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    posted a message on Name Tag Options
    "server hosting program"? That's the idea. This would be a change to the server host. And all details would be optional. So far as I know, none of these ideas are possible with current versions of the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Quote from pinballboy7

    I think it would be cool if instead of the mobs becoming the more dangerous the further you are from the spawn, they should become more dangerous the closer you are to strongholds and stuff. The problem with making it based on distance from spawn is that on many pvp servers with 20+ players you're pretty much forced to go really far from spawn or risked being constantly raided.
    That would be an awesome idea too. I'd have both options. You could scale the difficulty increase from spawn so that it doesn't really penalize weak players in the PVP sense. For example, the difficulty increase might not kick in until 2 or 5 thousand blocks from spawn. That would give you plenty of space in which to hide.

    Quote from sPLATTxz0r

    What if one player has crossed the 'line', and another haven't? Will the mobs health depend on where it spawned? Anyways, good idea, especially that it would be an option to turn on/off and that it is change'ble (Can't think of another word).
    I don't think there would have to be lines where mobs spawn with a sudden increase in difficulty. The game could compute fractional increases based on this formula: Power = 1+ distance * difficultyScaler. In other words it would be a smooth transition.

    Quote from Badprenup

    I like it. What about adding a feature so it does the same thing to Villages? So you could make an adventure map with multiple villages and the road would steadily get more dangerous between them until you get close to another one again. It should only take a couple more lines of code to add. You could even go further and make so tougher enemies are forced to spawn in Strongholds or near Dungeons or Nether Fortresses.

    Quote from mechri

    Or make it so that the type of armor mobs are wearing indicate how close you are to a stronghold ^^

    These are both boss ideas.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Random textures for blocks! (Partially outdated)
    You should be able to press a key to toggle random textures on and off when placing new blocks. Hey, this gives me a similar idea. How about you can select which of a number of textures you want to use for the block you are about to place. For example, you might want to place grey or yellow brick blocks instead of red ones.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Concrete, aka old Block 43:7!
    This block is gone!?!? I haven't played since that update. So many of my buildings must be ruined.

    Absolutely, this block needs a return.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 13

    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    I'd like an option for a server to set the difficulty of hostile mobs to increase the farther a player is from spawn. The mobs health and damage could increase with range or more difficult kinds of mobs could spawn farther out. Harder mobs should come with more XP. :)

    Servers should be able to set the scale by which the mobs increase in power. For example: +5% Life and Damage every 1500 blocks from spawn. Or if they're feeling more evil: +10% every 100 blocks.

    The reasoning behind this: First, it would help prevent players from wandering way way out and making the world file too huge. Secondly, it would encourage players to work together to adventure farther out into more difficult territory, where they wouldn't be able to survive on their own. But it would give less adventerous players the option to stick closer to spawn where it is safer.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Name Tag Options
    There should be a keyboard button to toggle name tags completely on and off.

    In addition to that there needs to be a number of commands available.

    There should be a toggle-able command to allow OPs to see all name tags.
    There should be a way to force name tags on in certain regions. (for example: near spawn.)
    And a way for OPs to toggle name tags on or off for certain players or groups as well to force them on globally.

    Names should have a prefix or suffix tag to allow players to show allegiance to certain clans or factions, or to show other titles such as server staff rankings or in-game occupation.
    TheBoss [Admin]
    CrazyName [ICECLAN]
    Joe357 [Shopkeeper]
    Wiggum [SFPD]

    It would be neat if there was a way for OPs to register protected tags that can only be used with OP approval.

    Also, it would be neat to be able to set your tag to be visible only within a certain region. For example a town mayor might want his [MAYOR] tag to be visible only within the region encompassing his town.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Signage text letter block
    Quote from st33lv1nes

    I like the idea, but I think there are more important things to focus on at the moment. However, I would love to see something like this added in the future. Sounds pretty cool, and would add a lot more variation decoration-wise.

    Oh, for sure there are lots of more important things to work on first. However, saying that, the letter block basically already exists in the game. It would basically be a sign with 1 huge letter on it and no background texture. So I imagine it wouldn't take very much to implement.

    Quote from 0Miner0

    First of all, the texture is really bland, it's a plain letter on any block of choice.
    If anything it would need to have it's own special block that would look nice with it.
    Second of all, it's kind of useless, why have massive neon green letters on brick blocks when signs look way better.

    Well, two reasons basically. 1) the sign is too small to be read from very far away. And 2) If the letter block doesn't have a background texture then you can use whatever background texture you want, i.e. the block situated behind hit.

    I guess the text itself could have a noisy texture to make it seem more integrated into the world.
    Or it could be given a few shaded pixels around the edges to make it pop out like this:
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Signage text letter block
    Crafting? I'm not sure it really matters, but how about a ring of plank with colored dye in the middle to craft 6 or so letter blocks?

    In what way do you think it doesn't fit into minecraft?
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Signage text letter block
    Currently, there are only two in-game options in the way of signage. You can either craft and place a sign which is very small and cant be read from more than a few blocks away. Or you can construct gigantic text where each leter is some 5 blocks tall, in which case there often isn't enough room.

    There needs to be something in between those two options!
    The solution?
    The craftable letter box.

    Here's how it works. You place it onto the side (or top/bottom) of blocks, like a painting. When you place a letter box, you type the character you want it to display and the color for that character. That's it!

    Your message will now be visible from much farther away than it would be if it were written on a sign, but it will take up a much smaller space than a message constructed with the monster, 5-block high letters. Plus the texture of the block the letter box is resting on will still be visible behind it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    Mojang has gone mental with the caves/mineshafts. The worst thing about them is they intersect each other in too many locations. They are nearly unnavigable that way.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Quote from Kyfwana

    Okay so I've just installed:
    OptiFine HD C3 Multi-Core for Minecraft 1.2.4 and 1.2.5
    on a clean Minecraft install.
    When I start single player or join a server initially, the world is not drawn on the screen at all. Then if I resize the window any amount, I get this:

    Everything is scrunched to the left side of the screen and in black and white. Also, some blocks are randomly flashing in and out.

    Edit: More info...
    Nvidia Go 6150.
    Vista 32bit
    2GB ram
    Install inscturctions followed accurately.
    No other mods installed.
    Tried disabling "Threaded Optimization". No effect.

    A display driver upgrade fixed this problem in case anyone else has similar issues.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    updated my post above.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Okay so I've just installed:
    OptiFine HD C3 Multi-Core for Minecraft 1.2.4 and 1.2.5
    on a clean Minecraft install.
    When I start single player or join a server initially, the world is not drawn on the screen at all. Then if I resize the window any amount, I get this:

    Everything is scrunched to the left side of the screen and in black and white. Also, some blocks are randomly flashing in and out.

    Edit: More info...
    Nvidia Go 6150.
    Vista 32bit
    2GB ram
    Install inscturctions followed accurately.
    No other mods installed.
    Tried disabling "Threaded Optimization". No effect.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for First Impressions from Players New to Minecraft
    Yes, good replies. Really helping me out. keep 'em coming.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for First Impressions from Players New to Minecraft
    as well as your first experiences, I am particularly interested in the way it made you feel. If you had to describe the intangable feeling of minecraft, how would you do it?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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