1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Kyrin999 2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 1 year. 3. What class will you be playing as: Hunter.
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I feel like I would do better in an up close combat role. 5. How active will you be on the server: 16/5 (16 hours, five days a week.) 6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Ironically:http://www.minecraft...ombie-survival/. I left because the server reset and I lost all my stats. 7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I feel like PvP and Warfare is a 8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I focus on both. 9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32/1/ of a stack. 10. How did you hear about the server: I saw the server on the active topic area and thought it sounded fun.
About You:
11. What is your age: 12 (I want to be honest because this server looks really fun.) 12. Describe yourself: I stand around five feet tall, have blueish green eyes, and I have brown hair. 13. What country do you live in: America. 14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but it's really bad quality and also I use my brother's computer to play Minecraft and he won't let me install it.... 15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am a brony . 16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Either Nox or Halo.(It was a 7 years ago.) 17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Dave Strider from a web comic called Homestuck. sorry for how faded it is, i can't seem to make it not be faded..
1. IGN:Kyrin999 2. Age:12 3. A Few Sentences About Yourself: I'm a twelve year old child who likes Minecraft, Mmos, I enjoy reading all kinds of books no matter what the genre, I'm a moderate builder, and I enjoy reading a web comic called: Homestuck. Also, I'm the brother of Outcastmephisto. 4. Do You Agree With the Rules?: Yes, cheekun. 5. Skype?*: Nonexistant
What faction would you like to join?: Elf.
IGN: Kyrin999
What are you looking forward to the most?: Magic!
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 1 year.
3. What class will you be playing as: Hunter.
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I feel like I would do better in an up close combat role.
5. How active will you be on the server: 16/5 (16 hours, five days a week.)
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Ironically:http://www.minecraft...ombie-survival/. I left because the server reset and I lost all my stats.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I feel like PvP and Warfare is a
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I focus on both.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32/1/ of a stack.
10. How did you hear about the server: I saw the server on the active topic area and thought it sounded fun.
About You:
11. What is your age: 12 (I want to be honest because this server looks really fun.)
12. Describe yourself: I stand around five feet tall, have blueish green eyes, and I have brown hair.
13. What country do you live in: America.
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but it's really bad quality and also I use my brother's computer to play Minecraft and he won't let me install it....
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am a brony
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Either Nox or Halo.(It was a 7 years ago.)
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Dave Strider from a web comic called Homestuck. sorry for how faded it is, i can't seem to make it not be faded..
2:Building a spaceship.
3:Building a large barnish house with a large farm in the back.
375:A wool sofa.
2. Age:12
3. A Few Sentences About Yourself: I'm a twelve year old child who likes Minecraft, Mmos, I enjoy reading all kinds of books no matter what the genre, I'm a moderate builder, and I enjoy reading a web comic called: Homestuck. Also, I'm the brother of Outcastmephisto.
4. Do You Agree With the Rules?: Yes, cheekun.
5. Skype?*: Nonexistant
HeLp Im BeInG sAwEd In HaLf By A vAmPiRe!