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    posted a message on PLUGIN DEVELOPERS FOR HIRE
    Name: KrazyTraynz

    Method of contact:

    • Skype - krazytraynz
    • Minecraft Forum - PM
    • BukkitDev/Bukkit Forums - PM
    Requested payment for making plugins:

    • Price will be decided when I receive plugin details.
    • Minimum $15


    • About 2 years with bukkit.
    • Some client modding
    • I've done one plugin with MySQL

    • I can usually spend 1 - 2 hours a day.
    • Plugins don't usually take me very long to make, although if it's something I haven't done before it may take a bit of time.
    Any other requirements you have:

    • In Skype, please say you want to hire me as a dev in the contact request
    • Paypal only for payments
    • For plugins tests that require multiple users, I would need to be provided some sort of test server (I don't have my own)
    • I would appreciate recognition as a developer, but you can't take credit for the plugin no matter what.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on The Palette Project (Chroma Control In The Makings)
    What is it you need help with, the main class or the liquid?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Adjacent Blocks
    Ok, thanks :D
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Adjacent Blocks
    That'll work... But do you have an idea on how to get the touching blocks?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [WIP] BetterCraft (Needs better name)
    *Needs new name*

    This is a mod I've been working on for a while now, and it's almost ready for the first release! BetterCraft is a mod that will introduce plenty of new mobs, items, crops, structures, weapons, and so on. There isn't really a general theme to this mod, I'll just add extra features when I think of them. I want this mod to be able to stand out, so this won't be something that sticks to one idea the whole time.

    :Red: = Not Started
    :Yellow: = In progress
    :Green: = Done!


    :Yellow: Lightning Magician - Passive-Aggressive mob, only attacks you if you attack it first. This mob attacks with bolts of lightning, and drops their wand when it dies if you're lucky!

    :Yellow: Leprechaun - Afraid of players, small, and hard to find. Catch it with a leprechaun net for a reward!

    :Red: Warrior - Agressive, strong, and bulky. Stay away from them, unless you want some of the armor they're wearing!


    :Yellow: Gold House - If you're able to find one of these, there's a good chance you'll find a Leprechaun inside!

    :Red: Mage Tower - The dwelling of Lightning Magicians, these rare towers stand tall and well guarded with numerous traps in order to make sure you won't find the treasures inside!


    :Green: Troll Block - Looks like Diamond ore, but drops coal!
    :Red: Enchant Dust - An ingredient you can use to craft your own lightning wand!


    The Minecraft team beat me to carrots and potatoes, so please leave a suggestion for a new crop!


    :Red: SMP Support - Not for a while though.

    BetterCraft will be released after everything in progress is finished, and the work left is mostly textures!

    ** This mod is in need of a new name, so leave a suggestion for one and I'll pick my favorite! **
    ** Banners would be great too, because I can't draw to save my life. **
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on World gen
    Does the code give you an error?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Adjacent Blocks
    Is there any way I would be able to loop through blocks touching blocks, the blocks touching those blocks, the blocks touching those blocks, but stopping when I reach a certain number (like 822)?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Need Modding Help Plz (adding efects to armor)
    Quote from mattyp153

    I'm trying to do something similar but instead of having a potion effect I want to reduce all damage from a specific damage source (explosion) to 0.

    I'll have to figure out how to set it up, but I won't be able to test it because Minecraft hates me right now... I'll PM you when I figure it out.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Request:Better Ores
    It's fine, caroll actually gave me another idea for this mod :P
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Need Modding Help Plz (adding efects to armor)
    I'm pretty sure it works like this, but I haven't tested it yet:

    1. After each crafting recipe for your armor, add this line:
    ModLoader.setInGameHook(this, true, false);

    2. add this somewhere in your main mod class:
    public boolean OnTickInGame(Minecraft minecraft)
    	 ItemStack boots = minecraft.thePlayer.inventory.armorInventory[0];
    	 ItemStack legs = minecraft.thePlayer.inventory.armorInventory[1];
    	 ItemStack chest = minecraft.thePlayer.inventory.armorInventory[2];
    	 ItemStack helm = minecraft.thePlayer.inventory.armorInventory[3];
    	 if(boots == null || legs == null || chest == null || helm == null)
    	  return true;
    	 else if(boots.itemID == YourBoots.shiftedIndex && legs.itemID == YourLegs.shiftedIndex && chest.itemID == YourChest.shiftedIndex && helm.itemID == YourHelmet.shiftedIndex)
    	   minecraft.thePlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(yourPotionEffect, duration, level));
        return true;

    This is an old way to do it, so I'm not sure if it still works.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Request:Better Ores
    Quote from InfinateX

    I hardly understood a word of that.

    He wants to make ores more common, and add some sort of a Timber feature for ores.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Need Modding Help Plz (adding efects to armor)
    Are you using ModLoader or Forge?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Where is anvil enchantment cost displayed?
    Not sure which part it is, but I'm pretty sure it's in ContainerRepair.java
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on ModLoader failed to initialize
    The Id for the block (700) is too high... I'm not sure what the max block Id is, so you'll have to look it up.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Minecraft Skin Booth?
    Any ideas?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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