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    posted a message on New half blocks: Where's the love?
    Quote from sumguy720 »
    I liked how the original half block was pretty different from the original materials. I would be more excited about the wooden, cobble, and sandstone halfblocks if they had slightly different textures. Right now they kinda blond in a bit too much.
    Agreed completely. Stone half-step has unique look and MANY uses.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on List of Most Amazing Seeds
    Anyone know a seed that generates a world with a truly massive ocean? At least 1000 blocks across. you should be able to easily be in the middle without being able to see land in ANY direction.

    Also, you guys should use a mapping program to show off map seeds. It would give you a better impression than eye-level screenshot.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Diamonds?
    Quote from SterlingRed »
    I use the 3 spaces apart branch mining method. The probability of finding dimond in a super long tunnel as opposed to several shorter ones is the same yes. However the benefit of branch mining and strip mining is because it reduces travel time which ultimately increases the amount of time you spend actually mining thus increasing the number of diamonds you can potentially find in a set period of time. ...
    This is a good point, and as far as I know, that is the only good reason to branch mine. Though, be careful not to space your branches closer than 4 blocks apart from each other. My simulations tell me there is a slight disadvantage to spacing as close as 3 apart, and anything more closely spaced is definitely less effective. Strip mining is a total waste.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Diamonds?
    Quote from SterlingRed »
    Quote from Kyfwana »

    mining pattern / average diamonds found
    strip mining / 434.32
    branch spaced 1 apart / 809.18
    branch spaced 2 apart / 1123.22
    branch spaced 3 apart / 1420.56
    branch spaced 4 apart / 1461.82
    branch spaced 5 apart / 1467.92
    branch spaced 6 apart / 1478.4
    branch spaced 7 apart / 1474.81
    diamonds were randomly distributed and clustered in 2x2 groups.
    each mining pattern was tested 1000 times.
    the same number of blocks were broken in each trial.

    I can post the code of my program if anyone wants to check it for logical errors.

    SUMMARY: It doesn't matter if you miss diamonds in one area as long as you have a chance of finding them in another.

    That makes sense. Whats the ratio of 1 diamond found to number of blocks mined to get it? You should be able to calculate that taking into consideration the number of blocks broken.

    The concentration of diamonds in my simulation is arbitrary, so the specific ratio of blocks mined to diamonds collected will not be of much interest, but if you'd like to know there were 10,000 blocks broken in each trial. There were (correction) 100 trials for each mining pattern tested.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Diamonds?
    Quote from PeterFazekas »
    Quote from Kyfwana »
    because you wouldn't want to waste time or pick-axe digging through an area you've already partially excavated (that space would no longer contain ores).

    This is wrong. Let me just illustrate (finally a chance to use blocks!)

    :stone: [] :stone: :DORE: :DORE: [] :DORE: :DORE: :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone:

    100% chance of finding the ore

    :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone: :DORE: :DORE: :stone: [] :DORE: :DORE: :stone: :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone: :stone: :stone: :stone: [] :stone:

    50% chance of finding the ore

    I don't think this is true.... You're not taking into account the fact that when spacing branches closely to get EVERY diamond, you are missing diamonds you would have otherwise found if you had dug in another direction. I created a 2-dimensional computer simulation to test this, and if my simulation is not flawed, it agrees with my assessment.

    According to the following results, there is a disadvantage to spacing branches closer than 4 blocks apart, and that all spacings greater than that are equivalent. Therefore I predict that digging in a straight line (equivalent to branch spacing with infinite spacing between branches) is as or more efficient as any branch mining method.

    mining pattern / average diamonds found
    strip mining / 434.32
    branch spaced 1 apart / 809.18
    branch spaced 2 apart / 1123.22
    branch spaced 3 apart / 1420.56
    branch spaced 4 apart / 1461.82
    branch spaced 5 apart / 1467.92
    branch spaced 6 apart / 1478.4
    branch spaced 7 apart / 1474.81
    diamonds were randomly distributed and clustered in 2x2 groups.
    each mining pattern was tested 1000 times.
    the same number of blocks were broken in each trial.

    I can post the code of my program if anyone wants to check it for logical errors.

    SUMMARY: It doesn't matter if you miss diamonds in one area as long as you have a chance of finding them in another.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Diamonds?
    There is no reason to closely space the branches on your mind. It doesn't matter if you miss diamonds, because the ones chance of missing a diamond is canceled out by the chance of finding one somewhere else. In fact, you should not space your branches closer than 4 apart, because you wouldn't want to waste time or pick-axe digging through an area you've already partially excavated (that space would no longer contain ores). Actually, there's really no reason to branch mine at all. Since diamond distribution is random, it should be equally effective to dig just one long, straight tunnel.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on New West Coast Survival Minecraft Server
    Owner, Mods, or Admin need to view messages left on server website.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Truly Friendly Mobs
    I don't think friendly monsters should despawn. You should be able to use them to guard your stuff in multiplayer. I think friendly monsters would be awesome, and well-balanced.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on LiteBrite dye?
    Of course, this would be awesome!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on THE SAFE. A rich miner's chest.
    At first I thought that it would need to take a freakishly long time to mine in order to dissuade griefers. But then I realized you could just add a whole bunch of dummy safes to increase the average time a griefer would need to steel your diamonds.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Rather specific request for chest controls.
    I play in a SMP server where I gift items to the other players via publicly accessible chests. What I don't want is for one or two people to come in and clean everything out, leaving nothing of value for others. My request is for a mechanism allowing the owner to put controls on chests which limit the number of items that can be removed from them by a single player during a single Minecraft day. The limit should be adjustable to scale with the value of items put into the chest.

    Say I fill a chest with something of moderate value, such as iron tools. I would put a restriction on this chest, which limits the number of items a player can remove from it during a single day length to 2.

    As it is, any attempt at public charity is pretty swiftly abused by a minority of players.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The itemfinder.
    This would be great! I'd call it a corpse finder though, or grave-stone pointer.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Wool shortage and cotton replacement.
    Sheep should regrow their wool after you sheer them -- maybe after one minute? Also, animals other than chickens should reproduce.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Putting together a bartering guide, and need your help!
    I think someone should make a mod that tallies how much of each material players harvest and how much they use. When we have some accurate statistics then maybe we can work out how much things are worth.

    Simply considering block rarity using cartography (or whatever its called) will not suffice in determining its worth. For one thing, some blocks are very rare but easy to harvest, and for another it doesn't take into account block desirability.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The catching basket.
    I agree with Luxandur's assessment.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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