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    posted a message on Hardcore is fun!
    Quote from Spaceboot1

    I don't really understand why Hardcore is a mode. For a long time when I played Minecraft, I deleted my worlds when I died anyways. That's how you know you're really hardcore. When you turn hardcore mode off, but still delete the world when you die.

    Umm because its more fun when you dont have the option to flake?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I hope enchantment tables aren't craftable...
    Quote from buildwithblocks2

    Thats a terrible idea... It would take to long to get one. And the randomness of it sucks

    Dude I've never even FOUND a stronghold and Im saying it should be like that, I want to have to do some serious work to have magic, I mean making potions easier is all chill with me, thats like magic for noobs, but the Pro-Magic, I want to work for, I want it to be a challenge, and I fully advocate having Boss Mobs guarding them too.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I hope enchantment tables aren't craftable...
    I agree that it should have to be obtained from a strong hold, or you have to get certain unique peices from A stronghold and from a Nether Stronghold and craft those together, Like a "Tome of Ancient Spells" from an Overworld Stronghold and an "Enchanted Pedestal" from a NS
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The answer to disc 11
    Quote from Mystery_X

    the ghast part doesn't make since if it wasnt slender man i would say herobrine but wat ever

    I feel like I should have the right to punch people in the mouth who believe in herobrine >.>
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Sheep's Wool and rewarding content
    Phar, you sir need to chill the hell out, I didnt want some complex system of breeding, Minecraft isnt about complexity.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Record "11" Secret story?
    I dont understand why ANYONE would think its something nonexistent. Herobrine was never real, will never be real, its not herobrine.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Losing It "Touch"
    "An open world is a type of video game level design concept where a player can freely roam a virtual world and change any factor at will.[1] Video games that include such level design often are referred to as "free roam" games.
    The term is sometimes used interchangeably with "sandbox" and "free-roaming";[2][3] however, the terms open world and free-roaming describe the game environment itself and allude more to the absence of artificial barriers,[4] in contrast to the invisible walls and loading screens that are common in linear level designs. The term sandbox refers more to the mechanics of a game and how, as in a physical sandbox, the user is entertained by his ability to play creatively and with there being "no right way"[5] of playing the game.
    Despite their name, many open world games still enforce restrictions at some points in the game environment, either due to absolute game design limitations or temporary in-game limitations (such as locked areas) imposed by a game's linearity."

    Sandboxiness not lost.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Game mode
    Quote from machinegunsam

    I'll just keep playing Minecraft the way I want to, thank you very much, content in the fact that I am obviously not playing it the correct way deemed by some child on the internet.

    Initially I was going to let your insult upset me, but why feed a troll who doesn't realize that there is no good to come of allowing people to be lazy.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Game mode
    Quote from machinegunsam

    Because I shouldn't be able to play SSP the way I want to.

    no not when what you want is the ability to switch in and out of SSP at will, SSP stands for SURVIVAL single player All it would do is break the games balance its a ridiculously idiotic notion just like your signature.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Game mode
    Its as easy as building it in a local SMP server and then copying the world to single player.

    Quote from Badprenup

    Currently no way to do it within Minecraft. There really should be though, it's a button that will change a single boolean from false to true.

    No there shouldn't be, That screams bad idea "What Im about to fall to my death lets switch to creative" "What, Im surrounded by creepers lets switch to creative" etc, Thats stupid.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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