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    posted a message on 3D Redstone Pipes. A simple solution.
    3D redstone -- Redstone pipes.
    Observations and suggestions are welcome.
    If you can think of a better name for any of the components, let me know.

    This scheme would include the addition of 3 new blocks to the game. Those blocks are:
    -A redstone pipe block that carries a redstone signal and can connect to any of its 6 neighboring blocks along the 3 main axes.
    -A repeater block which can connect two redstone pipe blocks and repeats the input from one of those blocks to the other depending on its facing.
    -A negator block which does the same as the repeater but inverts the content of the signal.

    Advantages of this system compared to the existing redstone wiring
    3-dimensionality obviously, because all of these components can be connected to any neighboring block along any axis.

    Compactness! Redstone pipelines can be placed directly adjacent to other pipelines with no risk of an accidental short-circuit. No insulating blocks are required.

    Redstone pipe blocks and how junctions are created between them.
    A signal will only pass between two adjacent redstone pipe blocks if a junction connects them. A junction can connect any redstone pipe block to any other redstone pipe block that is adjacent to it (whether the other block is to the side, above, or below).

    When a player places a new redstone pipe block, the new block will automatically connect via a junction to an adjacent redstone pipe block IF the adjacent block was the last block the player had placed before the new one.

    A junction can be created between any two existing, adjacent redstone pipe blocks. To do so, a player holds a redstone torch in their hand and first left-clicks on one block, and then left-clicks on the other block in a consecutive manner. A junction will then be created between those two redstone pipe blocks and signals can then pass between them.

    A junction can be destroyed in the same fashion. A player equips a redstone torch in their hand and left clicks on any two adjacent redstone pipe blocks that are already connected by a junction. The previously existing junction between those two blocks will be destroyed and no signal will pass between the two blocks (even though they are still adjacent to each other).

    Unequipping the redstone torch will cancel a half-way-through formation or destruction of a junction.

    Repeater and Negator blocks
    Repeater and Negator blocks behave in nearly the same way as the redstone torch and the redstone repeater blocks that already exist in the game, with a few exceptions..

    Repeater and Negator blocks can face any of the 6 directions that align with the 3 main axes of the game. They will always face the player when they are created. (Their facing could be inverted if placed whilst the shift button is held down).

    They will automatically connect to any two adjacent redstone pipe blocks if those blocks are located either in the direction the repeater/negator block is facing, or in the opposite direction.

    Both the repeater and negator blocks act as one way valves. They take an input signal from their back side and output that signal to their front side. The negator inverts the content of the signal obviously.

    An adjustable signal-propagation delay mechanism could be built in to both the repeater and negator blocks. (such as the existing redstone repeater already has).

    Connecting to the outside world
    Redstone pipelines must be able to exchange signals with the rest of the world in order to be of any use.

    If a Repeater or Negator block is adjacent to and directly facing a non- redstone pipe block, it will propagate a signal it to that block.

    If a Repeater or Negator block is adjacent to and directly facing away from a non-redstone pipe block, it will receive a signal from that block.

    I suppose it should be possible to form a junction between redstone pipes and other kinds of blocks, but I'm not sure if is neccessary. Using the repeater and negator blocks for that purpose may be enough. On reflection I realized that it would be very useful to be able to connect redstone pipes directly to ther kinds of blocks when there might be insufficient space to use a repeater or negator.

    Technical notes
    Only 3 bits would be needed for each redstone pipe block to store its connections to its neighbors.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Signage text letter block
    I'm sorry nobody really took interest in this, because I'd really like to see this get into the game. I think there is a big need for mid sized text.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    I didn't know mushroom biomes didn't spawn mobs. I hadn't even thought about safe zones, but that's a good idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Spotlights!
    Quote from bebe33

    Good idea, low feasibility.
    Namingly, the small problem of reworking the entire light engine, which currently doesn't support directional or mobile lighting.
    Maybe if it did get reworked, then spotlights will come, but until then...
    Spotlights wouldn't be directional or mobile, so no problem.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Spotlights!
    there should be an option for tilting the beam 45 degress, so things like billboard ads are possible. Otherwise you'd have to have a light pole at equal height opposite the billboard.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Does anyone know if it is possible to do this with existing server plugins?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Quote from StubbyEE

    Meanwhile in the far lands...

    Interesting idea. I don't think all mobs should increase, but they should increase the chances of spawning with armor and weapons. Other than that, 1/2 support.
    Maybe the life and damage increase would only kick in after all equipment options have been exhausted.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Spears-A medium range weapon
    Can I introduce an idea here?

    Spears and swords should do the same damage. The difference should be while the spear has an extended reach, you have to have the cross-hairs directly over your target. With the sword sword, you can swing it in an arc, requiring less precision and the ability to hit multiple targets simultaneously.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Spotlights!
    Yes absolutely. So in essence it casts an invisible, virtual torch against the first object in its line of sight? I think the spotlight itself should cast a weak light originating at itself as well.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Quote from DUBV3N0M

    no because i always spawn in stupid taiga biomes and i dont wanna have to restart. but then again, minecraft is wayyyyyyyy tooooo easy. SUPPORT!
    It would all be configurable and optional. And it is too easy, this would ensure there is always a greater challenge just over the [imaginary] horizon.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Different colors for glowstone/redstone lamp and coatings for glass
    Would you see the color on the glass from the inside at all? If so, would it be the lines that are colored, or would the whole texture be partially transparent? Are there currently any partially transparent textures in the game?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Quote from Amsedmak

    Instead of making their difficulty increase I would just think it would be easier to increase the chance of their armor and enchantments. Also I think it would make more sense for them to spawn more heavily armored and armed the closer you get to a stronghold. Farther from the spawn isn't always a great thing. So why try to keep the players closer?
    That's certainly an option. It would be a lot more complicated than just upping their life and damage though. And there's only so powerful a mob can get with various armor or weapons on. Then again changing their equipment would work up to a point. But if you wanted to go any further than that with the concept, you'd have to start upping their base power.

    The reason my system would be an advantage is that no matter how powerful or experienced a player is, they can always go just that much further out for an additional challenge. Or if they're not up to that challenge they can hang back into safer territory. Or they could gain up with some friends and see if they can push out farther together than they could on their own.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Difficulty Increases with Distance From Spawn.
    Yeah, a cap would be a good idea. As long as it is configurable by the server.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on TNT as rare drop from Creeper?
    They made it before they became creepers obviously. And then ate it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on TNT as rare drop from Creeper?
    Quote from Bumber

    TNT looks too man-made to be found from a creeper.
    Maybe creepers are men that have been horribly mutated? Did you ever think about that?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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