Imagine, a find the button map with a twist. You have to fight through horrible mobs and collect lucky blocks throughout the map. This is an unbelieveable lucky block find the button ultimate extravaganza.
10 Levels
1 Boss
Are you ready for an ultimate challenge.
Trust me, you will love this or your money back (even though its free.)
If I can make a suggestion (and don't be too critical if this is a terrible idea) but maybe if you do add the ender dragon titan it should be a god like Witherzilla (maybe same health) and it drops a set better than the adminium set. I love this mod. The insane mobs and armor is why I rate this my number 1 mod. Bravo to you.
I would like to ask your opinion. I was thinking about making a minecraft channe. But I continue to hear that minecraft is dying. So I am asking to see is minecraft is really dying? And if it is then is making a minecraft channel even worth it? Now I am not spamming. Just askig for opinions. No likes or subs or contacts.
I agree with the with the lightning thing now. It is a litte too OP but still I say you should still think about the people who are trying to make friends. I not saying that to be greedy. I don't want likes, or subs or anything like that. I am saying that sympathy is a good thing to give to the people who are trying there best. Now I know that someone reading this is going to create a rebuttal for what I saying, and you can. But think about giving a little sympathy to the people who needs it. Here is a little story about me. I fell into a depression and I have been trapped for a while. I am starting to heal but it is hard. I am trying to make friends by posting. But its not working. Look all I'm trying to say is that giving sympathy is a great way to show that you do matter not matter how dumb something may be. So to all the critics and haters reading this think about giving sympathy. Sorry this comment is long but I want people to understand that sympathy is important.
Look I'm sorry. I thought that If I post something I can make friends I have no friends and I feel like everyone hates me. I don't feel loved and I thought that if I post a comment I would make friends. But maybe not.
By the way, If you heard of The King from OreSpawn he has a lightning attack move. I tought that it would be cool if he had it too. So technically it kind of makes sense logically.
If you are a giant fan of OreSpawn, Twilight Forest, and Lucky Blocks, then this lucky block addon is for you. This is an amazing lucky block addon (requires Lucky Block Mod) that you can play with. This block is super overpowered. You can get anything from a cake to The King and everything in between. If you are a fan of the mods i just listed and love any and everything overpowered, then this is the mod for you.
A little story: I made this as tribute to PopularMMOs. I went into a depression until I found them, Now I am making maps and lucky block addons to tribute to his very hard work. If you use this addon, I will be gratefully happy. Thank you for reading and hopefully downloading.
By the way, if you guys enjoy this map, I will make another adventure map better then this one (I promise). But tell me in the comments. I also take suggestions.
This is probably a dumb question but I have to ask. Where is the download with the ender dragon titan?
Will you ever make the existing mobs more powerful? Like quadruple their health?
Will you downgrade to 1.7.10? Just wondering. This mod is cool.
Finding The Lucky Button
Imagine, a find the button map with a twist. You have to fight through horrible mobs and collect lucky blocks throughout the map. This is an unbelieveable lucky block find the button ultimate extravaganza.
10 Levels
1 Boss
Are you ready for an ultimate challenge.
Trust me, you will love this or your money back (even though its free.)
Please read instructions.
If I could make a suggestion, how about a wolf titan. It can help defend from other titans but only as well as a normal size wolf against normal mobs.
I agree with OreSpawn Mode.
But what will OreSpawn Mode be?
If I can make a suggestion (and don't be too critical if this is a terrible idea) but maybe if you do add the ender dragon titan it should be a god like Witherzilla (maybe same health) and it drops a set better than the adminium set. I love this mod. The insane mobs and armor is why I rate this my number 1 mod. Bravo to you.
What about OreSpawn. It has 6 dimensions.
I would like to ask your opinion. I was thinking about making a minecraft channe. But I continue to hear that minecraft is dying. So I am asking to see is minecraft is really dying? And if it is then is making a minecraft channel even worth it? Now I am not spamming. Just askig for opinions. No likes or subs or contacts.
To Valcano Bomber: I completely understand. Thx.
I agree with the with the lightning thing now. It is a litte too OP but still I say you should still think about the people who are trying to make friends. I not saying that to be greedy. I don't want likes, or subs or anything like that. I am saying that sympathy is a good thing to give to the people who are trying there best. Now I know that someone reading this is going to create a rebuttal for what I saying, and you can. But think about giving a little sympathy to the people who needs it. Here is a little story about me. I fell into a depression and I have been trapped for a while. I am starting to heal but it is hard. I am trying to make friends by posting. But its not working. Look all I'm trying to say is that giving sympathy is a great way to show that you do matter not matter how dumb something may be. So to all the critics and haters reading this think about giving sympathy. Sorry this comment is long but I want people to understand that sympathy is important.
Look I'm sorry. I thought that If I post something I can make friends
I have no friends and I feel like everyone hates me. I don't feel loved and I thought that if I post a comment I would make friends. But maybe not.
By the way, If you heard of The King from OreSpawn he has a lightning attack move. I tought that it would be cool if he had it too. So technically it kind of makes sense logically.
They should make the ender dragon summon lightning while he's flying.
If you are a giant fan of OreSpawn, Twilight Forest, and Lucky Blocks, then this lucky block addon is for you. This is an amazing lucky block addon (requires Lucky Block Mod) that you can play with. This block is super overpowered. You can get anything from a cake to The King and everything in between. If you are a fan of the mods i just listed and love any and everything overpowered, then this is the mod for you.
A little story: I made this as tribute to PopularMMOs. I went into a depression until I found them, Now I am making maps and lucky block addons to tribute to his very hard work. If you use this addon, I will be gratefully happy. Thank you for reading and hopefully downloading.
Some Drops
The King with 750000 Health!
New Wells
OP potions
New OP Queen Armor
Royal Guardian Sword With 10000 Damage
Hydras Everywhere
Super Withers
Lucky Ruby Armor
Forts made of Jewels
and more...
OreSpawn Download:
Twilight Forest:
Lucky Block Mod:
Epic Proportion Link:
Also try my map
The Death of PopularMMOs:
By the way, if you guys enjoy this map, I will make another adventure map better then this one (I promise). But tell me in the comments. I also take suggestions.