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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)

    Beautiful update. Beautiful crystal ball effects. Beautiful boobies. Beautiful everything. Butt, there are some things that may need to be fixed:

    -Guards will not attack any hostile mobs

    -Guard only have 20 health (perhaps they're behaving like normal villagers?)

    -my kid sometimes responds to my failed jokes as "playerchild.joke.bad"

    -after using the crystal ball, right-clicking the bookshelves and bedrock can cause them to disappear and you can walk out

    -Came across a natural spawned adult villager who was about the size of a baby zombie. Also, this villager's height factor didn't seem to match their size when i used the villager editor. Their height factor was about 10, which should make them taller than the player.

    That's all i've got for now

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on *The Settlers* Medieval Town Simulation (MCMMO, ECONOMY, JOBS,)
    Age: 15
    Name: Frank
    MC username: Frank7697
    Desired Job: Farmer
    A little bit about yourself?: I'm very devoted. I wake up at 4 AM to play on servers because of my timezone. I also lag bad because of where i live. Not so good at PVP, i'll stick to farming.
    Pie or cake?: Pie i guess.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a nice Rp server
    Quote from chips123

    u got skype

    i got 1 but i need skype usualy its a lest play

    I don't have skype...
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for a nice Rp server
    Quote from Vescon

    http://venommc.enjin.com/home Our server has something similar, Orcs are the only race who can make diamond swords, Dwarves are the only race that can make diamond armor, etc. We have unique gods, races, and quests. Feel free to take a look at our forums!

    Regards, ~Vescon

    My anti-virus is blocking the site :o
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a nice Rp server
    I recently tried RP servers and they're awesome! My main server is down for the weekend. The cool thing about the server was that once you chose a profession, you can only do things that the profession could do. Example: A farmer can't build a house or fence his farm. He has to hire a builder to fence the farm and build the house. The builder would have to get materials from a miner. This created the perfect economy. Anybody know any servers that are similar to this?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.8 #EliteUniverse# Reborn!
    This server looks fun. How many people play?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    1) Name: IGN- Frank7697 Nickname: Frank
    2) Age: 15
    3) Minecraft History: I've been on a few servers. Only started minecraft 2 months ago. I've never been banned.
    4) Why you want to join: This server looks really cool and also my friends are joining.
    5) 2 Professions you would want if selected & Town you would like to live in: I love to supply people so my choices would be farmer or baker. Deserts are nice and flat so Karento please.
    6) Other Important Info you want us to know: I lag a lot. I wont do so good in combat. That's why i wanted to supply people.

    7) Feel free to include a back story. It is not required, but shows us you really want to join:

    Frank woke up in a field one day not remembering anything of his past. He was a natural born farmer so he could always supply himself. He lived alone for a month and a half, but soon got lonely. He set of on a journey to find others. He came across a few civilizations, but they were not to his liking. He stumbled upon the land of Anovia and was accepted to the Blue kingdom. He helped a lot by relieving the kingdom of famine. He went to sleep on the first night and awoke the next day to find out everyone was kicked out of their kingdoms. The kingdom went out with a bang.

    He and the Anovians set out to find a new home, led by kingsmurf. They found a suitable place to call home, but the land could not be entered yet. When the day came for the people to be let in, they found the land very old fashion and some people refused to go in or couldn't get in at all. The races of the land constantly prepared for a war. Amarigen brought the anovians together and told everyone about two new kingdoms.

    Following kingsmurf and Amarigen, Frank came upon this land
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Quote from Music_Lover

    Great! Could you message me the details?

    Check your messages :steve_sneaky:
    Quote from frank0435

    why 1.2.5?

    Quote from Music_Lover

    It's 1.2.5!


    For better plugins
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Where is everyone? Not so many people on the server. It's getting boring
    Quote from Music_Lover

    Yay I'm with all my anovian buddies! But can I be an archer human?

    Is everything like houses premade? And are there things like roles assigned in villages?

    I can tell you about the Human Race, but lets not talk about it outloud. :steve_sneaky:
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    I was put in the wrong race
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Can someone help me downgrade. What are you guys using to downgrade?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    It's 1.2.5. I'm having problems downgrading. Now i have a list of chores.
    I give up. For now...
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Quote from Zarien

    And if the other 2 admins aren't coming?

    it might have to launch tomorrow
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Quote from chilliseal

    so when is the server supposed to open because I see a lot of people that were here from hours ago o.O

    We're waiting for 2 admins so all staff will be online for the launch.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    What are the two missing admins doing?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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