Dude, so I enter the portal, and What I saw when I got there just Blew my mind, This mod is so beautifully made, I wish I could +1 you atleast 100 times,
YAY! Got it to work and is there a way to change the folder it shows the skins in? Currently it's /mobs and I was looking for the folder with the different Steve textures.
Actually this mod could kind of be done on the ground, it would be easier to just make a really translucent block that you can walk through, and have it spawn in random chunks.
...actually, if you tried out a few hex codes, it would have answered your question. That's the only method Minecraft provides for coloring the liquids. Other than that, there's no code for it, it's all textures.
Exactly. Or what you could do,watch the "outdated video", and make both of the files. then instead of changing the color in those files(you can't), you would need to extend your BlockFlowing and BlockStationary classes to a new file such as BlockFluidLiquid, copy and paste the code from BlockFluid into your file, and when you see this code:
public int colorMultiplier(IBlockAccess par1IBlockAccess, int par2, int par3, int par4)
if (blockMaterial == Material.water)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
for (int i1 = -1; i1 <= 1; i1++)
int j1 = par1IBlockAccess.getBiomeGenForCoords(par2 + i1, par4 + l).waterColorMultiplier;
i += (j1 & 0xff0000) >> 16;
j += (j1 & 0xff00) >> 8;
k += j1 & 0xff;
return (i / 9 & 0xff) << 16 | (j / 9 & 0xff) << 8 | k / 9 & 0xff;
return 0xffffff;
Everywhere you see 0x (number of F's) replace that with your hex code. then go into your custom blockStationary file, and change your material.lava, to material.water . Same with BlockFlowing.
I know how, but it might be hard to work on getting it to flow and such, PM me if you're still interested because it might be confusing.
Edit: Heehee sorry, if you have a custom biome, or dimension or something in that nature, in BiomeGen(Mod Name) then you would just add this in the area where you put your biome decorators, topblock etc.
It's rather unclear, i myself wanted to try out Desperationfood for my ModloaderMP server (you know, noob's gotta eat) but it errored upon starting up, though it was in fact compatible.
...I think.
Ahaha, noob's gotta eat. yeah, I'm asking so I can find out which build for forge I have to get, a lot of them end up black screening my game,
I was looking though, and once I got to dessertcraft, I was all: Oh wow, seems nice.. and when I clicked the spoiler for the screenshots my eyes nearly melted xD I was all: OH MY SUGARLAND OF SWEET GOODNESSS!!!!! Heehee, yes...I'm getting that one.
Well Done! Diamonds for you!
Exactly. Or what you could do,watch the "outdated video", and make both of the files. then instead of changing the color in those files(you can't), you would need to extend your BlockFlowing and BlockStationary classes to a new file such as BlockFluidLiquid, copy and paste the code from BlockFluid into your file, and when you see this code:
Everywhere you see 0x (number of F's) replace that with your hex code. then go into your custom blockStationary file, and change your material.lava, to material.water . Same with BlockFlowing.
Edit: Heehee sorry, if you have a custom biome, or dimension or something in that nature, in BiomeGen(Mod Name) then you would just add this in the area where you put your biome decorators, topblock etc.
Ahaha, noob's gotta eat. yeah, I'm asking so I can find out which build for forge I have to get, a lot of them end up black screening my game,