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    posted a message on [Fanfiction] Blood and Ashes [(ACT 3) CHAPTER 8!]
    Yay chapter 1! My thoughts are jumping up and down because I'm so happy! To to go read it!!

    [EDIT] ok, its verry good. I mean Awesome good type thing. XD
    There is a grammar misttake in the pro-log I will tell you what it is Shan I fing it. I like the prologue, and sometimes short is good.
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on Silent Griefers
    This clan should be banned. It's purpos is evil and that is agienst the the rules. And diamond king because you have done your smiting of evil you can get some extra rank in my clan.

    'starts reporting clan'
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from sethbean »
    I seth swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.



    What role I want to have and why: (builder, miner, fighter)builder, miner, i love mining and building

    Something showing chuck Norris is awesome: (chuck Norris joke, you tube, image) The power from one of Chuck Norris' roundhouse kicks could power the city of Los Angeles for a week.

    You can only be one, the difference is that as a mine you will get rank for building, or as a miner you will get rank for doing any underground stuff.

    Accepted. I will put you in builder because we need more builders than miners.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on I am looking for clan to join.
    well if you want you can join my clan we are small whith only 20 peopel (it souds like alot but it is not) and we have a small server. CCNIF
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    yay a new member! accepted, i will get you whitelisted.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on close this post i am going to move it to support!
    Can I join? I'm about to start modding in less than a month and I can create a forum for the clan if you want.

    Here is an app:

    Age: 14
    Modding knowledge: next to none, but I'm about to learn java stuff.
    Why I want to join: because I would like to be in a group of people who under stand mods.
    Computer knowledge: I know lots about Microsoft office, paint and computer building. I can also create forums. (I know bits and pieces of other things too)
    Other info: I'm a computer nerd, and quick to learn anything to do with computers.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Yay! I have finished building my new pc! +12 RP for all!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    It's lonely n the server, where is every one?
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from charlietheunicorn »
    I charlietheunicorn swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.

    IGN: MailMan2

    Age: 18

    What role I want to have and why: Miner, as i enjoy the finding material parts of minecraft..

    They say that Chuck Norris can eat 400 KFC Double Downs in one sitting.

    Accepted. Sorry I took so long, I hade school swimming and a heap of homework.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from Gellentte »
    Quote from Kopaka »
    Quote from Gellentte »
    I Gellentte swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.

    IGN: Gellentte

    Age: 21

    What role I want to have and why: Buidler. With my artistic side of me i have always craved to construct things, even with lego as a little toddler :smile.gif:

    They say that Chuck Norris can drown a fish.

    Acepted. Nice someone over the age of 20, most of the people in my clan seem to be around 14. Starting RP 15

    Thanks Kopaka. Will you PM me when i am white-listed?

    yes I will.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from centerfinger »
    here is a CN skin I made that you can use if you want.

    - Skin

    - Preview

    Thanks, one problem. I have a skin that looks just like that but with shading and a 3D beard. But I'm sure other people would like to use it.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from Gellentte »
    I Gellentte swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.

    IGN: Gellentte

    Age: 21

    What role I want to have and why: Buidler. With my artistic side of me i have always craved to construct things, even with lego as a little toddler :smile.gif:

    They say that Chuck Norris can drown a fish.

    Acepted. Nice someone over the age of 20, most of the people in my clan seem to be around 14. Starting RP 15
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from omaga772 »
    plez white list me it says im not

    I can't whitelist you, I don't own the server. Inrisk does. (but I have asked him to)
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Clan of ChuckNorris's IronFist|Server|24/7|whitelist|
    Quote from kaikookoo »
    I Kai swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.
    IGN: kaikookoo
    Age: 14
    What role I want to have and why: Miner because I'm not all that suited to the other roles. 1) I suck at killing monsters... 2) I can build... but it doesn't look like what people /define/ as good...
    Something showing chuck Norris is awesome: Chuck Norris can have his cake and eat it too!
    Meh, it's not the best but I thought of it on the spot... It's probably posted some where any ways!

    accepted. please don't put yourself down, everyone have their way of doing things. (start with 7 RP)

    Quote from JaMxW1LDZz »
    I (JaMxW1LDZz) swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.

    IGN: JaMxW1LDZz


    What role I want to have and why: (builder, miner, fighter) The role ii want is to be a miner because i love to mine and i love the feeling you get when you find diamonds :Diamond: :GoldBar: :Iron: :Coal: :Flint: xD

    Something showing chuck Norris is awesome: (chuck Norris joke, you tube, image)
    Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

    No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.

    Your search - Chuck Norris - did not match any documents.


    Run, before he finds you
    Try a different person

    Accepted. (start with 11 RP)

    Quote from VictorMundi »
    I Victor Mundi swear to always think Chuck Norris is awesome and to never put him down in any way.

    IGN: thecomptonfamily

    Age: 13

    What role I want to have and why: griefer catcher

    Something showing chuck Norris is awesome: google ligitamatly wont search chuck norris if you click im feelin lucky

    Accepted. (start with 7 RP) you can be a fighter

    Quote from munster208 »
    IGN: totallyoutplayed

    Age: 13

    What role I want to have and why: griefer catcher i am good a catching some1 if they arent doing the right thing

    Something showing chuck Norris is awesome: he can roundhouse kick some1 from newyork to florida

    Accepted. (starting rank 12RP) you will go in fighter, and you must prove your self to be co-leader
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ubiquitous (Recruiting) |Whitelist| |Active Only| |Roleplay|
    My clan is now on the server too, see you on.
    Posted in: Clans
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