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    posted a message on Mobs not moving?
    I'm a bit confused, but this isn't listed in the wiki as a 'fix' for the lag issues. Is there any content you can point me to which says this is o? :S
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mobs not moving?

    I've been recently experiencing the same problem in the video where mobs don't move around as much in 1.0. I've always enjoyed fending off my house from mobs that wander in from further away but now it seems they they get stuck in place and spin on the spot. So I usually have to go out and chase after them to get them unstuck.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or some elaborate plan to stop mob farms but this is kind of a weird way of doing it.

    What are everyone's thoughts on this? Anyone had the same problem?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Dear Mojang: The swamps are STILL ugly
    Quote from aquamarine518

    That's very, very true, even if I can't think of anything else they could fix or modify.

    People are only asking for the removal the swamp textures from being hard coded into the game so that people can texture pack swamps to their liking, just in case people like you want to keep the old texture.

    If you can't think of anything else they should fix, then it's only logical that they work on the aesthetics of the game. What's wrong with making the game more polished with a better mod interface, especially when texture packs play such a huge role in the modding community?

    Changing the swamps from being hard coded doesn't affect the way you see or play your game if you use the default texture pack, so why are you so resistant to this petition?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Dear Mojang: The swamps are STILL ugly
    Quote from ImTom

    Not everything in nature is a euphoric wonderland of beauty. Sometimes nature has to have that blemish, and it's a fact of life.

    And sudden transitions like that do exist in nature. Just take a look at Rio Negro in the Amazon river.

    The picture you posted has been color edited by an artist because it's an art photo. Hell, they even make swaps look nice when they edit the photo from your source:

    This is what the river you posted really looks like:

    That is a pic of the 'Meeting of Waters' in Brazil. The Rio Negro, a river with dark (almost black coloured) water, and the sandy-coloured Amazon River that happens to run side by side.

    The river runs for about 3 miles without mixing, which can only be achieved by the speed of the water and the water density. This is different from swamps in Minecraft because the waters there are still and not moving.

    May I remind you that this effect is one of it's kind in the world and that these rivers are in no way related to swamps in the first place. So unless swamps have waters moving 4-6kmph parallel to each other all the time, and meets all the sediment and temperature requirements, (which they don't, because they wouldn't be called swamps anymore, they would be called rivers), then your argument is somewhat moot and strawman in a sense.


    Oh and also, /signed
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Soon...
    I'll be playing a game which is also a sandbox game, which also has dragons, which is also just as epic

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Enchantments: Random or Fixed?
    Quote from Celynna

    And Diablo 3's crafting and enhancement systems are even more similar. Randomness can help create value and replayability.

    What you said is misleading.

    Diablo 3 said nothing about randomization of enchantments. They enchant what you ask it to enchant, there's no dancing around the bush randomly giving you a less-than-what-you-asked-for enchantment.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Lvling up?
    We don't really know. I think it's safe to assume that the levels are mainly used to count the exp points used for enchanting. As Minecraft is in a coding freeze Notch isn't very likely going to change it as it will mean adding a new feature like a stats system in order to make use of the levels.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Enchantments: Random or Fixed?
    Quote from I

    If you get to that high level, and don't get that silk touch enchantment, it makes the game longer, and more challenging.

    Challenging implies that there is a task to overcome by skill and learning new things.
    Deciding wether you are successful at something by pure chance doesn't make it a challenge. So now you'll have to go out and manually grind mobs in the wilderness again until you are lvl 40 or something, wasting many hours of game time, just to try again.

    The random system punishes players for putting legitimate effort into something like enchanting. I distinctively remember Notch saying that the game shouldn't punish players for things they cannot control. Something like putting several enchanting spells in sequence or the enchantment fails would have been a very reasonable mechanic to put in.
    Enchanting should only punish you if you **** it up yourself, that way you only have yourself to blame because you were in direct control of the process.

    Games stop being fun when it cheats you out of your effort, and it's a cheap and lazy way of prolonging gameplay. Either you give the player what they earned, or you place the player in control of the process of enchanting so that any mistakes they make are their own.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from the_raptor

    Because some people want to waggle their e-phallus around and say "NAH NAH NAH I got a bigger score then you!".

    Then I think it should be easy to ignore them since you have to actually click on their forum topic and read it.

    Again, why should it concern them if someone is going about bragging? They should just play the game and have their own fun with it instead of trying to measure up to other people. Minecraft isn't a contest.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Biome Generation and misaligned chunks
    Quote from Taghorn

    I don't agree on that one. The development of Minecraft is a dynamic process, things are added as they go. That has been the real power behind Minecraft from the start, if something good pops up they included it (pistons?).
    If they stopped changing the level generation code when people first started complaining about it, we wouldn't have biomes, caves or strongholds at all.
    Thats just the price to pay for playing a beta game using a dynamic design process.

    I do hope they start condensing the terrain generation changens into larger patches after the "full" release. Keeps being a pain to move from one build to another, but than we don't have to move every 2 weeks.

    Minecraft development is a dynamic process, but it's disorganized.
    Certain parts of the game needs to be prioritized to be completed first and others set as secondary goals. Now we have a terrain generator that has some problems when it comes to updating the coding post-release with it causing misalignment with biomes. Notch needs to decide what he wants for the terrain generator now, finish it, and leave it alone for the duration of release.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I have found the possible source of the squidward villagers!
    I'm kinda wondering how the skull explains the massive nose or arms that are glued together.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So Notch wants to make Minecraft more like an RPG...
    Quote from mrbaggins

    Hrm. I seem to have misplaced the word "Beta" and you found it for me.

    Implementing a mod as a solution is not a solution.

    What we were given was an indicator on where new features will be implemented, allowing those that are running the weekly builds to plan around them.

    Everyone is fully aware that as they currently stand they are unfinished. to come up with a "solution" to a problem that technically isn't even a problem in the first place is largely a waste of time.

    Actually the state of the game being unfinished *is* a problem because Notch had mentioned once before that he simply doesn't have enough time to develop the NPCs and such. He even implemented a coding freeze to work on the bugs that he hasn't solved since Alpha.

    That's a problem because debugging will take a lot of Notch's time and with the game being very very close to it's retail release it's not realistic to have everything done by then. So really instead of leaving the NPCs and other rpg elements that are already in the game unfinished, it's still one solution to take some ques from this mod in light of the time constraints.

    I'm not trying to force the game into being an RPG or otherwise, I'm only trying to come up with solutions to help Notch reach his deadline with a somewhat finished game with every feature having a proper purpose.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So Notch wants to make Minecraft more like an RPG...

    So , you watch a video of a mod.

    And your first reaction is that the game should be like that , an RPG ?.

    Why do people take this dumb conclusions.

    So , if i watch a video of Mo creatures

    I should inmediately ask notch if he could add all those mobs?

    How your brain works , explain me your procces of thinking , how do you get conclusions.

    Is it me or are all of you people lacking reading comprehension reading the first post?

    Read the first post and it'll answer your questions on my process of thinking. I said that the video is impressive. Then I said that Notch mentioned not too long ago that he wanted his game to be more like an RPG. So if Notch wanted his game to be more like an RPG, then the way the mod did it would be a good direction to go in.

    I went through great pains to explain that I don't support the game being one thing or another and I support people having a choice on what sort of gameplay they want it to be with the use of game mode toggles. Seems that part just flew over your head didn't it?

    Now explain to me how your brain works whenever you read, or do you just gloss over whatever you read without any of it being processed by your brain cells?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So Notch wants to make Minecraft more like an RPG...
    Quote from GobbieMarauder

    I can think of very few instances in which adding more content (barring things like bugs and balance issues, of course) has made a game worse. The only reason I would ever be against "RPG elements" is if adding them is pushing back some other content I'd like to be added first. Of course, the only thing I can think of is improving mob AI, which can certainly wait.

    As for adding the mod, no. While the general concept is cool, and I'll probably use it sometime in the near future, the way it's implemented doesn't really "match up" with Mincraft. The kingdom being built on your behalf isn't really "Minecrafty." There being a bunch of NPCs isn't "Minecrafty." While there's elements of it that may work well, as a whole, I don't think it belongs in vanilla.

    I agree the the RPG elements aren't particularly in the spirit of Minecraft which is why I stressed that one of the great things about this mod and the ideas that Notch could take from it is that you can toggle this entire RPG meta-game on or off before you start a new map. Though if Notch were to code this from scratch, it would introduce a lot of bugs and errors if one's not careful.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So Notch wants to make Minecraft more like an RPG...
    Quote from mrbaggins

    The game is unfinished.

    The RPG elements are unfinished.

    They are called placeholder elements.

    The game could go very similar to that mod, or entirely different. We will know in a month.

    Yeah you might need to read the post before you parrot your 'it's a beta' replies. The post I made outlined a very viable solution to the unfinished RPG elements in the light of the closing release date.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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