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    posted a message on Gay Marriage should be legalized.
    As a gay person myself I obviously find nothing wrong with it. I'm not trying to make you homophobes gay am I? No. We have NEVER done anything to harm you. You know what? I'm also religious. I am a Presbyterian. Though as of late I have starting losing faith because my own church doesn't support gays. I don't go around judging people because of who they are or how they look. And that's what about 90% of Christians do. And to those of you who say marriage is a religious thing, the fact of the matter is, it's not in the slightest. Marriage is purely the celebration of love between two people, not between just a man and a woman. Love does not care who you fall in love with, all love cares about is finding that special someone to love and care for and be with for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter who they are, they could be a boy, girl, a black person, a white person, Asian, the list goes on! It doesn't matter who! By saying that gay marriage is wrong, you are basically saying that marriage period is wrong. You are depriving us gays of our basic right to be with who we love. A civil union that won't allow us to call it marriage won't cut it. That's like saying you can't have this thing, but... you can have this one instead! It's basically the same thing only... you can't call it the same thing.

    Let me put it this way. How about if gay marriage was legal, but straight marriage wasn't? And we were denying you that right? How would you feel? Also another thing for you religious people, Jesus, his mother, and his father were outcasts. You guys treat us homosexuals like outcasts. And, what did Jesus do? Jesus accepted people whether they were normal people or outcasts. Think about that. You people have no right to mess with other people's lives. If you think you have the right to mess with my life and tell me directly what is right and what is wrong, you've got another thing coming, I will decide what is right for me and me only. I will also decide what is wrong for me and me only.

    In conclusion, you people have no right to tell another human who to love, they'll decide that for themselves, and there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that.

    Thank you to those of you that support gay marriage, it really means a lot.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on MCX360 Update News - Patch Released!
    Ah... the traditional "Removed Herobrine". Never get's old.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Official 1.0 release bug thread.
    Quote from KyoShinda

    Sorry to be the critic again...
    It only regens at 90%+
    That was in 1.8 but fixed in 1.9 and all you have to do is place a torch next to it and take it back again.
    You have to die to get out. The wiki says, "There's no current way to get out." but there's a good chance they might change that.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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