Bonjour is linked to functionality in iTunes, and I would not advise removing it. If OP uses any of the stuff mentioned in this article, definitely don't remove it:
You don't really have to, though. Everything you need to know to progress is in the book. And more, which can help you figure out the efficiency/top speeds etc for the machinery without having to experiment at all.
Besides that, the rule of "the more power/speed you give it, the less efficient it is, until you hit 1tick speed" will cover almost all cases. The fractionation unit, as well as anything "powered" by friction heaters being the exception.
As for the fractionation unit, efficiency is entirely reliant on torque. Not sure if you could find out how much you need for max efficiency from the handbook alone, though.
We may or may not have reverse engineered a formula for efficiency. Though that took some... effort. lol
Does anyone have any super secret spreadsheets with all the stats and consumption rates for various machines they can share?
I've been slowly creating my own from reading the handbook and from the information in the outdated wiki pages.
Although I now have a worksheet to help compute the amount of power and gears needed to achieve a certain result most information is not in the handbook and the wiki and old videos are unreliable.
For example I now I have to build an experiment to measure how much jet fuel is produced. How much power/torque/speed?? is needed to achieve 250% bonus jet fuel production etc. Still not sure but seems like 4MW. Without having the foundation values its hard to plan out how many fractionation units at what power to keep x number of gas turbines fed continuously.
Pretty tough for a noob to make decent progress in this mod when an experiment is needed to compute the baseline of each machine. I know seasoned people know how to do many of these things just like I know how to make a super efficient "big reactor" because I've done it a dozen times.
You can actually do this mathematically, and the answers are right at your fingertips if you know where to look.
First off is most of the chromaticraft inspirations from Elite?
More importantly I broke something lol. I was trying to access the item vacuum (I think it is what you call it) to see why it wasn't transferring the XP out via ender fluid conduits to my drum storage and got this crash.
That is not a RotaryCraft crash. It is a vanilla bug that is exacerbated by mods, and there's nothing that can be done to fix it. That is to say, the more mods you have, the more likely this is to occur. Just restart your client and it'll be fine. If the XP is still not being drained from the Item Vacuum after a client restart, then we can look further into it.
Ok so after finding that the Pneumatic Item Pump in 1.7.10 is so utterly rubbish compared to its 1.6.4 counterpart, I got uber triggered, and decided to focus my significant irritation towards a comedic explanation of the problem. Full details have been provided to Reika on his discord, but for everyone else, I present the 1.7.10 Pneumatic Item Pump vs the 1.6.4 Pneumatic Item Pump:
@Reika regarding the issue I reported, I'll fire up a quick 1.7.10 instance with a video to show and explain exactly what is occurring. I actually forgot about this for the longest time lol
Also, here's a wonderful how to with pretty pictures regarding how to make a permanent discord server invite:
I'm trying to say, the output induction motor going to the dynamometer in the first picture drops to 5MW if I connect a split input to the battery.
Furthermore, I'm saying that if you split 1 input to 2 batteries, each battery will charge at half the rate (obviously). However, this should not affect the output of the battery if that battery is already partially (eg 25%, 50% etc), or fully charged.
Edit: Also, is there a way to stop the end from being infinite, and make it go back to the normal vanilla generation parameters? Killing the ender dragon is much harder when there's literally an infinite number of healing crystals that it can run to. I've dug around in the configs and either I've completely missed it, or I'm silly, but I can't find any setting that allows a reversion of this change. Since I'm playing in SSP, resetting the end when it runs out of resources or whatnot is not a problem.
Edit 2: With regards to a completely separate issue: My client has crashed repeatedly, over a random spread of time in the past few days, with no crash reports or anything. After enabling debug mode in Dragon API to log all the things (thanks Reika, was very helpful with this enabled), I finally got a crash report. But here's the weird thing, it's a Biome Decorator function? I have absolutely no idea what's causing this.
If anybody has any ideas to point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. The crash log screenshot is stopped at the end of the Stack Trace, as the next part starts going into mod initialisation and whatnot, which is of no help, as this crash didn't occur during the loading of the client, hence its exclusion. Here is the full crash report if needed:
I must say, I'm a little sad inside. I had hoped with the new breadth first search algorithm on the Woodcutter that was implemented a few versions ago (I believe that actually might've been at my asking too lol, I remember one of the guys in TS helped you write the algorithm), that it would finally be able to conquer pakrat's world ship. But alas, it cannot. But it took a not unreasonable chunk out of the bottom of the tree. However, due to the size of the tree, I think it harvested maybe 0.5% of the tree's total wood capacity. A total of 267,805 logs were harvested.
So I think I've found something strange going on in ElectriCraft.
This is your standard ElectriCraft battery (in this case a Graphene Battery) going into an induction motor, and we're checking the power output with a dynamometer, nothing out of the ordinary here.
Now, if I place a superconducting wire on the corner here, the output of that induction motor drops to 5.587MW.
The number of inputs to a battery should not affect the induction motor that is receiving the singular output from the battery, as even if I put an absurd number of inputs onto the battery, it should *in theory* still only output the specified amount in the tooltip, and the same should apply if I split an input across two batteries, those batteries should still output their respective outputs, but of course, the inputted power should be split between the two. So why is this happening? Have I stumbled across a bug? Also, amusingly, if I turn that creative industrial coil on, the problem disappears and the max power output returns.
Also the superflat world options don't work. I can't add layers. But then again it did say NYI meaning Not Yet Implemented. Anyone got an ETA on those features?? The redstone guys will love it. No more mods to make a super large sandstone world. Just 5 mins of clicking and editing
Lads, refer to the latest update, this forum is not closing.
Bonjour is linked to functionality in iTunes, and I would not advise removing it. If OP uses any of the stuff mentioned in this article, definitely don't remove it:
We may or may not have reverse engineered a formula for efficiency. Though that took some... effort. lol
You can actually do this mathematically, and the answers are right at your fingertips if you know where to look.
That is not a RotaryCraft crash. It is a vanilla bug that is exacerbated by mods, and there's nothing that can be done to fix it. That is to say, the more mods you have, the more likely this is to occur. Just restart your client and it'll be fine. If the XP is still not being drained from the Item Vacuum after a client restart, then we can look further into it.
Meanwhile on discord:
I meannnn that can be arranged with the Fan with sufficient power inputs xD
Go right ahead I guess lol, it's publicly available audio. It's a cut down version of the "Look at the top of his head" memes from a while back.
Ok so after finding that the Pneumatic Item Pump in 1.7.10 is so utterly rubbish compared to its 1.6.4 counterpart, I got uber triggered, and decided to focus my significant irritation towards a comedic explanation of the problem. Full details have been provided to Reika on his discord, but for everyone else, I present the 1.7.10 Pneumatic Item Pump vs the 1.6.4 Pneumatic Item Pump:
D: Could you possibly make one so that I can join then?
@Reika regarding the issue I reported, I'll fire up a quick 1.7.10 instance with a video to show and explain exactly what is occurring. I actually forgot about this for the longest time lol
Also, here's a wonderful how to with pretty pictures regarding how to make a permanent discord server invite:
And you're done.
That's exactly what I'm saying. (Before you ask, yes, the mods are up to date, downloaded off links given on your website (V19c)
I'm trying to say, the output induction motor going to the dynamometer in the first picture drops to 5MW if I connect a split input to the battery.
Furthermore, I'm saying that if you split 1 input to 2 batteries, each battery will charge at half the rate (obviously). However, this should not affect the output of the battery if that battery is already partially (eg 25%, 50% etc), or fully charged.
Edit: Also, is there a way to stop the end from being infinite, and make it go back to the normal vanilla generation parameters? Killing the ender dragon is much harder when there's literally an infinite number of healing crystals that it can run to. I've dug around in the configs and either I've completely missed it, or I'm silly, but I can't find any setting that allows a reversion of this change. Since I'm playing in SSP, resetting the end when it runs out of resources or whatnot is not a problem.
Edit 2: With regards to a completely separate issue: My client has crashed repeatedly, over a random spread of time in the past few days, with no crash reports or anything. After enabling debug mode in Dragon API to log all the things (thanks Reika, was very helpful with this enabled), I finally got a crash report. But here's the weird thing, it's a Biome Decorator function? I have absolutely no idea what's causing this.
If anybody has any ideas to point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. The crash log screenshot is stopped at the end of the Stack Trace, as the next part starts going into mod initialisation and whatnot, which is of no help, as this crash didn't occur during the loading of the client, hence its exclusion. Here is the full crash report if needed:
I must say, I'm a little sad inside. I had hoped with the new breadth first search algorithm on the Woodcutter that was implemented a few versions ago (I believe that actually might've been at my asking too lol, I remember one of the guys in TS helped you write the algorithm), that it would finally be able to conquer pakrat's world ship. But alas, it cannot. But it took a not unreasonable chunk out of the bottom of the tree. However, due to the size of the tree, I think it harvested maybe 0.5% of the tree's total wood capacity. A total of 267,805 logs were harvested.
So I think I've found something strange going on in ElectriCraft.
This is your standard ElectriCraft battery (in this case a Graphene Battery) going into an induction motor, and we're checking the power output with a dynamometer, nothing out of the ordinary here.
Now, if I place a superconducting wire on the corner here, the output of that induction motor drops to 5.587MW.
The number of inputs to a battery should not affect the induction motor that is receiving the singular output from the battery, as even if I put an absurd number of inputs onto the battery, it should *in theory* still only output the specified amount in the tooltip, and the same should apply if I split an input across two batteries, those batteries should still output their respective outputs, but of course, the inputted power should be split between the two. So why is this happening? Have I stumbled across a bug? Also, amusingly, if I turn that creative industrial coil on, the problem disappears and the max power output returns.