The Maze Runner 2 is just a completely rebuilt/redesign of my original Maze Runner. The Maze Runner 2 has more details, traps, a redstone timer, and much more. This map is a Timed (4 Days unless it rains ) Hardcore Survival that will test your skills and abilities to prepare and escape the challenge. You will only have 1 Life (Spawn Gets Destroyed after leaving spawn).There will be a huge timer on the surface that will inform you on the amount of time you have left. The challenge is a Maze that has monsters, monster spawners, traps, and parkour. You play this map with other players. That's Basically It. Have Fun
1) No Destroying the Walls
2) No Climbing the Walls
3) Play on Peaceful if you would like until your 4 days are down.
4) Must Play with at least half-way Render Distance (or the timer will not work)
(Sorry No screenshots of the maze because I want to keep it a secret.)
Cool Map Bro. There's a bug in the Nether Part where I can jump on to the roof and jump to the next roof to completely avoid the last section and go straight to the end. Thought I would let you know.
Naaa don't worry about it lol. I made that map a long time ago. So i think the texture pack from that update no longer works correctly with the new updates.
This is a PVP Multiplayer Mini-Game that will test your strategies and abilities on creating TNT Cannons. Their will be 2 teams that will be separated into 2 islands. Both islands are exactly the same besides the color of the Wool. You will be provided with obviously TNT, Building Blocks, Food, Bows, Water, Levers, Pressure Plates, More... There will be a thin (1-Block) barrier in between both islands. You must destroy the barrier and attack your enemies. You may create your own rules. Have Fun. Comments and Recommendations Appreciated.
Can you fill in chests? Can you create and type signs? Can you change the world format from Survival to Creative? Well if answered yes to all of these questions please PM me. I finished building a map cough*LAVA RUNNER*cough weeks ago but my device broke and can no longer play MCPE. I need someone to finish it for me and I'll post it and give them Credit. Please and Thank You.
-KoolGhettoKid (I know, you thought I was dead and no longer making maps haha well your wrong)
P.S. Yes I'll be making more maps as soon as I have a device.
I just started my Youtube Channel and was in the need for serious individuals to record with. This Project can help us grow in the MCPE Community. I'm looking for Fun, Amusing, People to play with. It doesn't matter if you have a Youtube Channel or not but I'd prefer if you did, so it can help your channel grow. Yes we will chat and talk together during gameplay and meetings. If you are interested in this Project Reply down below or PM me. Please when contacting me include this information:
-IGN Name
-Youtube Channel (Yes or No)
-IOS or Android
-Google Hangouts or Skype (Yes or No)
-Location (Time)
When you have been choosen we will schedule meetings and times to play.
@kirito12kazuya2 I'll start making it when I'm done with my current map. I'll give you credit :D. But I'm having problems floating sand because the new update fixes my floating trick
Well you can just build the map block by block
Thank You John. I absolutely love your website btw. Tell me what you think.
Link Removed
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What do these Hieroglyphics mean guys?
Cool Map Bro. There's a bug in the Nether Part where I can jump on to the roof and jump to the next roof to completely avoid the last section and go straight to the end. Thought I would let you know.
Naaa don't worry about it lol. I made that map a long time ago. So i think the texture pack from that update no longer works correctly with the new updates.
Thanks Dudes. It means alot.
Blue Side:
Red Side:
Full Map:
My Before and After:
Link Removed
That's the map I ported lol.
Hey You,
Can you fill in chests? Can you create and type signs? Can you change the world format from Survival to Creative? Well if answered yes to all of these questions please PM me. I finished building a map cough*LAVA RUNNER*cough weeks ago but my device broke and can no longer play MCPE. I need someone to finish it for me and I'll post it and give them Credit. Please and Thank You.
-KoolGhettoKid (I know, you thought I was dead and no longer making maps haha well your wrong)
P.S. Yes I'll be making more maps as soon as I have a device.
Hey Guys,
I just started my Youtube Channel and was in the need for serious individuals to record with. This Project can help us grow in the MCPE Community. I'm looking for Fun, Amusing, People to play with. It doesn't matter if you have a Youtube Channel or not but I'd prefer if you did, so it can help your channel grow. Yes we will chat and talk together during gameplay and meetings. If you are interested in this Project Reply down below or PM me. Please when contacting me include this information:
-IGN Name
-Youtube Channel (Yes or No)
-IOS or Android
-Google Hangouts or Skype (Yes or No)
-Location (Time)
When you have been choosen we will schedule meetings and times to play.
-My Youtube Channel:
-My Twitter:
@kirito12kazuya2 I'll start making it when I'm done with my current map. I'll give you credit :D. But I'm having problems floating sand because the new update fixes my floating trick
Oh OK. I'll take off the 0.10.5 from the post. Thank You. I hope you enjoyed the map.
Are you sure. What was wrong? I created this map on 0.11.0 but I didn't think that there would of been a problem playing it on 0.10.0.