I prefer to mine my way through caves digging up ore pockets as I go. However, to find diamond the best way to go a strip mine at low y level. Space your tunnels about 3-5 blocks apart and have a fortune pick with you and you should find plenty in no time.
Very nice!
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Yes. The rain sound was changed in 1.9. I think it is much more soothing and less jarring than the old one.
I think the update will be fine. Servers have to update plugins all the time to accommodate each update. There have been major updates to the game in the past and servers continue to thrive.
If anything I think the new items, especially the Elytra wings, will make more server games possible and open up entirely new games that we haven't thought of before.
I think the combat improvements were long overdue. Combat was too dull, there was only one attack, and its good that they are mixing it up a bit with some tools getting special abilities and potions being changed so they're more balanced. We might actually get to use strength and weakness potions in UHC/skywars properly now. Shields will make the battles somewhat more skill based too.
I think that the battles might last a little bit longer but with the Protection enchantment being nerfed, the ability to dual wield a sword/bow, it won't be more than maybe a few more seconds more. Overall, I think the changes made this update are all really positive for the game.
Nice job with this design. Very useful and compact.
They changed it again in 16w05a/b. They now will kill an unarmed player but don't do less damage than in 1.8. I think it is decent compromise.
Since they changed them again in 16w04a they have fixed a lot of the problems stated in the earlier part of this thread. They're much faster now, don't break upon hitting land/lily pads, and are easily maneuverable. Definitely an upgrade over old boats.
Nice Farm! Really great use of the new trapdoors and 1.9 mechanics!
I made a storage system recently that I find fairly useful. It allows you to store an unlimited number of items and retrieve any of those items.
Yeah definitely excited for that fix as now flying machines will actually work instead of causing you to glitch through the block half the time. Also, slimeblock monorails are now a thing that work consistently. I'm also excited.
I made a machine that can create tipped potion arrows in the most recent snapshot. This only requires you to push a button to use. Quite useful for survival worlds.
Yep. You are right. Not sure what I was thinking. Cheers.
You could probably throw potions but bow attacks would be restricted to straight forward shots since you need the arrow keys for steering. Perhaps they could add a shift to aim functionality for when you're gliding so you could aim right/left but we'll see.
Yeah unfortunately it is not possible to sort all the damaged tools. You can sort other non-stackables and things like potions, buckets(water and lava), boats, and minecarts. But armor sorters especially differentiating damaged items isn't possible.
They look way better now for sure.