Times: 3-8(Later Possibly)
My online time will vary as I am in Final exams. Depending on how the server is going I am definitely able to commit more time.
Why you should add me:
I am an Ex- Mineplex Mod and I designed a couple of weeks ago to focus more on my Bukkit development so one day I can come back as. Mineplex Dev. I am able to build simple plugins very quickly when needed. And am able to work on bigger plugins with an appropriate amount of time. I work great on teams as I developed that trait while staffing with Mineplex(Mod). I am able to also be a Cofigurator: setting up plugins, confit files and permissions where necessary . I am able to control the server as a bother staff when needed because of my experience as a Mod for over a year on Mineplex. My past experience on that server is not the main reason you should choose me however. I am responsible, professional and I want to be able to help a server while gaining development experience myself.
Thankyou you for taking the time to read this, I hope you will choose me for this position.
PS: Sorry for any typos, I am typing this on my phone on my way back from Soccer Practice.
Favorite Command: (Be Creative) (personal one with a few fake enchants that dont work at all)
/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:3},{id:18,lvl:4},{id:20,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:10}],display:{Name:"Corrupted Reckoning",Lore:["+2 Life Steal","+1 Cursed","+3 Wither","+6 Poison","+13 PvP Offense","","The scales of reckoning with","mortality are never evenly","weighted, alas, and thus it is","on the shoulders of the living","that the burden of justice","must continue to rest.","PvP Tier 3 Epic","Wrist Stapped"]}}
Approved, i will send you the details on skype.
Forgot to quote, but we need both, i also sent another reply
Both, we need another developer that can help set up permissions, and someone who could possible help code a couple of custom plugins.
My custom server which is still VERY new needs some developers and talented builders. If you would like to join please fill out the format below.
The server is not whitelisted, but i will PM you the IP to join.
The server is also a Home Hosted server, so if that impedes your abilities please say so and we will work around it.
Skype(optional but useful to talk about the server, you may PM it if you wish):
Times you could be on to help:
Why do you think we should add you?
Please also attach pictures of your builds if you would like to be a builder.
Can people with optifine see your cape too? or just this mod alone?
IG Name: UselessMartianYT
preferred name: Luci or Kendell
Country: United States
Language: English, but will say thank you in german a lot.
Activity level on Minecraft: i play Minecraft everyday.
Age: 16
IG name: UselessMartianYT
Nickname or real name?: Call me Luci, or Kendell (im a guy btw)
Age?: 16
Location?: Idaho
Skype?*(Voice call is mandatory but you can PM me your skype name if you'd like) look for live:obtavius if you cant find that do [email protected]
Do you have a problem with cursing? Not at all
How often are you on minecraft?: everyday
What's your favorite thing about realms?: The fact its vanilla
Least favorite thing about realms?: the fact i cant use inventory mods
Ign: UselessMartianYT
Favorite Command: (Be Creative) (personal one with a few fake enchants that dont work at all)
/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:3},{id:18,lvl:4},{id:20,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:10}],display:{Name:"Corrupted Reckoning",Lore:["+2 Life Steal","+1 Cursed","+3 Wither","+6 Poison","+13 PvP Offense","","The scales of reckoning with","mortality are never evenly","weighted, alas, and thus it is","on the shoulders of the living","that the burden of justice","must continue to rest.","PvP Tier 3 Epic","Wrist Stapped"]}}
IGN: UselessMartianYT
skype: Only when i get to know you better
age: 16
Seems alright. Id like to join
IGN- UselessMartianYT
Thanks, seeya
Here is a better screenshot for you of the town man.
Age: 15
Time i can play: Practially everyday unless something bad happens.
Age: 15
Timezone: Mountain/pacific(Tends to confuse me which one it is)
Other: I love to build, and i know how to handle myself. I LOVE meeting new people.