I was thinking about some ideas for your mod.
1. Add Animations! - I was thinking about maybe at a certain speed that the player reaches [config set speeds]
for Rainbow Dash a Sonic Rain Boom animation! maybe using millions of rainbow colored potion partial things or something like that.
2. Add Ability's! - I was thinking for some characters [the main characters] would have special ability's according to there cutie marks for example Flutter Shy would attract animals or wouldnt be targeted by Hostile Mobs or what ever you want.
3. Add Sounds? - I don't know if this would be allowed or some what but maybe add some voice from friendship is magic.Or maybe SOME MUSIC? i don't know about Copyright and law but you look into that
4. Add More items! - I don't know what items you would have but maybe some how the Elements of Harmony, Pinkies Party Cannon? Dresses [galloping galla] i don't know
I would LOVE IT if my ideas got though you guys! It would probably take a lot of effort but it would make this mod a lot cooler!
Thanks! SonicSparks91
P.S. Mention me