Quote from MaskedN6733
I'm having the same problem this guy is having. How do I
manually convert .zip to .jar?
You read everyone else's posts before making your own useless post, because they might offer the answer.
Quote from MaskedN6733
I'm having the same problem this guy is having. How do I
manually convert .zip to .jar?
Quote from GorgeousTaylor
Or you could NOT build your house out of dirt, sand and watermelons. In the Ender.
Quote from Kurosu
I agree that it should have to be obtained from a strong hold, or you have to get certain unique peices from A stronghold and from a Nether Stronghold and craft those together, Like a "Tome of Ancient Spells" from an Overworld Stronghold and an "Enchanted Pedestal" from a NS
Quote from Kiviar
I don't see notch even putting in the effort to add male counterparts to sheep and cows.
Umm because its more fun when you dont have the option to flake?
Dude I've never even FOUND a stronghold and Im saying it should be like that, I want to have to do some serious work to have magic, I mean making potions easier is all chill with me, thats like magic for noobs, but the Pro-Magic, I want to work for, I want it to be a challenge, and I fully advocate having Boss Mobs guarding them too.
I feel like I should have the right to punch people in the mouth who believe in herobrine >.>
The term is sometimes used interchangeably with "sandbox" and "free-roaming";[2][3] however, the terms open world and free-roaming describe the game environment itself and allude more to the absence of artificial barriers,[4] in contrast to the invisible walls and loading screens that are common in linear level designs. The term sandbox refers more to the mechanics of a game and how, as in a physical sandbox, the user is entertained by his ability to play creatively and with there being "no right way"[5] of playing the game.
Despite their name, many open world games still enforce restrictions at some points in the game environment, either due to absolute game design limitations or temporary in-game limitations (such as locked areas) imposed by a game's linearity."
Sandboxiness not lost.
Initially I was going to let your insult upset me, but why feed a troll who doesn't realize that there is no good to come of allowing people to be lazy.
no not when what you want is the ability to switch in and out of SSP at will, SSP stands for SURVIVAL single player All it would do is break the games balance its a ridiculously idiotic notion just like your signature.
No there shouldn't be, That screams bad idea "What Im about to fall to my death lets switch to creative" "What, Im surrounded by creepers lets switch to creative" etc, Thats stupid.