- Kksmiley
- Registered Member
Member for 12 years, 8 months, and 4 days
Last active Thu, Jun, 25 2015 10:26:14
- 19 Total Posts
- 1 Thank
epicSplashBattle posted a message on Pixelmon 8.1.2 (12th Nov 2020)Posted in: Minecraft Mods
PixelmonThe Pokemon mod for Minecraft!
To find out more about this mod you can check out the Pixelmon website!
Submit bugs here on out issue tracker - Click me!
Pokemon is the intellectual property of GameFreak and is trademarked by Nintendo GameFreak and Creatures Inc. -
Noppes posted a message on Custom NPCsPosted in: Minecraft ModsJoin my discord for the latest information: https://discord.gg/9xZuaA4
If you dont want to loose items or blocks in 1.7, make sure to open your worlds with the latest 1.6.4 atleast once.
Want to show your support? Buy me a drink
Latest update video
Always backup your world before updating.
Read the Todo List before making suggestions
Read the Frequently Asked Questions and Starting Information before asking questions
Custom NPCs Download alternative
- Requires Forge, download here
German download: here
External Dialog Editor
- 1.7.10b and lower: download (last updated 19-jun-2014)
- 1.7.10c and higher: download (last updated 24-aug-2015)
- source code
This mod adds a set of tools to create npcs with different roles/jobs and other functions. It gives Creative Players a way to liven up their world with fully Customizable NPCs.
- Starting info
- Installation Guide
- Content Packs
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Todo and current plans
- Changelog
- Items
- Dialog Setup
- Factions Setup
- Roles
- Jobs
- Fan Made Machinima
- Adventure Maps
- Bug/Issue Tracker
Main developer: Noppes Co developer:
- DarkSignal, check out his Newgrounds Page
Ex developer
- Licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC
- If you want to use it for a modpack, include a link to this thread
- If you want to use this mod for an adventure map go ahead. No need to ask for permission
- People who do youtube videos on this mod, feel free to post them here
Resource Packs
- Dokucraft 32x32 resource pack Download by sm284614
- BDCraft/Sphanx
- Oblisgr HD Skins
If you are using mcpc+ there are multiple permissions you can use
customnpcs.npc.gui customnpcs.npc.create customnpcs.npc.edit customnpcs.npc.delete customnpcs.npc.reset customnpcs.npc.freeze customnpcs.npc.ai customnpcs.npc.stats customnpcs.npc.display customnpcs.npc.inventory customnpcs.npc.advanced customnpcs.spawner.mob customnpcs.spawner.create customnpcs.global.playerdata customnpcs.global.bank customnpcs.global.dialog customnpcs.global.transport customnpcs.global.faction customnpcs.global.quest customnpcs.global.recipe customnpcs.global.naturalspawn customnpcs.mounter customnpcs.pather customnpcs.villager
by default players will have none of these permissions unless they are opped
Tutorial/Show Off by SCMowns
Without these guys this mod wouldnt have been possible, they are awesome. Thanks for all your support.
- For skins:xSparky, willxo, DrakonsLTU, arugaicastle, Kasumi10102, meecube, DiggyDiggyHole1223, Jimorrison, MrTylon, DrakonsLTU, GingerNinjaSam, C0NV3X, fatacemcafee, MineWarCrafter, Eliwood407, NethanielShade, Tcc, MineWarCrafter, rhaidenp, Zach8460, araelb123, Gurinderm101, gui_maldito, Fox0427
- For items: Torzel, C0NV3X, Eliwood407, Scorpinax, llama66613, meecube, lazeckvar, werff, DiggyDiggyHole, Moety5, adscomics, tobbiusness
- For blocks: Redmann, tobbiusness, MineWarCrafter, owned645
- Making/Imporving models: Verdana, CarbonLord, DjGyarados, Jimorrison, Solidfire
- For banners: KingMiner, Bosch, Darkcrafter31, MrTylon, aditya25
- For extensive testing and being awesome on the forums: Darkcrafter31, MrTylon, Mr. Rinkachi, Kasumi10102, Archadeas, belldyl, Collserra, Taj, willxo, CarbonLord, C0NV3X, Eliwood407, Mikieee, tobbiusness, Charanor
- For translations: CZ:fritol33, DE:Waringham, Datixum, PL:Patrykgazing, RU:Overbolt, BR:Teraxo, ID:aditya25, KR:Cuz, FR:DjefNukem, AR:matias491, CN:miguo
- Special Thanks to: Verdana for letting me use the pony model, KodaichiZero for letting me use his grooving animation, TheKyleb for letting me use his music.
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/m6yxj.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/MZMYs.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/7007/customnpcbanner3.png' /></a>
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/833003-"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/42bg6.gif' /></a>
Shuprio posted a message on [1.7.10] Terraria 3D || ACCESSORIES, MANA, GUNS, DUNGEONS, BOSSES, BIOMES, AND MORE (CLOSED)Posted in: WIP ModsBanner By: Eltodofull
There are still some bugs in the mod, so if you find any please leave them in the comments. Also, some of the items that were added, there is no actual way to get them, yet.
Minecraft Forge (NEED VERSION 1.7.10- http://files.minecraftforge.net/
The gun mechanics are not done so don't expect much. And the mod is not yet optimized fore servers so you may crash on one! PS press F to access T3D inventory
- You can't craft platforms yet but to fall through them press shift!
- Don't shift click in any new inventories/gui
- To craft a Terraria furnace use this recipe in the mc workbench!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shuZroHD
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/shuZamHD
Change Log
- version 1.7.10 - 1.1 (Not everything that was added is in the log)
- ores need right tier to mine
- new furnace system
- some furniture
- corruption and crimson don't spread super fast
- underground jungle spreading stopped
- small bug fixes
- few new mobs (all underground skeletons and more)
- king slime added (Boss AI not finished)
- working band of starpower added
- platforms
- and some other stuff
- version 1.7.10 - 1.0 (Not everything that was added is in the log)
- All pre-hard mode tools tool sets added
- All pre-hard mode ores added
- T3D gold replaces vanilla gold in world (place t3d gold in crafting to get mc gold)
- Corruption & crimson biomes added (World Type must be set to Terraria3D when creating a world)
- Underground jungles will spawn under minecraft jungle biomes
- Shadow orb that follows and light up added
- Magic mirror added
- Most pre-hard mode armors added
- Merchant npc added (shop not finished)
- Accessory, coin, ammo & vanity inventory added (press F to open)
- Demon alter added (Will be re-modlled)
- Temporary floating islands added (will be work on next update)
- Antlion, hornet, eater of souls and slimes added (more mobs in next update)
- A few other items added
- Gun system has been added but no guns fully working
- Falling stars fall from sky at night
- All pre-hard mode boomerangs added
- Mana system added (no mana items yet)
- Working sandgun added (uses arrows as ammo right now)
- A few more little features added & more to come in next update!
v--- OLD ---v (New coming soon)
Weapons and Armour
Floating Island
Corruption Biome
Hallow Biome
New Mobs
demon eye
cave bat
eater of souls
goblin army
Shooting Stars
DaPa (Modeler/Artist)[1.2.5] dead_serious(Artist)
Please hit that rep button and leave a commentFollow the topic to get the latest updates on the mod.Support us by donating -
Phobophobe posted a message on [1.4.7] Phobophobe's Mods!Posted in: Minecraft ModsPhobophobe's Mods
Now I've got a central hub for all of my mods, just to make it easier for everyone
Everything is appreciated and will help me buy more time to work on all of my mods and keep them updatedOld Post:
The Mods! Moustaches and More
This mod adds a bunch of accessories to mine craft! The first, being an awesome, HD, Handle Bar Moustache. Will add more in future updatesPut the moustaches on the same way you would put on a helmet
Handle Bar Moustache!
(Also acts as cloth strength armor)
On Steve:
Thanks to SparklingKoala for the wesome review!
Your Ore
Updated to 1.1: Added Name Customization This mod adds one new ore, which can be crafted into one block, and one toolset. Not too exciting right? However, every single aspect of the mod is configurable, from the ID’s, to the textures.
Video Tutorial thanks to Ultrablobman
Here is a screenshot of the config file generated by the mod:
As you can see, theres way more customizable items than the average mod.
All of the textures in the mod are configurable.
For example, you can change the texture of the ore from this:
To this:
Simply by changing ‘Ore Texture = 0’ to ‘Ore Texture = 3’
(Texture changes explained)
All of the numbers in that image correspond to the slot that they are placed in, so with an image like this:
With the textures shown above, the first was in slot 0, so when ‘Ore Texture’ was set to 0 in the config file, thats what showed up. When it was set to 3, the texture in slot 3 showed up. With a good knowledge of this, you can add your own custom textures to the included texture files, and simply change the number which corresponds to the texture you want to change, with the slot that you placed your texture in.
Another configurable thing, is certain properties of the different blocks, such as hardness, resistance, and light value.
The hardness of a block is simply how long it takes to mine, the higher the number, the longer the time. Resistance is the blocks resistance to explosions, the higher the number, the more resistant the block.
Light Value, slightly self explanatory, but its fun to do a demo for.
Here is a block with light value set to 0:
And here is the same block after the light value was changed to 1:
The last new thing that is configurable the properties of the new tools.
Harvest Level sets the materials that your tools can harvest.
3 - Harvests everything diamond tools harvest
2 - Harvests everything iron tools harvest
1 - Harvests everything stone tools harvest
0 - Harvests everything wood or gold tools harvest
Uses is pretty self explanatory, sets the maximum amount of uses for your tool.
Efficiency is sort of difficult, it sets how quickly your tools will mine. The lowest efficiency in vanilla is wood, at 2. The highest efficiency is gold, at 12. Try some numbers, see what works for you.
Damage Against Entity clearly sets the damage that your tools deal when striking another mob.
Enchantibility is mostly unused, as the tools are not yet enchant able. -- Sorry--
Thats pretty much it! If you've made some cool textures for the mod or anything, you can post them and I'll add them to the OP for people to download
Also post your different configurations and things, I would like to see how creative people getChangelog
Your Ore Mod v 1.2 Added Name Customization
Your Ore Mod v 1.1 Fixed Block crafting Fixed Axe Texture Your Ore Mod v 1.0
Initial Release
Soda Craft
Soda Craft is a fun mod which adds an ore called Aluminum. With aluminum, you can craft a soda machine, which you can spend coins in and get cool sodas!
Thanks to SpartaBr for the textures and the basic idea to build off of
Aluminum Ore as it spawns in the world:
Crafting a Gear with Iron ingots:
Crafting a soda machine with gears, aluminum ingots, redstone, an iron door, and iron bars:
Crafting Soda Coins to spend in the machine:
The Machine in the world:
After using 64 Soda Coins:
List of available sodas:
- Sparta Energy
- Caracu (Beer)
- Crit-A-Cola
- Bonk! Blue Atomic Punch
- Bonk! Red Atomic Punch
- Noku
- Squirt
- A & W
- Sierra Mist
- Dr. Pepper
- Orange Crush
- 7-Up
- Leek Juice
- Natural Soda
- Red Bull
- Monster
- Coca Cola
- R.C. Cola
- Fanta Orange
- Root Beer
- Sprite
- Mountain Dew
- Pepsi
- Phobophobe Soda
If you think thats too much of a price, theres also a recycle machine! Every time you drink a soda, you have an empty can. But what good is an empty can? Well you can recycle it to get back some of your gold!
Crafting a recycle machine with aluminum ingots:
The recycle machine in the world:
After returning a bunch of cans:
thanks to jackman551, Brinko54 and brando4475 for the reviews!
Soda Craft v 1.1
Fixed Aluminum breaking glitch
Soda Craft v 1.0
Initial Release
Insta House
This mod adds blocks that when right clicked with a certain staff, will transform into structures instantly.
Please suggest any structures that you would like!!!
The Structures!
Craft the insta staff like this:
The insta staff is what you right click the blocks with to make them grow.
First off, you have your standard wooden house:
It is crafted like this:
Then you have a cobblestone house:
It is crafted like this:
Then you have a brick house:
It is crafted like this:
Then you have a pool:
It is crafted like this:
These are the only structures added in so far, but there will be many more in the future!
thanks to caveman64123 for the review
Insta House v 2.0
Updated to MC 1.3.2
Insta House v 1.1
Added Brick House
Changed Pool from Iron to Cobblestone
Insta House v 1.0
Original Release
Camo Lights
building well lit houses or structures is tough, let alone building them without making torches look obtrusive and horrible. Well with this mod, it will be easy and you don't have to use torches either!
This mod currently adds 2 new blocks, but more will be added upon request.
It adds...
Glowing Wooden Planks, which can be crafted like this:
It also adds Glowing Cobblestone, which is crafted like this:
Here is what they will look like in the world, giving off light:
Desired Blocks - Collaboration with SlicedBread1991
This mod adds five new blocks to mine craft, and a few recipes for other blocks. This mod aims to make the game more convenient and fun, while keeping the default feel of mine craft.
The Blocks!
Coal Block - Burns for 72 items in furnace
Redstone Block - Better redstone storage and decorative, glows when powered
Sugar Cube - Better sugar storage
Hay Bale - Better hay storage
Slime Block - Better slime storage and makes player bounce
Nether Brick
Mossy Cobble
Mossy Stone Brick
Cracked Stone Brick
Phobophobe - Code
SliceBread1991 - Textures, Idea
Desired Blocks v 2.1
small code tweaks
Desired Blocks v 2.0
added slime block and made redstone block glow, updated to mine craft 1.3.2
Desired Blocks v 1.0
Initial Release
1. Install Minecraft Forge
2. Drag Desired Blocks.zip into the mods folder
3. Enjoy!
Desperation Food
New Update!!! updated for mc 1.3.2, added more achievements
Thanks to slicedbread1991 and SpartaBr for the awesome textures!
Now compatible with Interactive Food mod by GKGames! that mod can be found here.
Ever go exploring and realize you've forgotten food but you don't have anything to hunt with? Well now you'll never have to worry when your desperate! This mod ads new forms of food for desperation situations.
P.S. I'm always open to suggestions for new food!
The Mobs!
Weakened Travelers are the only passive mob, other Cannibals will leave you alone as well, unless you touch them.
The Food!
First you have your classic worms, which you can find every once in a while by breaking a dirt block.
Next, you have sand fleas, which you can find every once in a while by breaking a sand block.
Next, you have a silverfish, which you can find every once in a while by breaking a stone block.
Next you have ants and termites which can be found by breaking ant hills or termite nests!
Ant Hills
Termite Nests
Meat Kabobs and Fish Kabobs are crafted like so:
(any combo of meats)
You can also get Body Parts, which are found by killing the mob mentioned earlier.
Next, you craft your worms and sand fleas into Bug Kabobs like so.
(they can be crafted with any combo of bugs as long as the sticks in the middle and they are in the corners shown)
Or you can craft a silverfish into a silverfish stick! (yes I know it isn't a real fish)
Or, you can craft ants and termites into Ants 'N' Termites like this:
Or you can craft Human Stew like this:
All of these ingredients can be found by killing various cannibals and can also be eaten by themselves. Crafting this will give the achievement 'Gourmet Cannibalism'
These can all be smelted into cooked kabobs, silverfish sticks, ants 'n' termites and human drumsticks to replenish more health!
This mod now also adds 3 achievements, Murder, Cannibalism and Gourmet Cannibalism.
Murder is triggered by picking up the remains of a weakened traveler, cannibalism is triggered by cooking them, and gourmet cannibalism is triggered but putting your illegal culinary skills to the test (crafting human stew)!
Desperation Food v 5.0
Updated for mc 1.3.2
added more achievements
changed worms sand fleas and silverfish to not edit base classes
Desperation Food v 4.0
Added More Kabobs and Cannibalism ++
Desperation Food v 3.2
Added confusion effect to raw food
Desperation Food v 3.1
Items: Ants, Termites, Ants 'N' Termites, Cooked Ants 'N' Termites
Blocks: Ant Hill, Termite Nest (Randomly Spawns In World)
Desperation Food v 3.0
Mob: Weakened Traveler
Items: Body Parts, Human Drumstick
Achievements: MURDER!, Cannibalism
Desperation Food v 2.2
Added silverfish, silverfish stick, and cooked silverfish
Desperation Food v 2.1
Added config file
Desperation Food v 2.0
Worms and sand fleas no longer craftable but found sometimes in dirt or sand
new textures
Desperation Food v 1.1
First Update
Worms (no longer food)
Sand Flea (no longer food)
Bug Kabob
Cooked Bug Kabob
Desperation Food v 1.0
Original Release
Sand Flea
Dessert Craft
Ever wonder why theres only a few sugary foods in mine craft? Well I do, so i decided to add more
P.S. I'm always open to suggestions for new food!
New Features!!!
New Dimension!!!!
Thread will be updated soon but for now here is all of the immediate info:
Download the mod: Dessert Craft v 8.0
Download Forge (YOU MUST USE THIS VERSION): Forge Build 200
Download Dimension API: Dimension API
Install Forge Build 200, then Dimension API, then drag Dessert Craft v 8.0 to the mods folder.
Heres a preview:
Portal is crafted as shown, and lit by putting a Graham Cracker in the corner (will be changed in update)
This adds cake biomes and chocolate cake biomes and candy cane forest biomes which are filled with cotton candy and mint chip ice cream trees as well as giant towering candy canes. The ground is dotted with gumdrops everywhere. The forests are crawling with gingerbread men and the lakes are swimming with gummy squids
if your lucky you might even find a gingerbread house
but at night, the monsters come out....
Other than the biome there are also cherry trees and mint plants and blueberry bushes which spawn in other biomes:
The Mobs!
Gingerbread Man
Candy Zombie
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Gummy Squids
The Food!
You craft rock candy like this:
To make different colors of rock candy, you place a rock candy in the bottom middle square of your crafting table, and its respective dye above it.
The colors are: Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue, and Normal
Rock candy can now be made into torches as well, they are crafted like this:
Here is all the colors:
Caramel can be smelted from sugar:
Chocolate can be crafted like this:
Frosting and sprinkles can be dropped from frosting blocks and look like this:
Frosting can be crafted into a cake with other cake blocks like this:
You can also craft chocolate cake in the same way:
Next, theres ice cream sundaes!
You can craft ice cream scoops like this:
Or chocolate like this:
Or Mint Chip like this:
You can then craft your sundae bowl like this:
After that, craft your entire sundae like this:
Or chocolate like this:
Or Mint Chip like this:
All Ice Creams can also be crafted into cones but you can only add toppings to sundaes:
Ice Cream Cones can be crafted with one log from a Mint Chip tree:
Logs from Cotton Candy trees can be crafted into paper:
Add sprinkles to your sundaes like this:
Craft Chocolate Cake like this:
You can craft Red Sugar like this:
Red Sugar can then be crafted into Red Sugar Stone, one of the blocks found in the Candy Cane Forest biome:
Sugar can also be crafted into Sugar Stone:
Both of these recipes are completely recyclable:
You can craft Candy Cane Blocks like this:
Candy Cane Blocks can be crafted into Barber Poles like this:
Slushies can be crafted like this:
Thanks to TheDrDevin and MCExampleGamer for the great reviews
Changelog!DessertCraft v 7.0
Updated for 1.3.2
If stay puft man dies while on fire, drops cooked marshmallows
some new textures
removed gummy spawners
DessertCraft v 6.0
Now uses recommended version of forge
2 new mobs
2 new crops
1 new wild spawning plant
no longer edits base classes
DessertCraft v 5.0
Now Uses Forge
Gingerbread men talk
added an item to spawn gummy squids
added candy cane forest biome
added gingerbread houses in candy cane forest
added recipe for barber poles and for mint chip ice cream scoops
added mint plant
added mint leaves
added red sugar
added sugarstone and red sugarstone
added candy cane blocks
DessertCraft v 4.0
Chocolate Cake Biome
Ice Cream cones
Gum Drops
Gingerbread Men
Gummy Squids
DessertCraft v 3.0
Cherry Trees
Cotton Candy and Mint Chip Trees
Chocolate Cake
DessertCraft v 2.2
Sprinkles for Sundaes
Chocolate Frosting
Chocolate Ice Cream
Chocolate Sundaes
Completely new textures thanks to slicedbread1991
DessertCraft v 2.1
Rock Candy Torches
Sundae Bowls
Ice Cream Scoops
Frosting block in cake biome has new drops
cake now crafted with frosting and cake blocks
DessertCraft v 2.0
added cake biome
DessertCraft v 1.1
First Update
Rock Candy
Colored Rock Candy
DessertCraft v 1.0
Original Release
Rock CandyBanner!
Check it out!
[IMG]http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u519/Phobophobe16/logo.png[/IMG] [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1272568-125-dessertcraft-v-40-gingerbread-men-and-gummy-squids/"] Check it out! [/url]
Easy Items
This mod used to be easy diamonds but is now easy items as it is expanding with recipes for other slightly harder to get items
The first thing you will need to craft, is Compressed Coal which looks like this:
It is crafted with 9 coals.
Next you will want to smelt your Compressed Coal into Diamond Shards, which look like this:
Then you want to craft your Imperfect diamond, with 9 Diamond Shards.
The Imperfect Diamond looks like this:
Then finally, smelt your Imperfect Diamond, and you will receive one brand new sparkly diamond!
Craft yourself some Infused Iron just like this:
Where gunpowder is Glowstone Dust
You then smelt your infused iron and voila! you've got gold!
Blaze Rods!
First off, craft some iron nuggets out of an iron ingot:
Then, craft your Iron Nuggets into an Iron rod
- -
-- =
- -
Then, craft your Iron rod into a blaze rod!
(stick = blaze rod)
Coal to Compressed Coal crafting
Compressed Coal to Diamond Shard smelting
Diamond Shard to Imperfect Diamond crafting
Imperfect Diamond to Diamond crafting
Infused Iron Crafting
Infused Iron to Gold Smelting
Iron Nugget Crafting
Iron Rod Crafting
Blaze Rod Crafting
Thanks to Nerdgasm and Phobicbus for the videos!
Easy Items Mod v 3.2
Fixed texture issue
Easy Items Mod v 3.1
fixed small glitch
Easy Items Mod v 3.0
updated to minecraft 1.3.2
Easy Items Mod v 2.0
Changed name to easy items
added recipe for blaze rod
added iron nugget and iron rod
Easy Diamonds Mod v 1.2
Second Update
Includes config file now
Added Renewable diamonds version
Easy Diamonds Mod v 1.1
First Update
Introduction of EasyGold
Easy Diamonds Mod v 1.0
First Release
All EasyDiamonds Items
1. Install Minecraft Forge
2. drag EasyItems.zip into the mods folder
Support me and the mod by putting this in your sig!
Easy Dyes
Added beautiful HD Textures by SpartaBr
Doesn't it suck how rare some dyes are in mine craft? Well now they don't have to be! This mod adds an easier way to get all the mine craft dyes.
The Mod!
Adds new plants and flower that all spawn in the world to make dyes easier to acquire!
The Blue Flower makes Lapis Lazuli much easier to find.The Cyan Flower makes Cyan Dye much easier to find.
The Tulip makes Pink Dye easier to find.
BlueBells and Iris's make light blue dye easier to find
Garlic Vines make magenta dye easier to find
Black Hollyhocks make ink sacs easier to find
Orchids make lime dye easier to find
White Peonies make bone meal easier to find
Tiger Lilies make orange dye easier to findPurple Tulips make purple dye easier to find
Also theres a small surprise.... let me know if you find it
HD Texture Adding Tutorial
1. Install Easy Dyes
2. Run Minecraft once
3. Open the config file "ED.cfg"
4. Change "HD Textures = 0" to any number but zero
5. Enjoy the new Textures!!
Code - Phobophobe
Texture Artist - SpartaBr
Easy Dyes v 2.3
Added the HD textures into one download
Easy Dyes v 2.2
Added configurable HD Textures by SpartaBr
Easy Dyes v 2.1
Added small cacti and dead plants
Easy Dyes v 2.0
Updated to mine craft 1.3.2
Cocoa Plant removed
Easy Dyes v 1.2
Added many more flowers as well as a small surprise
Easy Dyes v 1.1
Added Cyan Flower and Tulip
Easy Dyes v 1.0
Blue Flower and Cocoa Plant
Mining Window
This mod ads a new ore, a new item, and ultimately a new block that seriously helps with mining, searching for dungeons, and many other things.
Ore now generates much more rare, and deeper on the map!
Also added crystal pick to make crafting more difficult
The Blocks/Items!
First, you will want to find some Crystal Ore, which is very common and gives off light!
Then, you will want to smelt your ore into Crystal Shards.
Then, craft your crystal shards into a crystal pick. (just like a normal pickaxe but with crystal shards) The only thing is, the crystal pick isn't useful at all because its too fragile to mine! But you need one to craft your mining window.
After that, you will craft your crystal shards and crystal pick into one Mining Window like so:
= Mining Window (You'll see it in a minute
I know the mining window may not look like much, but its function is all worth it
What the block does, is allows you to look through blocks and find things underneath!
How it works:
Basically, the Mining Window block is supposed to behave like a normal block, BUT the texture is see-through! That way, it allows you to see through your world! Pretty neat, huh?
Crystal Ore generated in the world
Smelting Crystal Shards
Crafting Crystal Pick
Crafting Mining Window
Mining Windows on the ground
Surrounded by mining windows
Thanks to iampeppino, PhobicBus and Artemosky for the mod spotlights!
Texture Pack
Supported by DarkSirNobody's amazing 64x64 texture pack Nobody's Pack
Mining Window v 2.2
Fixed Generation Code
Mining Window v 2.1
Small code Tweaks and generation change
Mining Window v 2.0
Updated for 1.3.2
Mining Window v 1.1
First update
added crystal pick
made ore generation more rare and deeper
Mining Window v 1.0
Original Release
All original itemsPrecious Gems
This is a mod I've been working on for quite a while, but is also still being changed! The spawn rates for everything are VERY high because I still consider it to be in its testing phase. Anyway though, I hope you like the mod, expect lots of update with more content, and please leave feedback
New Update!!
Fixed slabs and stairs which are now fully functional
This Mod adds 9 new ores:
In order from left to right: Sapphire Ore, Amethyst Ore, Ruby Ore, Topaz Ore, White Gold Ore, Glow Ore, Copper Ore, and Blaze Ore. Glow Ore and Blaze Ore both give off light, Aquamarine below.
These can all be crafted into blocks from their drops shown below:
Glow Shards and Blaze Shards can both be crafted into torches like this:
They look like this when placed in the world:
Blaze shards can also be crafted into blaze rods and blaze powder:
All of the new ores except for Blaze Ore and Glow Ore can be crafted into tools and armor. Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz and Amethyst all have the same properties as diamond, White Gold has the same properties as gold, and Copper has the same properties as iron:
There is also a weapon called the Sword of Virtue which is considered to be all powerful, way more so than diamond, but is also very resource heavy to craft:
(those strange looking sticks are dark wood sticks, crafted the same way as normal sticks, except with dark wood planks)
Glow Blocks and Glow Shards can also be used to smelt, Glow Shards are twice as powerful as coal, and Glow Blocks are ten times more powerful than Shards. It is the same with Blaze Blocks and Blaze Shards:
Obsidian Shards can be crafted like this:
They are used in the crafting of the Sword of Virtue, as well as some experimental items that will hopefully be added soon:
Elves are small human like mobs which drop Blood to be used in crafting the Sword of Virtue:
thanks to JohnMosuela, RedstoneNightmare and DeadLoxMC for the spotlights
Precious Gems v 4.0
code updates
Precious Gems v 3.3
fixed slabs and stairs
Precious Gems v 3.2
Changed durability of all gems tools to 500 uses, and they can no longer mine obsidian
Bug fixes:
Tools not deteriorating
Armor not deteriorating
Made elves back to their smaller size
Precious Gems v 3.1
Added emerald tools and armor
Precious Gems v 3.0
Updated to minecraft 1.3.2
removed stairs and slabs
removed bonemeal for custom trees
elfs are human sized
Precious Gems v 2.0
Now Requires Forge
Added Aquamarine
Added Many New Textures
Precious Gems v 1.3
Fixed Config File
Precious Gems v 1.2
Changed children to elves
Added Darkwood Tree
Precious Gems v 1.1
Added config file
Precious Gems v 1.0
Original Release
Support Me!
You can support me by posting one of these banners in your signature or other places, or by donating, or simply by downloading my mods
HD Banner made by SpartaBr
Benimatic posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)Posted in: Minecraft ModsImagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees as far as they eye can see. Breathtaking vistas and amazing discoveries await you around every corner. But beware! Not all denizens of the forest respond to your intrusion lightly.
Updated March 29th to version 2.3.5. This version supports Minecraft 1.7.10. New in this version, the Snow Queen rules over the Aurora Palace high atop the glacier, while trolls inhabit caves deep in the rock of the highlands. In addition to these new areas to explore, this version also revises the progression system to feature very visible weather effects in "locked" biomes, instead of less-visible magic effects. Version 2.3.4 adds a /tfprogress command to advance a player's progress, as well as hint monsters that may appear if you're struggling with the progression system. Version 2.3.5 fixes bugs, adds the knightmetal block-and-chain tool and adds a bit of new swamp scenery.
If you haven't played one of the 2.0 versions, there is a new progression system. See the details on the wiki page.
Support this mod on www.patreon.com/benimatic.
Follow me on Twitter: @benimatic.
Old Versions:Download v2.3.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 2/7/14
Download v2.3.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/22/14
Download v2.3.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/18/14
Download v2.2.3 (mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 7/17/14
Download v2.2.1(mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 7/12/14
Download v2.2.0(mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/29/14
Download v2.1.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/14/14
Download v2.1.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/8/14
Download v2.0.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/10/14
Download v2.0.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/6/14
Download v2.0.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/4/14
Download v1.20.4 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/15/14
Download v1.20.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 11/26/13
Download v1.20.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 11/11/13
Download v1.20.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 10/7/13
Download v1.20.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/22/13
Download v1.19.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/8/13
Download v1.19.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 8/4/13
Download v1.18.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/30/13
Download v1.18.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 5/27/13
Download v1.18.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 5/11/13
Download v1.17.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 4/30/13
Download v1.17.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/30/13
Download v1.17.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/21/13
Download v1.16.3 - universal package for Minecraft 1.5.0. Requires Minecraft Forge 7.7. Uploaded 3/20/13
Download v1.16.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.5.0. Requires Minecraft Forge 7.7. Uploaded 3/18/13
Download v1.15.4 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 3/2/13
Download v1.15.3 (adf.ly link) - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 2/16/13
Download v1.15.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 2/10/13
Download v1.15.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 1/19/13
Download v1.15.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 1/12/13
Download v1.14.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.6. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.5. Uploaded 12/21/12
Download v1.13.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.4. Uploaded 12/16/12
Download v1.13.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.4. Uploaded 11/26/12
Download v1.13.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.4 or Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.3 (for 1,4,4) or Forge 6.4 (for 1.4.5). Uploaded 11/14/12
Download v1.12.3 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.0.1.whatever. Uploaded 11/14/12
Download v1.12.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.0.1.whatever. Uploaded 11/5/12
Download v1.12.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/25/12
Download v1.11.11 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/19/12
Download v1.11.10 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/6/12
Download v1.11.8 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/27/12
Download v1.11.5 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/11/12
Download v1.11.4 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/3/12
Download v1.11.3 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 8/26/12
Download v1.11.1 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 8/20/12
Download v1.10.1 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/8/12
Download v1.10.1 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/8/12
Download v1.10.0 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/5/12
Download v1.9.1 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/3/12
Download v1.9.1 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/3/12
Download v1.9.0 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 5/1/12
]Download v1.9.0 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 5/1/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/19/12 Updated 4/22 - fixed a few stray pixels on the items and armors.
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. It is highly recommended that you update your forge to or newer. Uploaded 4/19/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/8/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/8/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.4. Requires Minecraft Forge (& ModLoader & ModloaderMp). Uploaded 4/1/12 (Re-uploaded on 4/3 to fix a bug causing more-than-usual lag in SMP. Download the file again if you're having that problem.)
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.4. Requires Minecraft Forge (& ModloaderMp). Uploaded 4/1/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 3/13/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 3/13/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Uploaded 3/8/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.1. Uploaded 1/26/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.1. Only needed for a multiplayer server, of course. Uploaded 1/26/12
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.1. Uploaded 1/20/12
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.0. Uploaded 11/29/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 11/02/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 10/04/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 9/27/11
Download v0.1p4 -updated 08/22 - for Minecraft 1.7.3. Note that saves from previous updates are not fully compatible so you will have to start a new game.
Download server mod 0.1p4 - for Minecraft 1.7.3. Only needed if you are running an SMP server. To install, drop files into the minecraft_server.jar. Note that it replaces the normal world, so you will need to generate a new world to use this.Change Log:
View the change log on the wiki.
View the FAQ on the wiki.
Installation Instructions:
View the installation instructions on the wiki.
Getting There:
To make a portal to the Twilight Forest, make a 2 x 2 shallow pool (4 squares) of water in a grassy area, and surround it entirely with natural stuff. Flowers, mushrooms or tall grass. Then throw a diamond in (with the "Q" key, by default) and stand back!
It should look a little like this:
Videos:Loooks has a great video showing some scenes from the mod here. Very tranquil.
Direwolf20's wonderful mod spotlight video should whet your appetite for some exploration:
The Yogscast explores the Twilight Forest, Part 1:
Yogscast Part 2:
Yogscast Part 3:
Lots more videos in this spoiler tag here! Some installation guides and some more mod showcases.
Paulsoaresjr takes on the Twilight Forest in his Man vs. Minecraft series. Episode 1 below, but check out the whole series.
Loooks has a great video spotlighting some of the new features here. Very tranquil.
Minecraftmoe shows you some views of the Twilight Forest with some epic music.
GameChap and Bertie are always entertaining. Here is their video showcasing the latest version:
Installation guide by SCMowns:
RoosterInASuit does a nice install guide/spotlight:
Runemaster96 does a very nice job with a mod showcase here:
Piedudeaus's Mod Spotlight:
GeraldoCockerhan fights the naga and wins!
Elliothawk has an in-depth exploration video:
MinecraftScorpion does a Mod Showcase:
Spelunkstar has a two-part video:
Older (but still good) Videos
Etalyx's Mod Spotlight:
Mod Pack Policy:
Please note that I don't usually have the time to respond to mod pack requests (or private messages in general).
You have permission to include the Twilight Forest mod in any mod pack, as long as the following conditions are met:
- Provide a link to this forum post
- Properly credit the author, Benimatic
- You cannot make any money off of the mod pack
- Remove the mod from your pack if I specifically request it
The Twilight Forest is fully supported in the Zekocraft texture pack. I love it!
Also there's the strange and wonderful Ruinex texture pack has textures for this mod.
Please let me know about other texture packs.
KensuleNL made a great banner for your signature:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/561673-100the-twilight-forest-v15"><img src='http://i.imgur.com/sEFug.png' /></a>
Pudelhund posted a message on [1.3.2][SMP|SSP] Pudelhund's Dimension API v1.6.1Posted in: Minecraft ModsPudelhund's Dimension API
This is a dimension-adding API that works on both the client and server. It is simple and straightforward for modders to use, while at the same time it maximizes the possible customizations they can make to their dimensions with a comprehensive library of hooks and features. The following are some of the features which modders may utilize by adopting this API:
-- Custom portal blocks and items for your dimension; you may create as many as you wish until you run into block ID limits. You can also easily use other methods (such as entity interaction) to trigger teleportation.
-- For your portal(s), you may define:
- a custom Teleporter
- a custom entering/leaving message
- a custom achievement to be triggered upon entering the dimension
- whether the portal acts immediately or after a delay (as well as the length of the delay)
- whether it displays the Nether portal animation
- in which dimensions it can be used
- to which dimension it returns the player
- whether it can be used for fast/slow travel (and by what factor)
- a custom portal texture, and a custom overlay when about to teleport
-- It also adds various hooks related to sky rendering, biomes, and other features, which you may use in your WorldProvider file.
-- In your WorldProvider, you may define:
- a set of biomes to be generated; a biome may generate normally or as a sub-biome of a larger biome, like an ocean, like a river, on the border between two biomes, or after all the other biomes have generated
- a custom edition of RenderGlobal.java, as well as:
- whether clouds are rendered
- whether void fog is rendered
- additional objects to be rendered in the sky
- the size and texture of the sun and moon
- the brightness of the stars
- the player's respawn message if he or she dies in the dimension
- in what dimension the player respawns (currently only for the client)
- whether the dimension has the End's sky texture
- the name of the dimension's save folder
-- The API additionally possesses multiple other dimension-related utilities:
- adjust the maximum height of the dimension's terrain to 256
- determine what happens when one of Minecraft's existing blocks or items are used or placed
- intercept the addition or removal of a block from the world
- intercept an item when it is right-clicked
- render a custom overlay on the player's view ingame
- easily spawn custom portal particles
- easily add a new Teleporter
Make sure to read this section in its entirety before downloading and installing.
Dimension API no longer requires any other mods to be downloaded before it can run. Make sure to install this mod AFTER ModLoader or ModLoaderMP. Also, please only use the alternate download if the regular one does not work for you.
Download Dimension API Client v1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2 (alternate download)
Download Dimension API Server v1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2 (alternate download)
If you have Minecraft Forge installed, use this version instead (it works for both the client and server, but make sure to have Forge already installed before using it):
Download Dimension API v1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2 - Forge edition (alternate download)
Installation instructions:
1. Download Dimension API above; use the client version if you are installing the mod on singleplayer, and the server version if you are installing it on multiplayer. (Again, this doesn't apply to the Forge version.)
2. For singleplayer, go to your minecraft.jar and delete the META-INF folder. For multiplayer, go to your minecraft_server.jar but DO NOT delete this folder.
3. Drag and drop all the files from the download into your minecraft.jar (or minecraft_server.jar if installing on a server).
4. You're finished.
If you're a modder, install the same way and then decompile with MCP or use the sources provided under "For Modders." Decompiling should produce no errors.
Version 1.6.1 (MC 1.3.2) (current version)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.3.2.
- Moved block addition/removal hooks to WorldServer so that the API no longer edits Chunk; now use DimensionChunk for terrain generation that exceeds 128 blocks of height, or for any terrain generation if you're somehow not using ModLoader or Forge.
Version 1.6 (MC 1.3.1) (client download | server download)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.3.1; some fairly major infrastructural changes occurred as a result.
- Dropped ModLoader and ModLoaderMP as dependencies; although most modders will still need ModLoader or Forge for now, technically no other mod is required for Dimension API to run.
- Integrated compatibility patches for ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, and Forge (partially, since it was not yet updated at the time of this version's release) into the API; there will no longer have to be a separate Forge patch.
- Added respawning in non-overworld dimensions to the server.
- Added an option to override respawning completely (per dimension) with a custom method.
- Added method descriptions to some of the API's most important source files, as well as markers where it edits vanilla code.
- Fixed a bug where decompiling the API would produce errors in GenLayerDimension.java.
- Fixed a bug where server-side biome generation behaved weirdly.
Version 1.5.1 (MC 1.2.5) (client download | server download | Forge client)
- The API now edits one fewer class on both the client and server; no other changes.
Version 1.5 (MC 1.2.5) (client download | server download)
- Added support for easily including multiple biomes in a custom dimension; several different types of biomes can be generated (major, minor, border, ocean, river, and miscellaneous for other types). Note that biome temperatures are currently buggy in multiplayer.
- Added a hook to intercept the addition and removal of a block from the world.
- Added a hook to intercept the right-clicking of an item.
- Allowed the Teleporter class to vary depending on the dimension from and to which the player is teleporting.
- Added a hook called before and one called after the player is teleported to and from a dimension, as well as (for the client) when the player is teleporting in the process of respawning.
- Made the onItemUse method in IItemUse more appropriate for utilization as a block placement intercept.
- Finally fixed a bug where the Nether portal animation would display when walking out of a custom portal, and the custom portal animation would display for the Nether portal.
Version 1.4 (MC 1.2.5) (client download | server download | Forge client | Forge server)
- Fixed a bug where a modded portal overlay would sometimes display instead of the Nether portal overlay.
- Removed the buggy implementation of infinite sprites; it just wasn't good enough.
Version 1.3 (MC 1.2.4) (client download | server download | Forge client | Forge server)
- Added support for a custom version of RenderGlobal by dimension.
- Added custom save folder names.
- Added adjustable terrain height per dimension. (256 vs. 128 blocks)
- Added support for overriding a texture file that isn't the terrain.png for custom animated portal textures.
- Added adjustable limit to the height at which portals can spawn when using TeleporterCustom.
- Added a buggy, experimental block/item sprite API (to add custom sprite sheets without using any terrain indices) as a workaround until Jeb adds this feature to the game.
Version 1.2 (MC 1.2.3) (client download | server download)
- Added a custom ingame screen overlay hook, useful especially for displaying a boss's health.
- Added an easy way to create new Teleporters if the portal's structure follows Nether portal pattern.
- Added an easy way to create custom portal particles like the Nether portal's.
- Added mod_ files so that the API is acknowledged by ModLoader. These don't do anything other than give the version number.
- Fixed a Minecraft bug where block IDs above 127 would crash the game when part of the terrain generation.
Version 1.1 (MC 1.2.3) (download - client/server, Forge version)
- Updated server.
- Fixed a bug where the portal would start triggering again immediately after the player arrived in a dimension.
Version 1.1, pre-release 1 (MC 1.2.3) (download - client/server)
- Added an extremely easy way to register a modified (differently-colored) Nether portal texture.
- Added support for custom portal overlays; now your portal texture (or actually any block's texture) can be displayed when the player is about to teleport instead of the Nether portal's texture.
- Added the ability to respawn the player in another dimension after dying in your dimension.
- Restructured teleportation triggering; now teleportation can be triggered by just about anything by implementing the ISpecialTeleportation interface.
- Added a hook that is called every time an item is used or a block is placed, to allow modders access to these events (for portal activation and such) by implementing the IItemUse interface.
- Custom dimensions can now have the End's sky texture.
Version 1.0 (MC 1.1.0) (download - client/server)
- First release
General instructions, sample dimension, and sources:
Firstly, you can get the sources for this API here (currently v1.6.1, alternate download here). If you're using Forge, you can get the patched sources here (alternate download here). You can merge the src folder in the download with the src folder within your MCP directory to install (but delete the minecraft_server folder if you aren't modding the server). Note that the field/method names in my or your sources may be outdated, so there is a risk of recompile errors.
-- I am currently working on an overhaul of the sample dimension to use more of the API's features; the sources for the sample dimension are outdated but will only produce a couple of (easily-fixable) errors in MCP. --
I have made a very basic example dimension as a sort of tutorial (now for both client and server!); click here to download the sources for it. Screenshot:
You must do three things specially for this mod; otherwise you only need to create a dimension normally (with a ChunkProvider, Teleporter, possibly a WorldChunkManager, etc.):
1. Make a WorldProvider that extends WorldProviderBase; you can utilize the many render-related hooks that I have created via your WorldProvider (look in WorldProviderBase to see them), but technically you are only required to give your dimension an ID number.
2. Register your dimension in your mod_ file, within "public mod_Example." All you need to do is say "DimensionAPI.registerDimension(new WorldProviderExample())" DO NOT put this in load().
3. Create a custom block (or item) that teleports you to your dimension (a portal, basically). You need to make the block's file extend BlockPortalBase (or ItemTeleporterBase), and fill in all the required (abstract) fields.
An example of a custom WorldProvider using some of the API's hooks:
package net.minecraft.src; public class WorldProviderExample extends WorldProviderBase { public WorldProviderExample() { } //required: public int getDimensionID() { return 100; } //not required: public boolean renderClouds() { return false; } public boolean renderVoidFog() { return true; } public float setSunSize() { return 3.0F; } public float setMoonSize() { return 0.5F; } public String getSunTexture() { return "/example/sunRed.png"; } public String getMoonTexture() { return "/example/moonGreen.png"; } public boolean renderStars() { return false; } public boolean darkenSkyDuringRain() { return false; } public String getRespawnMessage() { return "Apparently this dimension is too tough for you ;)"; } //required by MC: public void registerWorldChunkManager() { worldChunkMgr = new WorldChunkManagerExample(worldObj); } public IChunkProvider getChunkProvider() { return new ChunkProviderExample(worldObj, worldObj.getWorldSeed()); } }
An example of a custom portal block:
package net.minecraft.src; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class BlockPortalExample extends BlockPortalBase { public BlockPortalExample(int i, int j) { super(i, j, Material.portal); } //required: public WorldProviderBase getDimension() { return new WorldProviderExample(); } public Teleporter getTeleporter() { return new TeleporterExample() } public String getEnteringMessage() { return "Entering the Example Dimension"; } public String getLeavingMessage() { return "Leaving the Example Dimension"; } //not required: public boolean isPortalImmediate() { return false;//does have a delay } public boolean displayPortalAnimation() { return true;//displays Nether portal animation } public List canTeleportFromDimension() { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); arraylist.add(Integer.valueOf(0));//player can teleport from overworld to this dimension arraylist.add(Integer.valueOf(-1));//player can teleport from Nether to this dimension return arraylist; } public int returnsPlayerToDimension() { return -1;//returns player to the Nether } public double getDistanceRatio() { return 0.2D;//slow travel } public int getPortalDelay() { return 150;//default } public Achievement triggerAchievement() { return mod_Example.exampleAchievement;//displays upon player's arrival in the dimension } }
As you can see, all the method names are pretty self-explanatory. Note that you do not have to change anything related to this API when porting your dimension to multiplayer, although you might want to get rid of any references to the rendering hooks in your WorldProvider as they are unnecessary in multiplayer.
I take requests for hooks/features to be added to the API, as long as they don't edit any more core class files than the API already does (I'll consider such hooks only if they're really huge, useful, and unique).
One last thing... I know how annoying it can be to lead people to a dozen different downloads just for one mod, so I give permission for modders who use this API to include it in their downloads. I only request that you mention your utilization of the API somewhere in your mod's post.
Video tutorial series by TheInstitutions:
This tutorial is created by TheInstitutions (go subscribe to his channel!). He's already made an updated version for 1.3.1:
If you are using this to create a dimension and want to be included, send me the link to your mod's thread and maybe a screenshot or two so I can post them here.
All Dem Dimensions
Atlantis Mod
Aurorae Dimension
Crazy Dimension
Creep Mod
Forbidden Forest
Forgotten Legend
Freezer Mod
Ice Age (Planet Minecraft link)
Night Sky+ Space Mod
Pandora Mod
Pre-Prehistoric Mod
Zoo Tycoon Mod
This API is also featured in ottoguy2's Ultimate API, a convenient pack of many useful modding APIs.
This API is both open source and public domain. You have permission to redistribute the files from this mod, but I prefer that you give me some credit if you do so. You can incorporate any part of my code into your mod, overwrite any of my files, make patches between this and other mods without my permission, update the mod yourself if I discontinue it, etc. - To post a comment, please login.
As of now, this mod won't generate caves. :\ but, you do get these overhangs that look pretty cool.
Here, you see the two trees I've added. The Glow Realm tree(purple) and The Glow Tree(Green)
This is pretty much the landscape. Later I'll add in more biomes.
Oh yeah, I liked green water, better than the original.
here's a better view of the Glow Flower, and Glow Realm Shroom.
The stone in this dimension is a light green. I'll be adding ores soon.
and last, this may be in the wrong section, if it is, PLEASE tell me, or move it to the right one if you can, Thanks!