IGN:Kyrin999 why should we pick you?:I am good at Pvping and factions, I have quite alot of minecraft experience, and I am a fan of space related games/movies.
IGN: Kyrin999
why should we pick you?: I am a very avid fan of both Astronomy and Minecraft,and i fell like combining them would be epic. I am also a rather trustworthy player.
IGN:Kyrin999 Age:11 Time you can dedicate:12/7 Why us?:Because it seems like a Great role-playing experience and i am also a fan of the fallout series Define Role-Playing in your words: Role-playing is when you act out a fantasy you have. (See front page for examples) Define Meta-gaming in your words:Meta-gaming is using an outside source to gain an advantage Define Power-gaming in your words: Power gaming is when you manipulate people to do your bidding
Name: Aerick Nickname: Z3R0 Age:25 Gender:Male Appearance: Teal eyes, brown hair,gloves,tan skin,Rough eyes. Personality: Silent,/loves sniper rifles/Enjoys finding large treasures In-game RP example: I entered a small abandoned house ''Hello?'' i ask ''Is anyone here?'' To which i'm answered with a woman screaming ''HELP! HELP ME'' I start cautiously heading to the source of the shrieking. As I get closer and closer to the source i see more and more blood along the floor boards and the walls. I hear the Shrieking Grow nearer and nearer so i draw my revolver. I see a Source of light emanating from a small opening to a library, I enter to find a man skinning a woman on a surgical table. He instantly notices me and fires at me with a desert eagle, ''Get the **** away!'' he screams at me ''It's MY food,I earned it!''I fire a few rounds into his chest,not before he grazes my leg,he sputters blood from his mouth trying to form words but i fire a final round into his head.I look at the woman and instantly turn away in disgust,over half the skin/meat on her body had been cut off,I Cringe at the thought of how painful it must have been. Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs):Born in a small mining town near New Vegas, I had a pretty good life.My Father was a simple miner who taught me how to be a man and to fire a weapon.My Mother taught me to take mercy on all and be used by no one.once i reached the age 16 I found myself with a wander lust... I wanted to go out into the wasteland and find fame and fortune,Finally i grew the balls to leave. After robbing my father of his Hunting sniper, revolver and buying a leather duster I set off into the wastes. "Nuka Cola is tasty!"
Why do you want to play on this server?:Because i want to play a good Fallout/Rp Server.
Did you read the rules?:Yes.
Character Name: Kyrin
Character age:20
RP Example(not just a conversation between two or more people): I enter a bar after a long week of caravaning. t
he bar smells of alcohol and ****,but it's better than nothing. I sit down and order a drink ''I'd like 5 shots of whiskey.''says I. i notice a **** drunk asshole near a corner of the bar. I ignore him the best i can until he gets pushed towards me by a hooker he had been trying to get ''lucky'' with *****ing great,* I think to myself He proceeds to start a brawl with me. I was kicking his ass when all of a sudden a group of his friends come over and beat the **** out of me...... Bio (MUST be AT LEAST 1-2 good paragraphs):Born in a Vault near the remnants of New York, I grew up on a small farm living off the land with my parents. I learned to fire a gun when I was around 9,and by the age of 12 I was hunting mole rats and various other creatures to help my family survive. When i was 14 I went out on a hunting expedition and while i was gone a band of raiders pillaged My families farm,killed and my entire family. After I found the wreckage, i found my father impaled by a large piece of shrapnel, He offered me his revolver and said to Me
''Son..... I'm so proud of you *cough* Please.... take my revolver and put me out of my misery.''
I could see blood frothing from his mouth. I knew i had to do it. Aftera few hours i finally pulled my **** together and went to a nearby town. After a while i decided to join the local caravans.......
why should we pick you?:I am good at Pvping and factions, I have quite alot of minecraft experience, and I am a fan of space related games/movies.
why should we pick you?: I am a very avid fan of both Astronomy and Minecraft,and i fell like combining them would be epic. I am also a rather trustworthy player.
Time you can dedicate:12/7
Why us?:Because it seems like a Great role-playing experience and i am also a fan of the fallout series
Define Role-Playing in your words: Role-playing is when you act out a fantasy you have.
(See front page for examples)
Define Meta-gaming in your words:Meta-gaming is using an outside source to gain an advantage
Define Power-gaming in your words: Power gaming is when you manipulate people to do your bidding
Name: Aerick
Nickname: Z3R0
Appearance: Teal eyes, brown hair,gloves,tan skin,Rough eyes.
Personality: Silent,/loves sniper rifles/Enjoys finding large treasures
In-game RP example: I entered a small abandoned house ''Hello?'' i ask ''Is anyone here?'' To which i'm answered with a woman screaming ''HELP! HELP ME'' I start cautiously heading to the source of the shrieking. As I get closer and closer to the source i see more and more blood along the floor boards and the walls. I hear the Shrieking Grow nearer and nearer so i draw my revolver. I see a Source of light emanating from a small opening to a library, I enter to find a man skinning a woman on a surgical table. He instantly notices me and fires at me with a desert eagle, ''Get the **** away!'' he screams at me ''It's MY food,I earned it!''I fire a few rounds into his chest,not before he grazes my leg,he sputters blood from his mouth trying to form words but i fire a final round into his head.I look at the woman and instantly turn away in disgust,over half the skin/meat on her body had been cut off,I Cringe at the thought of how painful it must have been.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs):Born in a small mining town near New Vegas, I had a pretty good life.My Father was a simple miner who taught me how to be a man and to fire a weapon.My Mother taught me to take mercy on all and be used by no one.once i reached the age 16 I found myself with a wander lust... I wanted to go out into the wasteland and find fame and fortune,Finally i grew the balls to leave. After robbing my father of his Hunting sniper, revolver and buying a leather duster I set off into the wastes.
"Nuka Cola is tasty!"
Why do you want to join:Because i want to both experience a challenge and make friends on the way.
Age:15Minecraft Username:Outcast Mephisto
Why do you want to join:Because i want to both experience a challenge and make friends on the way.
Age:15Minecraft Username:Outcast Mephisto
Why do you want to join:Because i want to both experience a challenge and make friends on the way.