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    posted a message on 5 Reasons why saddles NEED a crafting recipe!
    Quote from MlakussInMC

    just non-renewable.

    Do people just not know how to read anymore?
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Horse Controls Need Mouse-Keyboard Separation
    Honestly the horrible stutter and general fuzzyness of the controls are what make horses nearly unusable in combat. A seperated vehicle rider control system wouldn't necessarily improve the situation either as you still have to contend with minecraft's horrendous hit-boxes and melee range.

    Though the thought of minecraft pvp being king gave me a good chuckle.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 2

    posted a message on Hay Block....made from wheat?
    Wheat hay is a pretty big cash crop around where I live. Its primarily used in cattle feed.

    So no, nine wheat for a hay block is perfectly fine and for once Mojang actually used correct terminology.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on 5 Reasons why saddles NEED a crafting recipe!
    Quote from FlameDrake

    All I want is to not have infinite speed and jump potions from the beginning of the game.

    Then don't use them. It is really quite simple.

    And no, being lucky and stumbing on something is not a skill its luck.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on 5 Reasons why saddles NEED a crafting recipe!
    Quote from FlameDrake

    Also, notice I'm doing this discussion mainly about the advantages of horses,

    This discussion is about why saddles should be craftable, not why you think horses are overpowered. I think you are wildly exagerating their benefits, but that is not what we are talking about.

    I hate having to repeat myself several times in the same thread.

    You go on and on about why saddles need to be hard to get. I hate to break it to you but saddles are incredibly easy to get. They might even be easier to get in the current snapshot than they were when you could craft them. They are literally EVERYWHERE. Ten minutes in to rolling a new map I can be riding a horse. Horses can be somewhat difficult, but its all luck, you can spawn right beside a village in a field with horses, I've done it.

    But like I said previously, (which is odd that i have to repeat myself to someone who claimed they read all my posts,) its all based on luck and nothing more. There is no skill in getting a saddle or horse other than holding W and waggling the mouse around until you find a village and a field. It isn't hard. It's just annoying and provides nothing but frustration for players who don't like being shoehorned in to a specific style of play.

    So the point I am making, is that with saddles so incredibly easy to get anyway, why not just make them craftable. Explorers can still find them in chests, and people who don't want to do that can craft them and everybody has fun.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on 5 Reasons why saddles NEED a crafting recipe!
    Quote from coreracer15

    I like that they aren't craftable because it adds a challenge to getting the saddle.

    It is not a challenege in any way shape or form to find a saddle. People need to stop propogating this idiotic fallacy. Saddles are EASY to find.

    Also why does having every non resource object in the game craftable cheapen exploration? If i wanted to explore I do it because I want to see stuff, not because I am forced to put myself at the 'mercy' of the RNG for materials.

    Did sprinting cheapen exploration when it was introduced? Did speed potions? did nether portals? No, but people whined and whined when they were added that it would. Can you imagine the rage there would be if mojang took out any of those things?

    I swear the minecraft community makes no sence. Never before have I seen a group of players so opposed to new content, it's really a developer's dream come true.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 5

    posted a message on 5 Reasons why saddles NEED a crafting recipe!
    Quote from Zaibach

    ~.~ I think the thing that is starting to get to me about this whole debate are the people who in one post will go off about how OP being able to craft saddles would be so they can't possibly be craftable. Then two posts later the same poster will play down horses as trivially insignificant, so everyone is stupid for wanting to craft saddles. Which are they, horribly gamebreakingly OP or woefully insignificant?

    The problem with this whole debate is people don't actually read anyone's posts. They simply hit reply, write a wall of text and somehow beleive this ends the discussion completley. Its a pointless argument full of aarogant people who demand everyone plays their way and fools who attempt to reason with them.

    Since I am feeling a fool, I'll continue the proud tradition of this so called 'debate': (is this the sixth or seventh thread now?)

    Saddles should be craftable and should have been since they were added in alpha. People complained that they werent craftable when they came out, but then stopped caring months later as they were essentially worthless.

    As they are managed now gaining horses is nothing other than a test of a player's luck. How quickly can they stumble across a saddle bearing chest or villager and how quickly they can find a rare spawn. You don't even need to be that lucky either, in the current snapshot saddles are everywhere, horses are the real bottleneck, and even then you can spawn beside them at world generation.

    The concept of horses as a late-game tool also baffle me. Exploration occurs mostly at the start of a new world not late in to its lifespan. Once you get set up with a nice house/city/bunker/whatever you rarely travel more than a thousand blocks from it. Having a horse at that point is not really worth it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 4

    posted a message on Horses... a cheap shot.
    Might as well not play minecraft as it was already invented by lego... wait lego are just slightly better wooden blocks...
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Should Coal Block Smelt 64 or 72 Items?
    Quote from Kitteh6660

    I don't see why they smelt 72 items. I know 9 coals smelts 72 but why not 64?

    So actually you do see why it smelts 72 items?

    I swear people on these forums make no sense, You want the game to be harder, but you are so riddled with boneitus that you can't be bothered to either break a coal block up before smelting or set up an automatic furnace.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 3

    posted a message on Saddles do NOT need a recipe! (POPULAR)
    Quote from darkster9757

    I actually disagree with all of your responses.

    I like this. You removed the mind-numbing verbose pages of text of the usual response but kept the rejection of someone else's argument with no support of your own. Well played.

    Anyway like I have said in basically every thread on this subject; it's a pointless change and a pointless argument. Saddles are so insanely easy to get through ground spawns an trading that there is no difficulty in obtaining them. Heck its hard to go ten minutes in the latest snapshot and NOT find a saddle. This is honestly a situation that should please nobody.

    Its too easy to get for people who want them to be difficult to get, and so easy its even pointless having them craftable. Unfortunately everyone is just too caught up in gneric internet circuitous arguments to notice.
    Posted in: Discussion
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