would already be pretty easy to kill by itself. It would simply take some time to wear it's health down.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Google Picture War
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Google Picture War

    My pipboy kills your pipboy
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on They should do another pre release
    Quote from Rundas777

    Technically, the pre-release IS a beta, but it's a beta OF a beta.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Google Picture War
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Google Picture War

    Damnit now I'm hungry.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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