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    posted a message on Slashing v Piercing weapons
    Bullseye. That should be the distinction between spears and swords. Crosshairs must hit the target for spears, while swords allow some margin for error.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Tree Roots
    I like this idea! Might make you think twice about where you plant saplings if there were the additional danger that roots might disrupt your cobblestone creations.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    I imagine that airships would be very vulnerable to being shot down by arrows, catapults, or whatever else. When you run out of fuel to heat the air in your balloon, does the ship sink?

    When I imagine airships, the scenario which sounds most fun to me is going on missions to rescue stranded players--those who have strayed too far from their spawn, or wrecked their boat aground in some uncharted stretch of ocean. Search lights and signal flares would be fun! And the ship might be stocked with blankets and hot drink for players plucked out of the more frigid waters. Rescue fee = 3 diamonds (or whatever)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on quicksand ftw?
    Quote from MrTorus »
    You need to develop your idea a little more. How would it work? How could you escape it? Etc.

    If it's something that just kills you, then forget it. That just sucks.

    If it is like real life quicksand, it can't kill you, though it would greatly impede your movement. It would be useful as a passive defensive measure in PvP SMP, especially since quicksand resembles normal sand.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bad Ideas
    Quote from synapseshock »
    Elephants would definitely be a good bad idea.

    Then we can have skeletons riding on spiders riding on elephants. You know you want that.

    How about an entire squad of skeletons riding on an elephant (they shoot flaming arrows and set all your town on fire), a spider strapped under each foot of the elephant, and the elephant shoots lava out of its trunk.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Ghost of your past
    Yes! I think this mob idea would be really freaking cool, and you'd have to work out a totally different style of defense against it. So many possibilities for spooky encounters as well!

    Question though. I had thought of certain ways a player might curtail a night of ghostly activities (btw, what do you think of those suggestions?), but I couldn't really think of a good method by which the player might permanently dispel a haunting. Have any ideas about that?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ghost of your past
    I came up with some ideas about what kinds of properties this sort of ghost might have, including some ideas about how it might interact with the environment.
    I think it would be easier to code than a mob, since it wouldn't have AI.... it's basically just a record and playback. You wouldn't need to figure out what it does and how, because it would just do whatever the player or mob did earlier. And I don't think it would need to be able to directly harm the player, because it could cause other kinds of disruptions. For example, it may open a door, letting hostile mobs in during the night.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper Map
    Oops. Forgot it deletes white space. Also, I don't think my above suggestion would work very well, after further thought.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper Map
    I've always wanted bigger mountains. I wonder could the chunks be offset vertically like this...

    ---- ----
    --- -----

    Where the bedrock would similarly slope. I guess this would cause problems though for people building at maximum altitude.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Redstone component: The Floating Bitstone
    I presumed by the title that you were going to suggest a block that transmits an analogue rather than a digital signal. With moving parts, it seems like our redstone circuitry will gain a lot of new modes of failure.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Armor Stand
    If there were magic, should we see the armor come to life, a la Bedknobs and Broomsticks?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Armor Stand
    And make it so one right-click on the stand transfers all the armour you're wearing onto the stand, or vice versa.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on fireworks
    Signal flare +++ ... flare should drift slowly to make it more visible. You should be able to choose the color of the flare by building it with different materials (dyes?)

    Why not combine the rocket weapon idea with the flare, if it hits something before deploying as a flare, it explodes instead, a weaker tnt blast.

    Flares need to be placeable as blocks so that they can be connected to and activated by redstone circuitry. You should be able to change its facing, and also be able to orient it so that it points up.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on (updated)Customizable ships: a how-to
    How about attaching more furnaces to the ship to make it go faster?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Weapons (Not Guns)
    Another way to distinguish spear from sword.

    In my version, the sword and spear do equal damage.
    The spear has greater range.
    The other difference is that the sword slashes while the spear stabs. You must have your crosshair directly over the target while stabbing with the spear, whereas the sword may hit even if your aim is off a little.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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