OOC: May i say something OOC? IGN: Kyrin999 Age: 12 (i want to be honest.) Time you can dedicate:16/5 Why us?:Because, from what I saw on the trailer it looked like a very fun server. Define Role-Playing in your words: Role-playing is playing out a fantasy role you have in your mind. Define Meta-gaming in your words: Meta gaming is using outside sources for your gain(such as a walkthrough.) Define Power-gaming in your words: Power-gaming is giving yourself higher powers than humanly possible (such as killing a man with your mind in game.)
IC: Name:Z3R0 Nickname: (Optional) Age:23 Gender:Male. Appearance:Black hair,jade green eyes,wears an old leather duster, has a metal skeleton( But that doesn't make me impervious to everything.) Personality:Quiet, calm and calculating, prefers snipers/ revolvers. In-game RP example: I walk towards a small weapons's shop. A young boy,about 14 years old,walks into me ''Sorry!'' The boy exclaims ''Watch where your going kid..''I say. I enter the shop, The owner greets me cheerfully enough,''Hello, welcome to my fine establishment,what can i getcha?'' I ask him: ''Yes, i need two boxes of 44 magnum rounds.'' the man walks towards a cabinet,searching it.''That'll be 60 caps.'' I reach into my duffle bag and realize my caps are all gone. ''Ehm...'' ''Well, do you have the caps or not?'' ''I did but... i'll be right back!!!'' He then grabs a loaded 9mm pistol and aims it at my face. Background: For the record, i don't know anything about my past. I was ''born'' about two years ago. I woke up in a small lab in the middle of the Mojave. I was in a large tube filled with some form of liquid, I tried moving but i couldn't feel my arms or legs, I was panicking at that moment and basic human instinct kicked in. I went into a trance, shaking my body and crying in my mind. I must have set off some form of alarm because after that the front of the tube opened. I inhaled fresh air for the first time in.... how long had it been since I had tasted the air? It took around five minutes for my limbs to thaw enough for me to use them, and after that I set about getting off the floor. The room i was in was 5 feet long and five feet wide, there where several computers and also some test-tubes scattered about, I saw a set of scrubs and, realizing how cold i was, put them on. After that I set about looking for a way out, I noticed a door and opened it, surprisingly it wasn't locked. I walked into a hallway with 2 doors to the right and left, I opened the left one first revealing a small armory. Inside it is a fully loaded 44 magnum and a leather duster with a pair of sunglasses (the same duster i've been wearing for 2 years.) I took both and opened the other door, right as I turned to open the door I cut my arm to the bone on a small jagged pipe. It was painful, but what was worst was what my bone looked like. It was a black metal with many screws in it. I fell unconscious both because of blood loss and because of the at the revelation
IGN:Kyrin999. How much do you play: 12 Hours a day. How old are you: 12. How long have you played minecraft: 1 year/ since beta 1.3 Do you have skype:No. Have you been baned, what for: Haven't been banned or kicked form a server yet. Anything else?: I am a brony, if you have a prejudice against us then deal with it.
Your parents are alive
IGN: Kyrin999
Age: 12 (i want to be honest.)
Time you can dedicate:16/5
Why us?:Because, from what I saw on the trailer it looked like a very fun server.
Define Role-Playing in your words: Role-playing is playing out a fantasy role you have in your mind.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Meta gaming is using outside sources for your gain(such as a walkthrough.)
Define Power-gaming in your words: Power-gaming is giving yourself higher powers than humanly possible (such as killing a man with your mind in game.)
Nickname: (Optional)
Appearance:Black hair,jade green eyes,wears an old leather duster, has a metal skeleton( But that doesn't make me impervious to everything.)
Personality:Quiet, calm and calculating, prefers snipers/ revolvers.
In-game RP example: I walk towards a small weapons's shop. A young boy,about 14 years old,walks into me ''Sorry!'' The boy exclaims ''Watch where your going kid..''I say. I enter the shop, The owner greets me cheerfully enough,''Hello, welcome to my fine establishment,what can i getcha?'' I ask him: ''Yes, i need two boxes of 44 magnum rounds.'' the man walks towards a cabinet,searching it.''That'll be 60 caps.'' I reach into my duffle bag and realize my caps are all gone. ''Ehm...'' ''Well, do you have the caps or not?'' ''I did but... i'll be right back!!!'' He then grabs a loaded 9mm pistol and aims it at my face.
Background: For the record, i don't know anything about my past. I was ''born'' about two years ago. I woke up in a small lab in the middle of the Mojave. I was in a large tube filled with some form of liquid, I tried moving but i couldn't feel my arms or legs, I was panicking at that moment and basic human instinct kicked in. I went into a trance, shaking my body and crying in my mind. I must have set off some form of alarm because after that the front of the tube opened. I inhaled fresh air for the first time in.... how long had it been since I had tasted the air? It took around five minutes for my limbs to thaw enough for me to use them, and after that I set about getting off the floor. The room i was in was 5 feet long and five feet wide, there where several computers and also some test-tubes scattered about, I saw a set of scrubs and, realizing how cold i was, put them on. After that I set about looking for a way out, I noticed a door and opened it, surprisingly it wasn't locked. I walked into a hallway with 2 doors to the right and left, I opened the left one first revealing a small armory. Inside it is a fully loaded 44 magnum and a leather duster with a pair of sunglasses (the same duster i've been wearing for 2 years.) I took both and opened the other door, right as I turned to open the door I cut my arm to the bone on a small jagged pipe. It was painful, but what was worst was what my bone looked like. It was a black metal with many screws in it. I fell unconscious both because of blood loss and because of the at the revelation
ThAnKs BrO bY tHe WaY wAnT tO hAnG oUt SoMe TiMe BrO? aLoNe HONK;O)
I wOuLd Be YoUr AvAtAr, JaKe I bElIeVe?
How much do you play: 12 Hours a day.
How old are you: 12.
How long have you played minecraft: 1 year/ since beta 1.3
Do you have skype:No.
Have you been baned, what for: Haven't been banned or kicked form a server yet.
Anything else?: I am a brony, if you have a prejudice against us then deal with it.