My first night on Minecraft was on the middle of alpha. I believe it was on 1.0.17_04 or something (I just remember it had a down slash), so no fancy biomes or anything, but I did have awesome mountains.
By the first night it wasn't my first time playing Minecraft. I created several worlds and deleted them because I wandered aimlessly, not knowing what to do until I looked on YouTube how to play the game. After that, I made my very first house on the night. Not the greatest thing, just a small shelter on a cliff (or on it's roots but I might be mixing information from the video I saw)
I remember back then I was scared of mobs a lot. I wet my pants when I heard a zombie, a skeleton or a spider. When I met with my first mob while playing with my brother guiding me (I saw a creeper) on the middle of my mine I was like "Someone please kill me now".
Oh man the good ol' times. I haven't played Minecraft in a long time and now I don't have much time to nostalgia around. Tommorow I'll play some Alpha.
- Kinkaz
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Member for 14 years and 1 month
Last active Thu, Apr, 17 2014 21:18:29
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Jun 15, 2013Kinkaz posted a message on Minecraft Coming For Xbox One!Posted in: NewsQuote from iRSCAR
All this hate for the xbox one, and half the people who hate the xbox because of their "policies" need to do some research instead of spreading these lies which you believe to be true.
You are the one that needs urgent research on the consumer.
the games being made on the xbox one will use the cloud to improve the way games are played, thus internet connection is required.
I will respond any support to online requirement with this:
You've lived in LA, SF, Seattle... very connected places. Try living in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg, VA
Or I'll explain it on my words. I'm sure you are living on a rich city. Go to a poorer city, to a poorer country or go on holidays and you'll realize how poor the connection is.
People are just blind if they dont see how much this will improve games, allowing devs to upload and tweak games on the fly.
You do realize that's nothing new, right? You do realize that Mojang and other companies tell you where there are new updates via either automatically telling you about them or via revising, right?
And why would anyone want to do business with gamestop when they try to screw you when it comes to trade ins? When you buy new, the developer gets the $$, which results in better income for the devs which leads to better content the game company can offer.
Too bad I live in South America and I can't pay them for 60$ or any overpriced value (which here in Argentina is like 300$. Good luck getting your mom buy games from here). Telling me I'm poor won't turn me away.
Not to mention that the price for these new, extremely detailed games is more than 5x the average of what they were 8 years ago. thats why we see so many free-to-play games popping up, the 60$ at the door business model is failing.
This contradicts with the quote above in every possible aspect. Most new games like Skyrim, Fallout 3 and others cost 60$. You say that we have to give money to developers and you then say that they are overpriced?
But I guess you cant get mad at people for being undereducated.
Which translates to: "I can't tolerate other people for having a different look on things other than mine. They must be uneducated idiots in desesperate look for a savior, which is I!" -
Nov 24, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Eyes on Minecon, Pt 1 - The BeginningI would love to be playing MC now with the livestream on. Too bad my video card broke.Posted in: News
Nov 12, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Minecraft Passes 8 Million Sales!It's halfway to beat The Sims, and 4 millon more sellings and it will be halfway to beat it's succesor, which by the way, it's the most succesful PC game.Posted in: News
Sep 17, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Pocket Edition on Amazon, Possible Player Skulls, & MoreNow it's time to make a McNostalgia or Minecraft Version Changer for Xbox. Or else we are going to be stuck with bad terrain, hunger, etc. (I don't hate hunger or villages or anything, but I would like in the hypothetic case of me buying a 360 to play the old versions)Posted in: News
Jul 22, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Lawsuit Filed Against Mojang - This Time, For Obscure PatentPosted in: NewsQuote from UnknownOne23
Hello fellow uniloc supporter! Im glad you wish that the maker of Minecraft, the game you play, has to pay millions of dollars to a total idiot!
And your points are...
With this I mean that you are not giving full arguments. Besides, Mojang has made many more millons from Minecraft. You're acting like a complete fanboy. I want full arguments about why Notch shouldn't pay money to Ulinoc for a legit reason. Not someone that points out to a Ulinoc supporter saying that the creator of the game that he plays has to pay millons. It's like Notch robs a bank, and he has to pay, and you say the excact thing to the person that supports those who catched notch. -
Jul 22, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Lawsuit Filed Against Mojang - This Time, For Obscure PatentThis is the most retarded suing I ever heard in my life.Posted in: News
For people that didn't understand (including me until I readed the lawsuit), they are suing them for:
Mojang is directly infringing one or more claims of the ’067 patent in this judicial district and elsewhere in Texas, including at least claim 107, without the consent or authorization of Uniloc, by or through making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing Android based applications for use on cellular phones and/or tablet devices that require communication with a server to perform a license check to prevent the unauthorized use of said application, including, but not limited to, Mindcraft.
And by the way. Anyone knows Mindcraft? Seems like an epic game! -
Jun 29, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Forum Upgrades Go Live TodayThe bad thing about the reputation tab on the profile is that when I click on the number of upvotes on the received part, the people who upvoted don't show up, but when I go to the post that was one upped it works just fine.Posted in: News
May 24, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on MCX Refunds to Some, Updates To ItselfI hope there will be a McNostalgia for 360. I would really hate to have bad terrain, hunger, etc.Posted in: News
May 13, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Minecraft Turns 3 Years Old Today*sniff* I'm about to cry. The video brought me various nostalgia moments.Posted in: News
Jan 4, 2012Kinkaz posted a message on Minecon, Minecraft Updates & MoreI hope the old generation code (the 3rd one) comes back. It was awesome and it was a classic. Don't believe me? Look up Endless Waterslide and you'll see what I'm talking about, or if you aren't convinced use Mcnostalgia and downgrade to any version Infdev - Beta 1.7.3 or better Infdev - Alpha 1.1.2. Jeb, now I have my last hopes of Minecraft improving stored on you.Posted in: News
Dec 3, 2011Kinkaz posted a message on Notch Steps Down, Jeb Takes Lead Developer Position for MinecraftJeb, I hope that you can lead Minecraft to a better point. I have all my hopes stored on you.Posted in: News
Nov 18, 2011Kinkaz posted a message on Minecraft is Officially Out!Just finished with playing Starfox and I found that Minecraft was released! Congratulations Notch!Posted in: News
Sep 27, 2011Kinkaz posted a message on "Scrolls" Lawsuit Goes To CourtMy opinion about the Lawsuit is in another post about this, now I will criticize the stupid Minecraft fanboys who can't stand someone insult their god (AKA: Mojang, Notch or Minecraft)Posted in: News
I hate when people say Bethesa is Jealous of Mojang. I mean, why would they be jealous of a game that is boring anyway? I can't believe fanboys can't stand a damn thing. I had seen many stupid comments saying "oh we will pirate your games" or that you won't buy them. Bethesa won't give two craps about it. They have thousands and thousands of people who would still purchase their games. If a random person doesn't buy their games or pirate them, Bethesa will not instantly go on bankrupt. I do think the lawsuit is highly stupid though, but I prefer more than Bethesa wins than Minecraft Fanboys crying and whining about Bethesa suing Mojang. Mojang has millons, and I don't think a lawsuit would make Mojang close down forever and then stop making Minecraft that will be having millons of clones and mods and unofficial updates. Seriously, if Bethesa sees this post (which I am really unsure), they won't take off the lawsuit. Stop saying Bethesa is jealous if they have solt millons with games like Fallout. If they were jealous they would had created a clone of Minecraft and maybe they could have purchased Minecraft itself, so shut up fanboys. Also, it is not Bethesa itself, it's their lawyers, so call them jealous and not Bethesa itself. Also, for you stupid fanboys who are not convinced, Notch had alerady said that he liked Bethesa games, so shut up and investigate before throwing stupid insults.
I hope you read this damn fanboys, and if you wish cry on me calling me a troll, hater, whatever. -
Aug 24, 2011Kinkaz posted a message on An Interview With Jeb!Personally, I don't think this update is bad. In fact it makes the game better and more mysterious like with the strongholds and stuff. But at least they could make hunger, leveling and buildings optional?Posted in: News
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It is the year 1145. For long, the lands have never used magic in their entire lifetime. Magic has been a thing reserved for the old fairy tales. Empires, kingdoms and other nations have risen and fallen ever since the developement of non-magical civilization.
But this is all going to change. A monk has come back to the civilization and with him, he brings complex manuscripts. Only monks and mathematical geniuses can understand his endless stream of mathematical equations and geometrical calculations, but within them lies a motherlode of knowledge. Could it be possible, that what people thought just things reserved for the world of the tales be actually real? According to those who could understand these seemingly pointless drawings, this is true indeed. A few men tried to perform according to these instructions and indeed, what came out if were powers no one ever saw before. Stuff like healing even the most dangerous wounds or summoning balls of fire.
The king of Unon tried to keep these secrets only to the greatest illusionists and the monk continued to help the king. However, after the monk got banished from the king's lands for being blamed to have struck a disease to a powerful landlord, soon everyone knew about this magic. One hundred years later, every kingdom had a handful of mages. They perform deeds once thought heretical or impossible to do. The poorest mages go in shows where they amaze the peasants by doing stuff much better than the best illusionists using the benevolence of the angels. Mages are also used in the military wars with the patronage of the worst entities of the underworld.
However, like everything else, magic is not accepted in certain areas on the world. There are still kingdoms that say that magic is nothing but something from boring sketches. There are still clergists from other kingdoms that condemn magic for being against the gods will. There are also places where people used magic too much. A popular myth says that eating the mysterious rocks used as fuel for magic will make it unnecessary to use the glove of power, which is neccessary for any magic to be used. While this is true to a certain extent, this only makes putting the stones inside the glove unneccesary and also gives the stone more uses. On the other side, it destroys the person's physical power and turns it into a weakling, no bigger than a child and that has as much weight as them. Up to this day, no cure has been discovered. It also created a rift, that for now is not that big but soon it will be enormus, between the nations that chose to adopt magic and those who still refuse to do so.
The concept of this RP is simple. If you haven't read the backstory for whatever reason, magic has been introduced to this world not long ago and now much of the known world is using some sort of magic. You run a nation (or a collection of small states a la ancient Greece or medieval Italy) and you must survive the test of time.
If you didn't read the backstory, this magic is not simply used by taking a wand and saying random words to blow some place up. The instrument for using magic are gloves and what we call mana is a mineral with the very creative name of mana. The mana is put in between the gloves and the palm of the hand.. Then, the one who wants to use magic has to remember a large number of equations in order to do something as simple as, say, throwing a fireball. But obviously, the magic ranges from mundane acts such as illusionism, to the magic spells that need generations of research and completition that can bring mayhem to those unfortunate enough to stand on their way.
There are two types of magic. The first one, which by now should be reduced to a few spells, is the magic using knowledge of things. This is the magic that is used by knowing about a certain subject that you are trying to summon a spell with. For example, say I want to strike a disease to someone. This is far from the knowledge our medieval friends have, but anyway. I would need to know which microorganism would do the job of infecting some guy. I would then need to know how to summon said microorganism into the real world. Finally, I would need to find a person's weak spot (such as a wound) and summon it there. Apart from small amounts of air compressing into the person's whatever weak spot is, he won't notice it. Now the person, barely suspecting it, got his wound infected.
The only thing I'm going to let you guys get away with in this type of magic without even knowing is how to lift things in the air or how to summon things. This is to avoid killing the prupose of the RP
The second one, which you should be using throughout most of the RP is having spirits intervining in your spells. Here is where we touch with the religious, as the spirits, in exchange for throwing a spell, need certain amount of piety. For the more powerful spirits, the mages have to pray to the spirits as well as following certain commandements and the most powerful spirits (which by now are demigods) need to be worshipped. Unlike what this might seem, the mana is still neccessary, and more than the first type of magic. There are two types of spirits, the angels, the spirits of benevolance that provide help those looking for it and wish no harm upon the living beings, and the demons, who love seeing things being destroyed and will join anyone willing to worship them. Choose wisely the type of spirit you want to use because the two spirits won't probabily be friendly to eachother. In fact, merely including angels and demons in your pantheon and both give magic might bring severe consequences to your nation.
The second type of magic is one of the many reasons why many nations still fear the use of magic. They don't want to bow down to a spirit and having to abandon their old faith.
However, none of these types of magic is for the average person. No matter if magic is deep-rooted within a society, only the ones with high education have access to it.
Also, like it was said on the backstory, eating the mana stones replaces having to wear them in the gloves, but as a result the body gets horribily weakened and turns into a goblin, a weakling human with no more weight and height than a child.
Other stuff you need to know
The RP starts at the year 1245 A.D. That means that, soon enough, the high middle ages are going to finish
The time pace of the R.P isn't static. With that I mean, that the players don't have to skip 2 months per post. That means that the pace of the R.P can be freely manipulated, as long as it isn't too much.
Time skips will be done when a significant portion of the players want to have a time skip. A poll will be set up and if the majority agree on it, the time skip is done. That being said, please don't ask for a timeskip from the industrial revolution to the far future. Maybe from the industrial revolution to WWI times.
To summon the more complex stuff, the first type of magic requires knowledge, which in turn requires technology. Also, at the long term, magic might start getting more and more useless. That, unless you decide to explore further and forget that a thing such as industrialism exist.
Obviously an R.P can't be fair without rules. Here are the rules.
Brown are the alpine zones, darker green are the tundra areas, dark green are the forests, slightly clearer than dark green are the grasslands, puke green are the steppes and yellow is the desert.
I think you get the drill here.
Also, the old "civilized" world is located on the big island to the right as well as it's surrounding islands. However, there are "civilization" outposts distributed around the sea to the right (the one dotted with islands).
-Check the OOC thread for the apps-
Intrest stuff:
This is basic and intended to help new players that join at a later stage. Every decade, this field will be updated with the description of the important events. Other stuff it says is when the nations got formed (that is, when someone applied)
For now, this area is empty.
I know that the RP will possibily be long dead before we even get close to the illustration age, but I just felt like making a list of eras.
Bronze Age:
Iron age:
Dark Ages:
High Medieval:
Late Medieval:
Illustration Age:
Industrial Age:
World War Period:
Cold War:
Information Age:
Space Era:
Player list:
Bold and green is me or any other G.M
Green are the moderators
Underlined are trusted members
Normal black are normal players
Italics are inactive players
Red are players that recently broke a number of rules
Dark red players are banned
Stickthrough'd are dead nationsKingdom of Seyvoles (Kinkaz)
Flag: Brown horse on the center facing left with a black spearman pointing at the left with a light blue background
The culture is largely a mix of franco-celtic cultures. The language of the land is old French mixed with gaulish language. The commoners live in log cabins while the nobility lives in manors. The capital city is populated with noblemen, although on the outskirts bourgeois settle and they are attacked by the noblemen due to the fact that they don’t come from the nobility.
Literature is widespread among the nobility and large collections (for the time of course) are found in the nobles rooms. The painting industry is not very well known around the country since only the noblemen have possession of them, however, there are many sculptures throughout the country, on the temples to be more specific. Although on the areas where the Cerviel and traditional (see below) cults are worshipped much of the nobility practices austerity, on the areas where people worship Agiazor, the nobles are generally hedonists. A few peasants are hedonists too, so these peasants are quite rebellious and secretly decorate their houses with basic stuff that they later hide when they have visits.
There are 3 religions:
The traditional religion is a cult devoted to 7 deities that created the world. These are, Arael, the god that created everything and later met Kadmiel, the mother goddess, who had 4 children. Maroth, the god of the water, Barbiel, the goddess of life and of fertility, Dumah, the god of wealth and protector of humankind and at last, Shoftiel, the protector of the far away land. There is also a demon entity named Iubun that is trying to weaken Dumah by inducing humanity to do cruel things such as war, famine, or last but not least, misguiding them from the correct way. Currently it’s only the majority religion of Sayonia.
With the introduction of magic, the people and even the clergy said: “There are deities that can actually do magical powers. Why do we have to follow deities that abandoned us to our destiny? Why they can’t give magical powers to our magians?” With that logic, two new cults have been introduced and rapidly expanded all over the land.
The angel Cerviel teaches the mages to be compassionate to one’s neighbor, to not steal, among many other things. When it was first encountered, it was thought that he just gave a set of rules and, apart from accepting him as another son of Arael that it did not conflict with the traditional religion. However, he revealed himself to the king in a dream that called those who joined him with the other gods “blasphemous” and so began Cervielism. His mages have the power to heal people, to make the food grow faster and to calm the storms for a minute or so. It’s most followed in the eastern regions with the exception of Paybola.
Then there is the demon Agiazor, which is followed mostly in the centre-north of the kingdom. Agiazor provides the mages the ability to throw emotional spells (you may wonder why this is evil. The reason why is that the person may unwillingly fall in love with the “caster” of a love spell) and last but not least, two destructive spells which are fireballs and non-spreading diseases. The first spell is the reason why many joined with Agiazor instead of Cerviel. Agiazor gives them the ability to throw the seemingly harmless spells of love and fame, for example. The provinces following Agiazor are coloured in orange
Population:The population is mostly located in the north-west and is of 1 millon people.
Army size: 38.083 peasants are prepared to fight and 3/4ths of them are already fighting in the east. There are also 1000 knights actively fighting in the island to the east.
(excuse me for the horrible zoom, but when I tried to remake the map on Paint it looked awful).
Era: High Medieval
The Kingdom of Seyvoles began in the 6th century. It was formed after nomadical peoples invaded the decaying Sayonan Empire, which once controlled the whole peninsula, the island to the east and small colonies in several areas of the continent. The kingdom when it was formed included Fuyae, Paybola, Suaciedor and areas to the west.
As the Sayonan authority broke up in the 7th-8th centuries, the islands became independent and it’s colonies were abandoned. The Seyvoleans exploited this to their advatge and invaded the empire. By the 9th century, they added Cotho, Ceze and Icana to their possessions.
The king Armand II in the year 884, declared that he converted to Araelism and turned it into the state religion of the kingdom. It also settled Aroonshire for a capital as the kingdom was controlled by a court that constantly traveled from place to place and it most often settled at just-conquered cities and later abandon them for other just-conquered cities.
In the year 987, the empire controlled Sauurus, the north of the Ochaxid kingdom, and Westren Sayona. When Gilamor fell in the year 1017, the empire collapsed, although the last son of the last king of the dynasty of Sayona was allowed to retain control of the duchy of Sayona. Seyvoles established full control of the fallen kingdom in 1027 and it included Sauurus, the western Ochaxid kingdom, Fuyae, Cotho, Sayona, Ceze, Icana, Talia, Suaciedor (except for the oversea colony) and Paybola.
In the year 1121, it was invaded by the Ochaxid peoples and the duke of Fuyae rebelled. The western areas that according to the map are unclaimed were already lost after nomadical invaders. Since someone else might apply for that area, I’m not mentioning any details on it. Maybe they settled, maybe they got murdered by aliens, I won’t tell. Due to the fact that the kingdom was facing an economic crisis due to the overminting caused by the discovery of gold and it’s subsequent inflation, it couldn’t afford paying the landlords necessary to fight these attackers and it lost both wars.
However, in the year 1157, a comet appeared. People thought it was a rock being thrown to Dumah by Iubun and the priests thought that if they captured the legendary Aerilion they could, at least, heal him in small quantities. They began preaching about the need of declaring holy war on the infidels occupying the lands. The king, Darryl II accepted to this demand and rallied an army of the best warriors in the land. Huge mobs of peasants also joined them and in a pace of 7 years, they took more than half of the island. However, before dealing a death blow to the Zeoque Sultanate, they got defeated in the battle of Ula'ree, but neither could impose over eachother and they signed a peace treaty.
Rumors of actually-working magic rose in the year 1175. At first, they were dismissed with the reason that the news were too fantastical. However, soon these news were confirmed when a monk ordered a copy of the original texts a later and studied them in full detail (it took a year to copy them all). He learnt these drawings and calculations in a year and went to the king and explained what a few of these calculations meant. When he finished teaching the king a few of these examples the monk went back to his monastery and searched for spirits according to the way the calculations said until an angel appeared to him and offered his services in exchange for the monk to worship him. He accepted and soon told other monks and eventually, the king. The monks went to a course but the king left. Finally, in the year 1179, the king was convinced that this angel was indeed true and converted.
But secretly, half the monks tried making contact with other entities and a demon appeared to them a few weeks later. The demon convinced them to follow him and not the angel and they told their lieges except the king about it. The lieges were mostly converted and formed a secret faction which was the Agiazor League.
In the year 1221, the Sioycor sultanate, which invaded the Zeoque sultanate, declared war on Seyvoles and invaded them. Due to the resources they had on the island to the south to the island to the east of Seyvoles, they mananged to defeat the armies of the king, which were mostly levies and overran much of the island. Up to this day they are advancing and they already are pretty close to Aerilion. Meanwhile, the Agiazor League was discovered too late. They are already pretty close to actually succeed in a hypothetical war.
If the R.P has 15 pages of IC, then I will open a wiki. There, you will be all able to brainstorm about your nation and maybe we'll move the history section to there.
Helpful stuff:
If you need help with ideas, you can check these sites:
Name Generators (has fantasy name generators, town name generators, cultural name generators and so on)
Chaotic Shiny (nation, religion, laws and other cultural generators here)
The IC will be up in a minute or so.
Also, I wrote a few new rules.
Name: Kingdom of Seyvoles (adj.: Seyvolean)
Flag: Brown horse on the center facing left with a black spearman pointing at the left with a light blue background
The culture is largely a mix of franco-celtic cultures. The language of the land is old French mixed with gaulish language. The commoners live in log cabins while the nobility lives in manors. The capital city is populated with noblemen, although on the outskirts bourgeois settle and they are attacked by the noblemen due to the fact that they don’t come from the nobility.
Literature is widespread among the nobility and large collections (for the time of course) are found in the nobles rooms. The painting industry is not very well known around the country since only the noblemen have possession of them, however, there are many sculptures throughout the country, on the temples to be more specific. Although on the areas where the Cerviel and traditional (see below) cults are worshipped much of the nobility practices austerity, on the areas where people worship Agiazor, the nobles are generally hedonists. A few peasants are hedonists too, so these peasants are quite rebellious and secretly decorate their houses with basic stuff that they later hide when they have visits.
There are 3 religions:
The traditional religion is a cult devoted to 7 deities that created the world. These are, Arael, the god that created everything and later met Kadmiel, the mother goddess, who had 4 children. Maroth, the god of the water, Barbiel, the goddess of life and of fertility, Dumah, the god of wealth and protector of humankind and at last, Shoftiel, the protector of the far away land. There is also a demon entity named Iubun that is trying to weaken Dumah by inducing humanity to do cruel things such as war, famine, or last but not least, misguiding them from the correct way. Currently it’s only the majority religion of Sayonia.
With the introduction of magic, the people and even the clergy said: “There are deities that can actually do magical powers. Why do we have to follow deities that abandoned us to our destiny? Why they can’t give magical powers to our magians?” With that logic, two new cults have been introduced and rapidly expanded all over the land.
The angel Cerviel teaches the mages to be compassionate to one’s neighbor, to not steal, among many other things. When it was first encountered, it was thought that he just gave a set of rules and, apart from accepting him as another son of Arael that it did not conflict with the traditional religion. However, he revealed himself to the king in a dream that called those who joined him with the other gods “blasphemous” and so began Cervielism. His mages have the power to heal people, to make the food grow faster and to calm the storms for a minute or so. It’s most followed in the eastern regions with the exception of Paybola.
Then there is the demon Agiazor, which is followed mostly in the centre-north of the kingdom. Agiazor provides the mages the ability to throw emotional spells (you may wonder why this is evil. The reason why is that the person may unwillingly fall in love with the “caster” of a love spell) and last but not least, two destructive spells which are fireballs and non-spreading diseases. The first spell is the reason why many joined with Agiazor instead of Cerviel. Agiazor gives them the ability to throw the seemingly harmless spells of love and fame, for example. The provinces following Agiazor are coloured in orange
Population:The population is mostly located in the north-west and is of 1 millon people.
Army size: 38.083 peasants are prepared to fight and 3/4ths of them are already fighting in the east. There are also 1000 knights actively fighting in the island to the east.
(excuse me for the horrible zoom, but when I tried to remake the map on Paint it looked awful).
Era: High Medieval
The Kingdom of Seyvoles began in the 6th century. It was formed after nomadical peoples invaded the decaying Sayonan Empire, which once controlled the whole peninsula, the island to the east and small colonies in several areas of the continent. The kingdom when it was formed included Fuyae, Paybola, Suaciedor and areas to the west.
As the Sayonan authority broke up in the 7th-8th centuries, the islands became independent and it’s colonies were abandoned. The Seyvoleans exploited this to their advatge and invaded the empire. By the 9th century, they added Cotho, Ceze and Icana to their possessions.
The king Armand II in the year 884, declared that he converted to Araelism and turned it into the state religion of the kingdom. It also settled Aroonshire for a capital as the kingdom was controlled by a court that constantly traveled from place to place and it most often settled at just-conquered cities and later abandon them for other just-conquered cities.
In the year 987, the empire controlled Sauurus, the north of the Ochaxid kingdom, and Westren Sayona. When Gilamor fell in the year 1017, the empire collapsed, although the last son of the last king of the dynasty of Sayona was allowed to retain control of the duchy of Sayona. Seyvoles established full control of the fallen kingdom in 1027 and it included Sauurus, the western Ochaxid kingdom, Fuyae, Cotho, Sayona, Ceze, Icana, Talia, Suaciedor (except for the oversea colony) and Paybola.
In the year 1121, it was invaded by the Ochaxid peoples and the duke of Fuyae rebelled. The western areas that according to the map are unclaimed were already lost after nomadical invaders. Since someone else might apply for that area, I’m not mentioning any details on it. Maybe they settled, maybe they got murdered by aliens, I won’t tell. Due to the fact that the kingdom was facing an economic crisis due to the overminting caused by the discovery of gold and it’s subsequent inflation, it couldn’t afford paying the landlords necessary to fight these attackers and it lost both wars.
However, in the year 1157, a comet appeared. People thought it was a rock being thrown to Dumah by Iubun and the priests thought that if they captured the legendary Aerilion they could, at least, heal him in small quantities. They began preaching about the need of declaring holy war on the infidels occupying the lands. The king, Darryl II accepted to this demand and rallied an army of the best warriors in the land. Huge mobs of peasants also joined them and in a pace of 7 years, they took more than half of the island. However, before dealing a death blow to the Zeoque Sultanate, they got defeated in the battle of Ula'ree, but neither could impose over eachother and they signed a peace treaty.
Rumors of actually-working magic rose in the year 1175. At first, they were dismissed with the reason that the news were too fantastical. However, soon these news were confirmed when a monk ordered a copy of the original texts a later and studied them in full detail (it took a year to copy them all). He learnt these drawings and calculations in a year and went to the king and explained what a few of these calculations meant. When he finished teaching the king a few of these examples the monk went back to his monastery and searched for spirits according to the way the calculations said until an angel appeared to him and offered his services in exchange for the monk to worship him. He accepted and soon told other monks and eventually, the king. The monks went to a course but the king left. Finally, in the year 1179, the king was convinced that this angel was indeed true and converted.
But secretly, half the monks tried making contact with other entities and a demon appeared to them a few weeks later. The demon convinced them to follow him and not the angel and they told their lieges except the king about it. The lieges were mostly converted and formed a secret faction which was the Agiazor League.
In the year 1221, the Sioycor sultanate, which invaded the Zeoque sultanate, declared war on Seyvoles and invaded them. Due to the resources they had on the island to the south to the island to the east of Seyvoles, they mananged to defeat the armies of the king, which were mostly levies and overran much of the island. Up to this day they are advancing and they already are pretty close to Aerilion. Meanwhile, the Agiazor League was discovered too late. They are already pretty close to actually succeed in a hypothetical war.
Also fixed a possible exploit that might happen when using two nations (you know, one giving the other almost everything it has for free and other stuff).
If everything goes well, I might start this R.P tommorrow or today late night.
Also, I used another tool. The previous one created (mostly) unnapealing landmasses which were either a mega-pangea, continents that were stuck on the poles or continents that were too small. Although this one is much better, I had to sacrifice the regions part.
Anyway, here are the maps.
Brown are the alpine zones, darker green are the tundra areas, dark green are the forests, slightly clearer than dark green are the grasslands, puke green are the steppes and yellow is the desert.
I think you get the drill here.
What do you guys think about it? If you like it, you may start reserving areas.
Used this tool by the way
EDIT: Also, should we have an old/new world thing going around? I know it's going to be unrealistic to have two middle age european cultures at one of the continents and on the bottom islands, but here I'm asking in the technological regard.
It is the year 1145. For long, the lands have never used magic in their entire lifetime. Magic has been a thing reserved for the old fairy tales. Empires, kingdoms and other nations have risen and fallen ever since the developement of non-magical civilization.
But this is all going to change. A monk has come back to the civilization and with him, he brings complex manuscripts. Only monks and mathematical geniuses can understand his endless stream of mathematical equations and geometrical calculations, but within them lies a motherlode of knowledge. Could it be possible, that what people thought just things reserved for the world of the tales be actually real? According to those who could understand these seemingly pointless drawings, this is true indeed. A few men tried to perform according to these instructions and indeed, what came out if were powers no one ever saw before. Stuff like healing even the most dangerous wounds or summoning balls of fire.
The king of Unon tried to keep these secrets only to the greatest illusionists and the monk continued to help the king. However, after the monk got banished from the king's lands for being blamed to have struck a disease to a powerful landlord, soon everyone knew about this magic. One hundred years later, every kingdom had a handful of mages. They perform deeds once thought heretical or impossible to do. The poorest mages go in shows where they amaze the peasants by doing stuff much better than the best illusionists using the benevolence of the angels. Mages are also used in the military wars with the patronage of the worst entities of the underworld.
However, like everything else, magic is not accepted in certain areas on the world. There are still kingdoms that say that magic is nothing but something from boring sketches. There are still clergists from other kingdoms that condemn magic for being against the gods will. There are also places where people used magic too much. A popular myth says that eating the mysterious rocks used as fuel for magic will make it unnecessary to use the glove of power, which is neccessary for any magic to be used. While this is true to a certain extent, this only makes putting the stones inside the glove unneccesary and also gives the stone more uses. On the other side, it destroys the person's physical power and turns it into a weakling, no bigger than a child and that has as much weight as them. Up to this day, no cure has been discovered. It also created a rift, that for now is not that big but soon it will be enormus, between the nations that chose to adopt magic and those who still refuse to do so.
The concept of this RP is simple. If you haven't read the backstory for whatever reason, magic has been introduced to this world not long ago and now much of the known world is using some sort of magic. You run a nation (or a collection of small states a la ancient Greece or medieval Italy) and you must survive the test of time.
If you didn't read the backstory, this magic is not simply used by taking a wand and saying random words to blow some place up. The instrument for using magic are gloves and what we call mana is a mineral with the very creative name of mana. The mana is put in between the gloves and the palm of the hand.. Then, the one who wants to use magic has to remember a large number of equations in order to do something as simple as, say, throwing a fireball. But obviously, the magic ranges from mundane acts such as illusionism, to the magic spells that need generations of research and completition that can bring mayhem to those unfortunate enough to stand on their way.
There are two types of magic. The first one, which by now should be reduced to a few spells, is the magic using knowledge of things. This is the magic that is used by knowing about a certain subject that you are trying to summon a spell with. For example, say I want to strike a disease to someone. This is far from the knowledge our medieval friends have, but anyway. I would need to know which microorganism would do the job of infecting some guy. I would then need to know how to summon said microorganism into the real world. Finally, I would need to find a person's weak spot (such as a wound) and summon it there. Apart from small amounts of air compressing into the person's whatever weak spot is, he won't notice it. Now the person, barely suspecting it, got his wound infected.
The only thing I'm going to let you guys get away with in this type of magic without even knowing is how to lift things in the air or how to summon things. This is to avoid killing the prupose of the RP
The second one, which you should be using throughout most of the RP is having spirits intervining in your spells. Here is where we touch with the religious, as the spirits, in exchange for throwing a spell, need certain amount of piety. For the more powerful spirits, the mages have to pray to the spirits as well as following certain commandements and the most powerful spirits (which by now are demigods) need to be worshipped. Unlike what this might seem, the mana is still neccessary, and more than the first type of magic. There are two types of spirits, the angels, the spirits of benevolance that provide help those looking for it and wish no harm upon the living beings, and the demons, who love seeing things being destroyed and will join anyone willing to worship them. Choose wisely the type of spirit you want to use because the two spirits won't probabily be friendly to eachother. In fact, merely including angels and demons in your pantheon and both give magic might bring severe consequences to your nation.
The second type of magic is one of the many reasons why many nations still fear the use of magic. They don't want to bow down to a spirit and having to abandon their old faith.
However, none of these types of magic is for the average person. No matter if magic is deep-rooted within a society, only the ones with high education have access to it.
Also, like it was said on the backstory, eating the mana stones replaces having to wear them in the gloves, but as a result the body gets horribily weakened and turns into a goblin, a weakling human with no more weight and height than a child.
Other stuff you need to know
The RP starts at the year 1245 A.D. That means that, soon enough, the high middle ages are going to finish
The time pace of the R.P isn't static. With that I mean, that the players don't have to skip 2 months per post. That means that the pace of the R.P can be freely manipulated, as long as it isn't too much.
Time skips will be done when a significant portion of the players want to have a time skip. A poll will be set up and if the majority agree on it, the time skip is done. That being said, please don't ask for a timeskip from the industrial revolution to the far future. Maybe from the industrial revolution to WWI times.
To summon the more complex stuff, the first type of magic requires knowledge, which in turn requires technology. Also, at the long term, magic might start getting more and more useless. That, unless you decide to explore further and forget that a thing such as industrialism exist.
Obviously an R.P can't be fair without rules. Here are the rules.
Brown are the alpine zones, darker green are the tundra areas, dark green are the forests, slightly clearer than dark green are the grasslands, puke green are the steppes and yellow is the desert.
I think you get the drill here.
Also, the old "civilized" world is located on the big island to the right as well as it's surrounding islands. However, there are "civilization" outposts distributed around the sea to the right (the one dotted with islands).
There are two forms below. The only thing is that none of the fields must be too short and remember that, the fewer the fields, the more you have to describe.
Name: Read the left.
Description: This is basicaly the description of your culture. 4 paragraphs long.
Location: Your location in the map. You may not start with a chunk of territorry bigger than France (except if you're settling on a desert area)
History: How did your nation start and how it evolved through time? If your nation just started, describe what was the history that your nation now occupies. 2 paragraphs long.
Code version (use this one):
Long version:
Name: Self explanitory.
Flag: You can either put the image here or describe it. Of course, you have to do this if you have any flag at all.
Culture: Describe your culture here and how it looks like. 2 paragraphs long.
Religion: Wether they worship a pantheon of gods or just some spirits that give them magical powers goes here. 1 paragraph long.
Population: This is a very simple form where you have to put what your people
Army size: This is probabily the most basic of all. This is simply a percentage of size.
Location: Your location in the map. You may not start with a chunk of territorry bigger than France (except if you're settling on a desert area)
Geography:This field is optional.
Era: The age your nation is in. You need, however, to be in the average era of the players or below.
History: Like I stated above, this is how your nation (or if your nation just started recently, the region) your nation occupies. 2 paragraphs
Code version (copy and paste this one)
Intrest stuff:
This is basic and intended to help new players that join at a later stage. Every decade, this field will be updated with the description of the important events. Other stuff it says is when the nations got formed (that is, when someone applied)
For now, this area is empty.
I know that the RP will possibily be long dead before we even get close to the illustration age, but I just felt like making a list of eras.
Bronze Age:
Iron age:
Dark Ages:
High Medieval:
Late Medieval:
Illustration Age:
Industrial Age:
World War Period:
Cold War:
Information Age:
Space Era:
Player list:
Bold and green is me or any other G.M
Green are the moderators
Underlined are trusted members
Normal black are normal players
Italics are inactive players
Red are players that recently broke a number of rules
Dark red players are banned
Stickthrough'd are dead nationsKingdom of Seyvoles (Kinkaz)
Flag: Brown horse on the center facing left with a black spearman pointing at the left with a light blue background
The culture is largely a mix of franco-celtic cultures. The language of the land is old French mixed with gaulish language. The commoners live in log cabins while the nobility lives in manors. The capital city is populated with noblemen, although on the outskirts bourgeois settle and they are attacked by the noblemen due to the fact that they don’t come from the nobility.
Literature is widespread among the nobility and large collections (for the time of course) are found in the nobles rooms. The painting industry is not very well known around the country since only the noblemen have possession of them, however, there are many sculptures throughout the country, on the temples to be more specific. Although on the areas where the Cerviel and traditional (see below) cults are worshipped much of the nobility practices austerity, on the areas where people worship Agiazor, the nobles are generally hedonists. A few peasants are hedonists too, so these peasants are quite rebellious and secretly decorate their houses with basic stuff that they later hide when they have visits.
There are 3 religions:
The traditional religion is a cult devoted to 7 deities that created the world. These are, Arael, the god that created everything and later met Kadmiel, the mother goddess, who had 4 children. Maroth, the god of the water, Barbiel, the goddess of life and of fertility, Dumah, the god of wealth and protector of humankind and at last, Shoftiel, the protector of the far away land. There is also a demon entity named Iubun that is trying to weaken Dumah by inducing humanity to do cruel things such as war, famine, or last but not least, misguiding them from the correct way. Currently it’s only the majority religion of Sayonia.
With the introduction of magic, the people and even the clergy said: “There are deities that can actually do magical powers. Why do we have to follow deities that abandoned us to our destiny? Why they can’t give magical powers to our magians?” With that logic, two new cults have been introduced and rapidly expanded all over the land.
The angel Cerviel teaches the mages to be compassionate to one’s neighbor, to not steal, among many other things. When it was first encountered, it was thought that he just gave a set of rules and, apart from accepting him as another son of Arael that it did not conflict with the traditional religion. However, he revealed himself to the king in a dream that called those who joined him with the other gods “blasphemous” and so began Cervielism. His mages have the power to heal people, to make the food grow faster and to calm the storms for a minute or so. It’s most followed in the eastern regions with the exception of Paybola.
Then there is the demon Agiazor, which is followed mostly in the centre-north of the kingdom. Agiazor provides the mages the ability to throw emotional spells (you may wonder why this is evil. The reason why is that the person may unwillingly fall in love with the “caster” of a love spell) and last but not least, two destructive spells which are fireballs and non-spreading diseases. The first spell is the reason why many joined with Agiazor instead of Cerviel. Agiazor gives them the ability to throw the seemingly harmless spells of love and fame, for example. The provinces following Agiazor are coloured in orange
Population:The population is mostly located in the north-west and is of 1 millon people.
Army size: 38.083 peasants are prepared to fight and 3/4ths of them are already fighting in the east. There are also 1000 knights actively fighting in the island to the east.
(excuse me for the horrible zoom, but when I tried to remake the map on Paint it looked awful).
Era: High Medieval
The Kingdom of Seyvoles began in the 6th century. It was formed after nomadical peoples invaded the decaying Sayonan Empire, which once controlled the whole peninsula, the island to the east and small colonies in several areas of the continent. The kingdom when it was formed included Fuyae, Paybola, Suaciedor and areas to the west.
As the Sayonan authority broke up in the 7th-8th centuries, the islands became independent and it’s colonies were abandoned. The Seyvoleans exploited this to their advatge and invaded the empire. By the 9th century, they added Cotho, Ceze and Icana to their possessions.
The king Armand II in the year 884, declared that he converted to Araelism and turned it into the state religion of the kingdom. It also settled Aroonshire for a capital as the kingdom was controlled by a court that constantly traveled from place to place and it most often settled at just-conquered cities and later abandon them for other just-conquered cities.
In the year 987, the empire controlled Sauurus, the north of the Ochaxid kingdom, and Westren Sayona. When Gilamor fell in the year 1017, the empire collapsed, although the last son of the last king of the dynasty of Sayona was allowed to retain control of the duchy of Sayona. Seyvoles established full control of the fallen kingdom in 1027 and it included Sauurus, the western Ochaxid kingdom, Fuyae, Cotho, Sayona, Ceze, Icana, Talia, Suaciedor (except for the oversea colony) and Paybola.
In the year 1121, it was invaded by the Ochaxid peoples and the duke of Fuyae rebelled. The western areas that according to the map are unclaimed were already lost after nomadical invaders. Since someone else might apply for that area, I’m not mentioning any details on it. Maybe they settled, maybe they got murdered by aliens, I won’t tell. Due to the fact that the kingdom was facing an economic crisis due to the overminting caused by the discovery of gold and it’s subsequent inflation, it couldn’t afford paying the landlords necessary to fight these attackers and it lost both wars.
However, in the year 1157, a comet appeared. People thought it was a rock being thrown to Dumah by Iubun and the priests thought that if they captured the legendary Aerilion they could, at least, heal him in small quantities. They began preaching about the need of declaring holy war on the infidels occupying the lands. The king, Darryl II accepted to this demand and rallied an army of the best warriors in the land. Huge mobs of peasants also joined them and in a pace of 7 years, they took more than half of the island. However, before dealing a death blow to the Zeoque Sultanate, they got defeated in the battle of Ula'ree, but neither could impose over eachother and they signed a peace treaty.
Rumors of actually-working magic rose in the year 1175. At first, they were dismissed with the reason that the news were too fantastical. However, soon these news were confirmed when a monk ordered a copy of the original texts a later and studied them in full detail (it took a year to copy them all). He learnt these drawings and calculations in a year and went to the king and explained what a few of these calculations meant. When he finished teaching the king a few of these examples the monk went back to his monastery and searched for spirits according to the way the calculations said until an angel appeared to him and offered his services in exchange for the monk to worship him. He accepted and soon told other monks and eventually, the king. The monks went to a course but the king left. Finally, in the year 1179, the king was convinced that this angel was indeed true and converted.
But secretly, half the monks tried making contact with other entities and a demon appeared to them a few weeks later. The demon convinced them to follow him and not the angel and they told their lieges except the king about it. The lieges were mostly converted and formed a secret faction which was the Agiazor League.
In the year 1221, the Sioycor sultanate, which invaded the Zeoque sultanate, declared war on Seyvoles and invaded them. Due to the resources they had on the island to the south to the island to the east of Seyvoles, they mananged to defeat the armies of the king, which were mostly levies and overran much of the island. Up to this day they are advancing and they already are pretty close to Aerilion. Meanwhile, the Agiazor League was discovered too late. They are already pretty close to actually succeed in a hypothetical war.
If the R.P has 15 pages of IC, then I will open a wiki. There, you will be all able to brainstorm about your nation and maybe we'll move the history section to there.
Helpful stuff:
If you need help with ideas, you can check these sites:
Name Generators (has fantasy name generators, town name generators, cultural name generators and so on)
Chaotic Shiny (nation, religion, laws and other cultural generators here)
Day 1-2
Narcariel discovers around a random planet after millons of years of finding nothing useful on the universe except for solitary stars, asteroids, or planets that were too big or too small, but this one had a special trait. It was neither big nor small , something that was perfect for him. He decided to fly around the planet in order to find, at last, a place to rest. After flying around it for 2 days, he finds nothing of use. The planet was nothing but a barren waste of lava and it has prevailed like this for millons of years since it's formation and there was nowhere to settle from his eternal travel.
Day 3
However, he wasn't going to give up. He finally found his perfect choice for a throne and decided that no matter what, he will turn the planet into his own palace in the cosmos. He got close enough to the surface and screamt with a tired voice: "Oh cold areas of the heavens! Come down to me! Your assistance is necessary! The area around me, oh please, help me use it for resting!" Ice meteorites suddenly appeared and the area was striken by an enormus cold as the meteorites came close to the surface. At first, they evaporated without sight. Then, they began to evaporate closer, closer and closer, and finally the first meteorites hit the surface. The surface came from being white, to yellow, to orange to red. As the colour changed, the lava became less flexible, less uniform until it finally became hard to alterate and became stone. From then, it changed to a dark red and finally, to grey. He then commanded the heavens to strike at the more peripheric areas, where it was more likely that the lava will take back it's ground and destroy all the work he did.
Day 4
By now, about a tenth of the planet was turned into rock. However, he began to notice that the cold had it's limits. During this time, he was forced to constantly call more ice meteors to the surface because the sun was scorching the planet. He began to order the planet to move away from the sun and the planet emerged from it's ancestral position and was divided further from it's star. Finally, it was positioned in a decent place. 412 days of spinning around the sun, Narcariel calculated, was perfect, compared to the old 231 days. The planet, as a result, cooled down faster.
Day 5
The movement of the planet helped him a lot. Now, almost a half of the planet of the planet was solid. The solid areas, however, did not look much better than what was before. By taking out the white, he drained much of the colour. He travelled to the nearby areas, with the wing of destruction aiming at the surface. This made the planet look a little bit more variated and therefore, much less uglier than before. During his travel, he also noticed that a lot of the old parts of the great storm were still around the planet and refused to leave. He began experimenting with the air until he mixed nitrogen, oxygen, what remained from the great storm as well as other materials. The sky turned blueish, although he began noticing something else. Several parts of what remained of the great storm reunited in whiteish areas on the sky. He discovered that they dropped a substance that, if in enough quantities, it will go blueish and as result, it will go more pintoresque. He began calling more of this material and dissolving it in the air.
Day 7
By then, nine tenths of the planet were solid. He forced the whiteish areas of the planet into the surface and then, after so much work, Narcariel finally went to rest for a couple of days after millons of years of working hard to find somewhere suitable for him.
God Appearance: Narcariel is neither male nor female. Narcariel has feather-like hair and a pair of wings. The one to the left is known as the wing of life, the one to the right is known as the wing of destruction. He is also a cuadruped, which means he has to rely on speech to give orders. His head is the one of a cat. The colour of his hair is of vainilla.
Planet Name: Aclillon
Credit for the names
By the first night it wasn't my first time playing Minecraft. I created several worlds and deleted them because I wandered aimlessly, not knowing what to do until I looked on YouTube how to play the game. After that, I made my very first house on the night. Not the greatest thing, just a small shelter on a cliff (or on it's roots but I might be mixing information from the video I saw)
I remember back then I was scared of mobs a lot. I wet my pants when I heard a zombie, a skeleton or a spider. When I met with my first mob while playing with my brother guiding me (I saw a creeper) on the middle of my mine I was like "Someone please kill me now".
Oh man the good ol' times. I haven't played Minecraft in a long time and now I don't have much time to nostalgia around. Tommorow I'll play some Alpha.
Space Program Name: Mars Colonization Company
Organisational Structure: Private company
Directives: Land on Mars and help possible human colonization
HQ Location: Somewhere in the Antartica
Motto: To Mars we go!
Just pointing that out.
Run before it gets the godmodder.
This guy is god himself. He and his attack is buffed with: