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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    What version of forge am I supposed get? None of them work for me, I get a black screen. :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Glow Realm Mod Coming soon. (Help Wanted)
    Hello guys! I am currently working on a mod by myself called, The Glow Realm Mod. This mod adds a new dimension to the game that adds a beautiful, glowing, night-light feel to minecraft. The progress is moving at rather a slow pace so far, but I am only one person, and I am moving as fast as I can, and I'm not a very good Texture maker, as you can see from the Glow trees in the screenshots. :lol: so, yes, I'm looking for help. I am also up to any ideas as to what to add to this mod.(Please nothing too extreme) so, anything you may want to see in this mod, feel free to post. ^_^ I will actually want mob makers for later on in the process, so if anyone that could help with that, I'd be thankful. Here are a few things I've done So far:

    As of now, this mod won't generate caves. :\ but, you do get these overhangs that look pretty cool. :)

    Here, you see the two trees I've added. The Glow Realm tree(purple) and The Glow Tree(Green)

    This is pretty much the landscape. Later I'll add in more biomes.

    Oh yeah, I liked green water, better than the original. :)

    here's a better view of the Glow Flower, and Glow Realm Shroom.

    The stone in this dimension is a light green. I'll be adding ores soon.

    and last, this may be in the wrong section, if it is, PLEASE tell me, or move it to the right one if you can, Thanks! :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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